Thematic area G
Classical mechanics
Thematic area G
Classical mechanics
Abraham | Foundations of Mechanics | Ga/Abr/1713 |
Ames | Theoretical Mechanics | Ga/Ame/241 |
Appell | Traité de Mécanique rationelle, Tome II | Ga/App/1011 |
Appell | Traité de Mécanique rationelle, Tome III | Ga/App/1012 |
Arnold | Problemes Ergodiques de la Mécanique | Ga/Arn/1748 |
Arthur | Mechanics | Ga/Art/2418 |
Assmann | Technische Mechanik (Lehr- u. Übungsbuch) Bd. 3 | Ga/Ass/4293 |
Becker | Introduction to Theoretical Mechanics | Ga/Bec/649 |
Bradbury | Theoretical Mechanics | Ga/Bra/3090 |
Brandt | Physik - Eine Einführung in Experiment und Theorie | Ga/Bra/3860 |
Brizard | An Introduction to Lagrangian Mechanics | Ga/Bri/3081 |
Brizard | An Introduction to Lagrangian Mechanics | Ga/Bri/3171 |
Budó | Theoretische Physik | Ga/Bud/4143 |
Budó | Theoretische Mechanik | Ga/Bud/4364 |
Budó | Theoretische Mechanik | Ga/Bud/727 |
Burghes | Classical Mechanics | Ga/Bur/3706 |
Chaves | Notes on Continuum Mechanics | Ga/Cha/3170 |
Constant | Theoretical Physics | Ga/Con/887 |
Corben | Classical Mechanics | Ga/Cor/1535 |
Corben | Classical Mechanic | Ga/Cor/1651 |
Desloge | Classical Mechanics I | Ga/Des/4909 |
Desloge | Classical Mechanics II | Ga/Des/4910 |
Dransfeld | Physik I (Newt. u. rel. Mech.) | Ga/Dra/4182 |
Elton | Concepts of Classical Mechanics | Ga/Elt/2896 |
Fetter | Theoretical Mechanics of Particles and Continua | Ga/Fet/4638 |
Fließbach | Mechanik - Lehrbuch zur Theoretischen Physik I | Ga/Fli/3859 |
Fließbach | Mechanik | Ga/Fli/4193 |
Fließbach | Mechanik - Lehrbuch zur Theoretischen Physik I | Ga/Fli/4908 |
Gignoux | Solved Problems in Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics | Ga/Gig/2720 |
Goldstein | Klassische Mechanik | Ga/Gol/1650 |
Goldstein | Klassische Mechanik | Ga/Gol/2223 |
Goldstein | Klassische Mechanik | Ga/Gol/454 |
Goldstein | Klassische Mechanik | Ga/Gol/4185 |
Goldstein | Klassische Mechanik | Ga/Gol/4347 |
Grawert | Quantenmechanik - Studienbuch für Studierende der Physik Mathematik und Physikalischen Chemie (ab 5. Semester) | Ga/Gra/3856 |
Grawert | Quantenmechanik | Ga/Gra/4348 |
Haar | Elements of Hamiltonian Mechanics | Ga/Haa/10 |
Hamel | Theoretische Mechanik | Ga/Ham/1682 |
Hill | Principles of Dynamics | Ga/Hil/1534 |
Holzmann | Technische Mechanik, Bd. 1 | Ga/Hol/4339 |
Holzmann | Technische Mechanik, Bd. 2 | Ga/Hol/4340 |
Holzmann | Technische Mechanik, Bd. 3 | Ga/Hol/4341 |
Jelitto | Theoretische Physik 1: Mechanik I | Ga/Jel/3841 |
Jelitto | Theoretische Physik 2: Mechanik II | Ga/Jel/3842 |
Jelitto | Theoretische Physik 4: Quantenmechanik I | Ga/Jel/3844 |
Jelitto | Theoretische Physik 5: Quantenmechanik II | Ga/Jel/3845 |
Johns | Analytical Mechanics for Relativity and Quantum Mechanics | Ga/Joh/1878 |
Kibble | Classical Mechanics | Ga/Kib/1196 |
Kilmister | Lagrangian Dynamics | Ga/Kil/1721 |
Klotter | Technische Schwingungslehre, Teil A | Ga/Klo/4305 |
Klotter | Technische Schwingungslehre, Teil B | Ga/Klo/4719 |
Kosmodem'yanskii | A course in Theor. Mechanics | Ga/Kos/1542 |
Kuypers | Klassische Mechanik | Ga/Kuy/3103 |
Lanczos | The Variational Principles of Mechanics | Ga/Lan/1491 |
Landau | Mechanik | Ga/Lan/2281 |
Landau | Mechanik - Studienbuch für Mathematiker, Physiker im 2. und 3. Semester | Ga/Lan/4194 |
Leech | Eléments de Mécanique Analytique | Ga/Lee/2547 |
Leech | Classical Mechanics | Ga/Lee/511 |
Lichtenberg | Phase Space Dynamics of Particles | Ga/Lic/2539 |
Lugner | Technische Mechanik | Ga/Lug/3966 |
Malthe-Sorenssen | Elementary Mechanics Using Python | Ga/Mal/4942 |
Marion | Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems | Ga/Mar/2374 |
Mittelstaedt | Klassische Mechanik | Ga/Mit/2502 |
Mittelstaedt | Klassische Mechanik | Ga/Mit/3835 |
Mitter | Mechanik | Ga/Mit/3945 |
Moore | Theoretical Mechanics | Ga/Moo/5083 |
Moreau | Mécanique Classique, Tome I | Ga/Mor/2583 |
Moreau | Mécanique Classique, Tome II | Ga/Mor/2584 |
Morgenstern | Vorlesungen über theoretische Mechanik | Ga/Mor/290 |
Name | Analytical Mechanics | Ga/Nam/933 |
Nikolai | Theoretische Mechanik Teil I | Ga/Nik/725 |
Nikolai | Theoretische Mechanik Teil II | Ga/Nik/726 |
Päsler | Prinzip der Mechanik | Ga/Päs/2001 |
Saletan | Theoretical Mechanics | Ga/Sal/2841 |
Scheck | Mechanik | Ga/Sch/5301 |
Scheck | Mechanik manual | Ga/Sch/5302 |
Sédov | Méchanique des Milieux Continus, Vol. I | Ga/Sed/3809 |
Sédov | Méchanique des Milieux Continus, Vol. II | Ga/Sed/3810 |
Smith | Mechanics | Ga/Smi/4242 |
Spatscheck | Astrophysik - Eine Einführung in die Theorie und Grundlagen | Ga/Spa/4095 |
Spiegel | Theoretical Mechanics | Ga/Spi/1885 |
Strauch | Classical Mechanics | Ga/Str/2338 |
Synge | Principles of Mechanics | Ga/Syn/254 |
Targ | Theoretical Mechanics | Ga/Tar/3193 |
Thiry | Les Fondements de la Mécanique Céleste | Ga/Thi/2565 |
Volz | Einführung in die Theoretische Mechanik I | Ga/Vol/2594 |
Volz | Einführung in die Theoretische Mechanik II | Ga/Vol/2952 |
Wells | Lagrangson Dynamics | Ga/Wel/2000 |
Ziegler | Vorlesungen über Mechanik | Ga/Zie/2468 |
Andronov | Theory of Oscillators | Gb/And/1301 |
Barker | Mechanical and El. Vibrations | Gb/Bar/501 |
Bogolinbov | Asymptotic Methods in the Theory of Non-Linear Oscillations | Gb/Bog/893 |
Booker | A Vector Approach to Oscillations | Gb/Boo/744 |
Chen | Vibrations: Theoretical Methods | Gb/Che/1426 |
Forbat | Analytische Mechanik der Schwingungen | Gb/For/1039 |
French | Vibrations and Waves | Gb/Fre/3376 |
Green | Theoretical Elasticity | Gb/Gre/2279 |
Johnson | Contact Mechanics | Gb/Joh/2487 |
Kolsky | Stress Waves in Solids | Gb/Kol/210 |
Landau | Lehrbuch der Theoretischen Physik VII - Elastizitätslehre | Gb/Lan/4198 |
Love | The Math. Theory of Elasticity | Gb/Lov/214 |
Magnus | Schwingungen | Gb/Mag/912 |
Müller | Theorie der elastischen Verformung | Gb/Mül/906 |
Novozhilov | Theory of Elasticity | Gb/Nov/610 |
Pliss | Theory of Oscillations | Gb/Pli/1294 |
Seto | Mechanical Vibrations | Gb/Set/1887 |
Bhatia | Ultrasonic Absorption | Gc/Bha/2708 |
Craster | Acoustic Metamaterials: Negative Refraction, Imaging, Lensing and Cloaking | Gc/Cra/3106 |
Hildebrand | An Introduction to Acoustical Holography | Gc/Hil/2992 |
Krasinikov | Sound and Ultra Sound Waves | Gc/Kra/1543 |
Lamb | Dynamical Theory of Sound | Gc/Lam/335 |
Mason | Physical Acoustics | Gc/Mas/1432 |
Mason | Physical Acoustics Vol. IIB | Gc/Mas/154 |
Mason | Physical Acoustics, Vol. 4A | Gc/Mas/1541 |
Mason | Physical Acoustics, Vol. 4 | Gc/Mas/1841 |
Mason | Physical Acoustics | Gc/Mas/2236 |
Mason | Physical Acoustics, Vol. 6 | Gc/Mas/2373 |
Mason | Physical Acoustics, Vol. VII | Gc/Mas/2529 |
Mason | Phys. Acoustics and the Properties of Solids | Gc/Mas/285 |
Mason | Physical Acoustics, Vol. III | Gc/Mas/2902 |
Mason | Physical Acomtics, Vol. I A | Gc/Mas/52 |
Mason | Physical Acomtics, Vol. I B | Gc/Mas/53 |
Mason | Physical Acomtics, Vol. II A | Gc/Mas/54 |
Mason | Physical Acoustics | Gc/Mas/671 |
Morse | Vibration and Sound | Gc/Mor/520 |
Morse | Theoretical Acoustics | Gc/Mor/3374 |
Stephens | Acoustics and Vibrational Physics | Gc/Ste/749 |
Lüst | Hydrodynamik | Gd/Lue/4393 |
Müller | Rec. Developments in Theor. u. Exp. Fluid Mech. | Gd/Mü/4885 |
Springer | Topics in Applied Physics, Vol. 45 | Gd/Swi/4788 |
Swinney | Hydrodynamics Instabilities and the Transition to Turbulence | Gd/Swi/4884 |
Abarbanel | Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics for Physicists | Ge/Aba/3028 |
Abraham | Dynamics I | Ge/Abr/5132 |
Abraham | Dynamics II | Ge/Abr/5133 |
Bestehorn | Strukturbildung durch Selbstorganisation in Flüssigkeiten und in chemischen Systemen | Ge/Bes/857 |
Bräuer | Chaos, Attraktoren und Fraktale | Ge/Brä/1162 |
Busse | Evolution of Spontaneous Structures in Dissipative Continuous Systems | Ge/Bus/840 |
Cdleti | Iterated Maps on the Interval as Dynamical Systems | Ge/Col/4933 |
Drazin | Solitons | Ge/Dra/5040 |
Ebeling | Komplexe Strukturen: Entropie und Information | Ge/Ebe/862 |
Hilborn | Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics | Ge/Hil/1477 |
José | Classical Dynamics - A Contemporary Approach | Ge/Jos/4056 |
Karpmann | Nichtlineare Wellen in dispersiven Medien | Ge/Kar/4300 |
Kubicek | Computational Methods in Bifurcation Theory and Dissipative Structures | Ge/Kub/5044 |
Kuramoto | Chemical Oscillations, Waves, and Turbulence | Ge/Kur/5116 |
Leven | Chaos in Dissipativen Systemen | Ge/Lev/1275 |
Ludyk | Theorie dynamischer Systeme | Ge/Lud/4298 |
Mainzer | Symmetry and Complexity (The Spirit and Beauty of Nonlinear Science) | Ge/Mai/2995 |
Manneville | Instabilities, Chaos and Turbulence | Ge/Man/1975 |
Mori | Dissipative Structures and Chaos | Ge/Mor/864 |
Nicolis | Dyn. of Hierarchical Systems | Ge/Nic/5170 |
Peinke | Encounter with Chaos | Ge/Pei/1283 |
Poston | Catastrophe Theory and its Applications | Ge/Pos/4355 |
Sagdeev | Nonlinear Physics Form Pendulum to Turbulence and Chaos | Ge/Sag/5242 |
Schuster | Deterministic Chaos | Ge/Sch/5112 |
Stöckmann | Quantum Chaos | Ge/Stö/1101 |
Strogatz | Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos | Ge/Str/1137 |
Velo | Regular and Chaotic Notions in Dynamic Systems | Ge/Vel/5130 |
Vorontsov | Self-Organization in Optical Systems and Applications in Information Technology | Ge/Vor/863 |
Adolph | Bahnbestimmung der Mnemosyne und Ableitung der Jupitermasse | Gf/Ado/3348 |
Andoyer | Cours de Mécanique Céleste | Gf/And/3358 |
Berroth | Kosmische Geodäsie | Gf/Ber/4693 |
Breuer | Gravitational Perturbation Theory and Synchroton Radiation | Gf/Bre/3361 |
Bucerius | Himmelsmechanik I | Gf/Buc/4849 |
Bucerius | Himmelsmechanik II | Gf/Buc/4850 |
Bucherer | Die Planetenbewegung auf Grund der Quantentheorie und eine Kritik der Einsteinschen Gravitations… | Gf/Buc/5065 |
Charlier | Die Mechanik des Himmels 1 | Gf/Cha/3341 |
Charlier | Die Mechanik des Himmels 2 | Gf/Cha/3359 |
Chilmi | Qualitative Methoden beim n-Körperproblem der Himmelsmechanik | Gf/Chi/3356 |
Closs | Kepler und Newton und das Problem der Gravitation in der Kantischen, Schellingschen und … | Gf/Clo/3343 |
CNRS | Colloque - Les nouvelles méthodes de la dynamique stellaire | Gf/Cnr/3326 |
Contopoulos | Dynamical Structure and Evolution of Stellar Systems | Gf/Con/3328 |
Copernicus | Über die Umdrehungen der Himmelskörper | Gf/Cop/3363 |
Frischauf | Grundriss der theoretischen Astronomie und der Geschichte der Planetentheorie |
Gf/Fri/3364 |
Hagihara | Celestial Mechanics II/II | Gf/Hag/3345 |
Hagihara | Celestial Mechanics II/I | Gf/Hag/3346 |
Happel | Das Dreikörperproblem | Gf/Hap/3342 |
Idlis | Structure and Dynamics of Stellar Systems | Gf/Idl/4648 |
Jardetzky | Theories of Figures of Celestial Bodies | Gf/Jar/3330 |
Mauderli | Untersuchungen über Stabiltät dynamischer Systeme in der Mechanik des Himmels | Gf/Mau/3333 |
Moulton | An Introduction to Celestial Mechanics | Gf/Mou/3357 |
Moulton | Einführung in die Himmelsmechanik 2 | Gf/Mou/4633 |
Ogorodnikov | Dynamics of Stellar Systems | Gf/Ogo/3318 |
Ogorodnikov | Dynamics of Stellar Systems | Gf/Ogo/3352 |
Pahlen | Einführung in die Dynamik von Sternsystemen | Gf/Pah/3350 |
Plummer | An Introductory Treatise on Dynamical Astronomy | Gf/Plu/3316 |
Poincaré | Les méthodes nouvelles de la méchanique célesk | Gf/Poi/3317 |
Poincaré | Lecons de Mécanique Céleste II | Gf/Poi/3332 |
Poincaré | Lecons de Mécanique Céleste II/I | Gf/Poi/3339 |
Poincaré | Lecons de Mécanique Céleste III | Gf/Poi/3340 |
Poincaré | Figures d'Equilibre d'une Masse Fluide | Gf/Poi/3347 |
Poincaré | Les méthodes nouvelles de la mécanique céleste | Gf/Poi/3353 |
Poincaré | Les méthodes nouvelles de la mécanique céleste | Gf/Poi/3354 |
Poincaré | Lecons de Mécanique Céleste I | Gf/Poi/3360 |
Rohlfs | Lectures on Density Wave Theory | Gf/Roh/3329 |
Roy | Orbital Motion | Gf/Roy/3349 |
Schäfer | Zeitgleichung und Keplersches Problem | Gf/Sch/3362 |
Schöne | Airys elementare Theorie der Planeten- und Mondstörungen | Gf/Sch/3331 |
Siegel | Vorlesungen über Himmelsmechanik | Gf/Sie/3344 |
Smart | Celestial Mechanics | Gf/Sma/3334 |
Smart | Stellar Dynamics | Gf/Sma/3351 |
Spitzer | Dynamical Evolution of Globular Clusters | Gf/Spi/3327 |
Stiefel | Mathematische Methoden der Himmelsmechanik und Astronautik | Gf/Sti/4640 |
Vernic | Diskussion der sundmanschen Lösung des Dreikörperproblems | Gf/Ver/3355 |
Benedek | Statics and Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems | Gs/Ben/5043 |
Debrath | Nonlinear Waves | Gs/Deb/5045 |
Durst | Turbulent Shear Flows I | Gs/Dur/4959 |
Bradbury | Turbulent Shear Flows II | Gs/Dur/4960 |
Bradbury | Turbulent Shear Flows III | Gs/Dur/4961 |
Eilenberger | Solitons | Gs/Eil/5048 |
Gonda | Proceed. 4th Conf. Nonlin Oscilator 1967 | Gs/Gon/2100 |
Haken | Evolution of Order a. Chaos | Gs/Hak/4964 |
KFA | Ferienkurs 1983 - Nichtlineare Dynamik in kondensierter Mat. | Gs/Kfa/5036 |
Kolsky | Stress Waves in Anelastic Solids | Gs/Kol/291 |
Koppe | Das Prinzip von d'Alembert in der klassischen Mechanik und in der Quantenmechanik | Gs/Kop/2706 |
Kuramoto | Chaos and Stat. Methods | Gs/Kur/5060 |
Ranada | Nonlinear Problems in Theor. Phys. | Gs/Ran/4972 |
Schuster | Stochastic Phenomena and Chaotic Behaviour in Complex Syst. | Gs/Sch/5061 |
Sette | Dispersione ed assorbimento del suono nei processi molecolari | Gs/Set/988 |
Sorensen | Dynamics and Instability of Fluied Interfaces | Gs/Sor/4973 |
Vidal | Non-Equilibrium Dynamics in Chemical Systems | Gs/Vid/5117 |