Semiconductor quantum dots are quasi zero dimensional solids, which have a discrete energy spectrum like atoms. This makes quantum dots attractive for applications in quantum information theory. The electronic properties can be controlled by exciting the quantum dot with light and different states can be selectively prepared. When a quantum dot is placed inside a cavity, its interaction with the light field can be reduced to a single mode and quantum effects of the light become important. Because quantum dots are embedded in a solid state matrix, the electrons are subject to the interaction with phonons, which results in new, fascinating effects. Using the example of semiconductor quantum dots we will discuss in this lecture the dynamics of an optically excited few-level system under the influence of electron-phonon interaction, as well as the bosonic many-body aspects focussing on the phonon system.
Planned topics of the lecture are:
- Optical control of few-level systems: Bloch equations, dressed states, state dynamics, Rabi oscillations, adiabatic rapid passage
- Quantum optics using quantum dots: micro-cavities, quantum dynamics, photon statistics,
- Electron-phonon interaction: decoherence, phonon spectral density, phonon-assisted processes
- Squeezed phonons: Wigner functions, cat states