Thematic area D
Solid State Physics
Thematic area D
Solid State Physics
Alexandrov | Advances in Polaron Physics | Da/Ale/2412 |
Alexandrov | Polarons & Bipolarons | Da/Ale/5420 |
Altland | Condensed Matter Field Theory | Da/Alt/2797 |
Anderson | Basic Notions of Condensed Matter Physics | Da/And/3383 |
Anderson | Concepts in Solids | Da/And/3679 |
Anderson | Basic Notions of Condensed Matter Physics | Da/And/5103 |
Anderson | Basic Notions of Condensed Matter Physics | Da/And/5111 |
Anderson | Concepts in Solids | Da/And/547 |
Anderson | Concepts in Solids | Da/And/821 |
Armbrust | Aufgaben zur Festkörperphysik | Da/Arm/860 |
Ashcroft | Festkörperphysik | Da/Ash/3080 |
Ashcroft | Solid State Physics | Da/Ash/3832 |
Ashcroft | Solid State Physics | Da/Ash/5093 |
Azároff | Introduction to Solids | Da/Aza/299 |
Blakemore | Solid State Physics | Da/Bla/3023 |
Borchardt | Kristallographie | Da/Bor/4603 |
Brillouin | Wave Propagation in Periodic Structures | Da/Bri/336 |
Brown | The Physics of Solids | Da/Bro/2445 |
Brown | The Crystal Structure of Solids | Da/Bro/3430 |
Bruus | Many-Body Quantum Theory in Condensed Matter Physics | Da/Bru/3507 |
Busch | Vorlesungen über Festkörperphysik | Da/Bus/3386 |
Callaway | Quantum Theory of the Solid State, Part A | Da/Cal/3787 |
Callaway | Quantum Theory of the Solid State, Part B | Da/Cal/3788 |
Clark | Math. Methods in Solid State and Superfluid Theory | Da/Cla/2064 |
Cochran | The Dynamics of Atoms in Crystals | Da/Coc/3421 |
Cochran | Solid State Physics, Vol. 1 | Da/Cod/3202 |
Cohen | Fundamentals of Condensed Matter Physics | Da/Coh/3449 |
Cracknell | Crystals and their Structures | Da/Cra/2442 |
Cracknell | Group Theory in Solid State Physics | Da/Cra/3717 |
Czycholl | Theoretische Festkörperphysik | Da/Czy/1469 |
Czycholl | Theoretische Festkörperphysik | Da/Czy/4098 |
Duan | Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics | Da/Dua/1788 |
Dekker | Solid State Physics | Da/Dek/746 |
Donovan | Elementary Theory of Metals | Da/Don/1752 |
Dove | Structure and Dynamics | Da/Dov/1471 |
Economou | The Physics of Solids | Da/Eco/2558 |
Ehrenreich | Solid State Physics | Da/Ehr/3819 |
Elliott | The Physics and Chemistry of solids | Da/Ell/1138 |
Elliott | An Introduction to Solid State Physics | Da/Ell/3609 |
Erdmann | Wärmeleitung in Kristallen | Da/Erd/2383 |
Evarestov | Site Symmetry in Crystals | Da/Eva/748 |
Fan | Elements of Solid State Physics | Da/Fan/5240 |
Figgis | Intro to Ligand Fields | Da/Fig/966 |
Franz | Vorl. Quantentheorie des Festkörpers | Da/Fra/1577 |
Fulde | Electron Correlations in Molecules and Solids | Da/Ful/5306 |
Gasser | Greensche Funktionen in Festkörper- und Vieteilchenphysik | Da/Gas/1117 |
Gay | The Crystalline State | Da/Gay/2899 |
Goldsmid | The Thermal Properties of Solids | Da/Gol/3049 |
Goldsmid | Problems in solid state physics | Da/Gol/3748 |
Goodwin | Progress in Surface Science, Vol. 1, Part 1 | Da/Goo/2705 |
Griffith | Theory of Transition Metal Ions | Da/Gri/1074 |
Gross | Festkörperphysik | Da/Gro/3064 |
Grosso | Solid State Physics | Da/Gro/4312 |
Groß | Theoretical Surface Science - A Microscopic Perspective | Da/Gro/3652 |
Guinier | Die physikalischen Eigenschaften von Festkörpern | Da/Gui/3833 |
Haken | Quantum field theory of solids | Da/Hak/4004 |
Han | Problems in Solid State Physics with Solutions | Da/Han/3175 |
Han | Problems in Solid State Physics with Solutions | Da/Han/375 |
Harrison | Pseudopotentials in the Theory of Metals | Da/Har/1456 |
Harrison | Pseudopotentials in the Theory of Metals | Da/Har/1457 |
Harrison | Solid State Theory | Da/Har/2266 |
Harrison | Solid State Theory | Da/Har/2337 |
Harrison | Elementary Electronic Structure | Da/Har/3079 |
Haug | Theoretische Festkörperphysik Bd. II | Da/Hau/3008 |
Haug | Theoretische Festkörperphysik I | Da/Hau/8 |
Hellwege | Einführung in die Festkörperphysik I | Da/Hel/1121 |
Hellwege | Einführung in die Festkörperphysik II | Da/Hel/1122 |
Hellwege | Festkörperphysik I | Da/Hel/2297 |
Hellwege | Einführung in die Festkörperphysik II | Da/Hel/2311 |
Hellwege | Einführung in die Festkörperphysik | Da/Hel/3781 |
Hihály | Solid State Physics | Da/Hih/1643 |
Hund | Materie als Feld: Eine Einführung | Da/Hun/1174 |
Hund | Theorie des Aufbaus der Materie | Da/Hun/700 |
Hunklinger | Festkörperphysik | Da/Hun/3043 |
Hunklinger | Festkörperphysik (2. Auflage) | Da/Hun/3398 |
Hutchison | Physics of Engineering Solids | Da/Hut/396 |
Ibach | Festkörperphysik | Da/Iba/4448 |
Inkson | Many-Body Theory of Solids | Da/Ink/5086 |
Jones | Theoretical Solid State Physics, Vol. I | Da/Jon/3288 |
Jones | Theoretical Solid State Physics, Vol. II | Da/Jon/3289 |
Kaganorw | Was sind Quasiteilchen? | Da/Kag/3405 |
Kantorovich | Quantum Theory of the Solid State: An Introduction | Da/Kan/2329 |
Kassing | Physikalische Grundlagen der elektronischen Halbleiterbauelemente | Da/Kas/1324 |
Kassing | Festkörper (2. Auflage) | Da/Kas/3760 |
Kaxiras | Atomic and Electronic Struture of Solids | Da/Kax/1620 |
Kaxiras | Atomic and Electronic Structure of Solids | Da/Kax/4282 |
Kittel | Quantum Theory of Solids | Da/Kit/1291 |
Kittel | Einführung in die Festkörperphysik | Da/Kit/2008 |
Kittel | Einführung in die Festkörperphysik | Da/Kit/2018 |
Kittel | Quantentheorie der Festkörper | Da/Kit/2381 |
Kittel | Elementary Solid State Physics | Da/Kit/3076 |
Kittel | Quantentheorie der Festkörper | Da/Kit/3869 |
Kittel | Introduction to Solid State Physics | Da/Kit/3870 |
Kittel | Einführung in die Festkörperphysik | Da/Kit/3877 |
Kittel | Quantentheorie der Festkörper | Da/Kit/4408 |
Kittel | Quantum Theory of Solids | Da/Kit/919 |
Kittel | Intro to Solid State Physics | Da/Kit/947 |
Kleber | Angewandte Gitterphysik | Da/Kle/1212 |
Kleber | Einführung in die Kristallographie | Da/Kle/2782 |
Klose | Kleine Einführung in die moderne Festkörperphysik | Da/Klo/3462 |
Koerber | Properties of Solids | Da/Koe/936 |
Kopitzki | Einführung in die Festkörpertheorie (4. Auflage) | Da/Kop/3641 |
Kubo | Solid State Physic | Da/Kub/2155 |
Landsberg | Solid State Theory | Da/Lan/2305 |
Lax | Symmetry Principles in Solid State and Molecular Physics | Da/Lax/3569 |
Lax | Symmetry Principles in Solid State and Mol. Phys. | Da/Lax/3777 |
Longini | Introductory Quantum Mechanics of the Solid State | Da/Lon/2553 |
Lovesey | Condensed Matter Physics: Dynamic Correlations | Da/Lov/3397 |
Lovesey | Condensed Matter Physics | Da/Lov/4820 |
Ludwig | Festkörperphysik I | Da/Lud/2420 |
Ludwig | Festkörperphysik II | Da/Lud/2421 |
Ludwig | Festkörperphysik II | Da/Lud/3764 |
Ludwig | Festkörperphysik I | Da/Lud/3765 |
Madelung | Festkörpertheorie I | Da/Mad/2924 |
Madelung | Festkörpertheorie II | Da/Mad/3053 |
Madelung | Festkörpertheorie III | Da/Mad/3257 |
Madelung | Festkörpertheorie II | Da/Mad/3639 |
Madelung | Festkörpertheorie I | Da/Mad/3640 |
Madelung | Grundlagen der Halbleiterphysik | Da/Mad/3759 |
Madelung | Festkörpertheorie I | Da/Mad/4322 |
Madelung | Festkörpertheorie II | Da/Mad/4323 |
Madelung | Festkörpertheorie III | Da/Mad/4324 |
Madelung | Introduction to Solid-State Theory | Da/Mad/4931 |
Mahan | Condensed Matter in a Nutshell | Da/Mah/2726 |
Mahan | Condensed Matter in a Nutshell | Da/Mah/2731 |
Mahan | Solutions Manual: Condensed Matter | Da/Mah/2774 |
Mahan | Solutions Manual: Condensed Matter | Da/Mah/2775 |
Maradudin | Elementary Excitations in Solids | Da/Mar/2661 |
Marder | Condensed Matter Physics | Da/Mar/4286 |
Mason | Crystal Physics of Interaction Processes | Da/Mas/1204 |
Matsubara | The Structure and Properties of Matter | Da/Mat/4935 |
Mihály | Solid State Physics: Problems and Solutions | Da/Mih/5458 |
Mott | Theory of the Properties of Metals and Alloy | Da/Mot/233 |
Mott | Wave Mechanics | Da/Mot/333 |
Mudry | Lecture Notes on Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics | Da/Mud/3451 |
Myers | Introductory Solid State Physics | Da/Mye/5501 |
Myers | Inroductory Solid State Physics | Da/Mye/851 |
Neilson | Computational Approaches to novel condensed matter systems | Da/Nei/5400 |
Nussbaum | Electromagnetic and Qu. Properties ... | Da/Nus/1226 |
Nye | Physical Properties of Crystals | Da/Nye/711 |
Patterson | Introduction to the Theory of Solid State Physics | Da/Pat/3287 |
Peierls | Quantum Theory of Solids | Da/Pei/399 |
Pettifor | Bonding and strucure of Molecules and solids | Da/Pet/552 |
Phillips | Covalent Bonding in Crystals Molecules and ... | Da/Phi/2292 |
Pines | Elementary Excitations in Solids | Da/Pin/3875 |
Phillips | Advanced solid state physics | Da/Phi/1482 |
Quinn | Solid State Physics Principles and Modern Applications | Da/Qui/2416 |
Rabenau | Problems of Nonstoichiometry | Da/Rab/2389 |
Reiss | Progress in Solid State Chemistry | Da/Rei/2903 |
Rosenberg | The Solid State | Da/Ros/3619 |
Rössler | Solid State Theory | Da/Rös/1892 |
Rudden | A Simplified Approach to Solid State Physics | Da/Rud/2530 |
Sachs | Solid State Theory | Da/Sac/12 |
Sadovskii | Diagrammatics | Da/Sad/2668 |
Sauter | Festkörperprobleme I | Da/Sau/1759 |
Sauter | Festkörperprobleme II | Da/Sau/1760 |
Sauter | Festkörperprobleme III | Da/Sau/1761 |
Schilling | Festkörperphysik: Physik in Beispielen | Da/Sch/1219 |
Seeger | Moderne Probleme der Metallphysik I | Da/See/66 |
Seitz | Modern Theory of Solids | Da/Sei/13 |
Semenchenko | Surface Phenomena in Metals | Da/Sem/607 |
Silsbee | Simulation for Solid State Physics | Da/Sil/774 |
Slater | Ouantum Theory of Molecoles and Solids Vol. 2 | Da/Sla/15 |
Slater | Insulators Semiconductors and Metals... Vol. 3 | Da/Sla/1673 |
Slater | Quantum Theory of Molecules and Solids, IV | Da/Sla/3453 |
Slater | Quantum Theory of Matter | Da/Sla/651 |
Slater | Quantum Theorie of Moleculas a Solids I | Da/Sla/71 |
Smith | Wave Mechanics of Crystalline Solids | Da/Smi/2230 |
Smith | Wave Mechanics of Crystalline Solids | Da/Smi/881 |
Solymar | Lectures on the Electrical Properties of Materials | Da/Sol/529 |
Sonin | Einführung in die Ferroelektrizität | Da/Son/3579 |
Srivastava | Theoretical Modelling of Semiconductor Surfaces | Da/Sri/1167 |
Taylor | Condensed Matter Physics | Da/Tay/1151 |
Taylor | A Quantum Approach to the Solid State | Da/Tay/2645 |
Taylor | Physics of Rare Earth Solids | Da/Tay/2960 |
Torrens | Interatomic Potentials | Da/Tor/3131 |
Truell | Ultrasonic Methods in Solid State Physics | Da/Tru/2317 |
Valenta | Festkörpertheorie | Da/Val/586 |
Valenta | Festkörpertheorie | Da/Val/4276 |
Vonsovsky | Quantum Solid-State Physics | Da/Von/3528 |
Wallace | Thermodynamics of Crystals | Da/Wal/2901 |
Wannier | Elements of Solid State Theory | Da/Wan/923 |
Weinreich | Solids: Elementary Theory for Advanced Students | Da/Wei/3323 |
Weißmantel | Grundlagen der Festkörperphysik | Da/Wei/4495 |
Weller | Solid State Chemistry and Physics, An Introduction, Bd. 1 | Da/Wel/3336 |
Wert | Physics of Solids | Da/Wer/2325 |
White | Long Range Order in Solids | Da/Whi/5136 |
Wilson | The Theory of Metals | Da/Wil/925 |
Wolfe | Applied Solid State Science, Vol. 2 | Da/Wol/2641 |
Wolfe | Applied Solid State Science, Bd. 1 | Da/Wol/2859 |
Wolfe | Applied Solid State Science, Vol. 4 | Da/Wol/3512 |
Wooster | Experimental Crystal Physics | Da/Woo/2477 |
Zhdanov | Crystal Physics | Da/Zhd/950 |
Ziman | Principles of Theory of Solids | Da/Zim/453 |
Ziman | Prinzipien der Festkörpertheorie | Da/Zim/2666 |
Ziman | Principles of the Theory of Solids | Da/Zim/4618 |
Ziman | Models of disorder | Da/Zim/5029 |
Abele's | Optical Properties of Solids | Db/Abe/2985 |
Abrikosov | Fundamentals of the Theory of Metals | Db/Abr/5246 |
Agranovich | Spatial Dispersions in Crystal. Ort. | Db/Agr/1575 |
Aigrain | Electronic Processes in Solids | Db/Aig/1215 |
Alder | Methods in Computational Physics Vol. 8 | Db/Ald/2462 |
Altmann | The Band Theory of Metals, The Elements | Db/Alt/3415 |
ASM | Atomic and Electronic Structure of Metals | Db/Asm/2190 |
Azároff | Electronic Processes in Materials | Db/Aza/187 |
Baberschke | Band-Ferromagnetism | Db/Ber/3755 |
Balkanski | Light Scattering in Solids | Db/Bal/3807 |
Balkanski | Handbook on Semiconductors 2 | Db/Bal/4672 |
Bartolo | Optical Interactions in Solids | Db/Bar/2126 |
Barnard | Thermoelectricity in Metals and Alloys | Db/Bar/3223 |
Bassani | Electronic States in Solids | Db/Bas/3659 |
Bechstedt | Many-Body Approach to Electronic Excitations | Db/Bec/3149 |
Blündell | Magnetism in condensed Matter Physics | Db/Blü/1149 |
Boulesteix | Electrons de Conduction et Surface de Fermi ... | Db/Bou/2521 |
Brauer | Einführung in die Elektronentheorie der Metalle | Db/Bra/1444 |
Brütting | Physics of Organic Semiconductors | Db/Brü/3565 |
Bube | Electronic Properties of Crystalline Solids | Db/Bub/3456 |
Callaway | Energy Band Theory | Db/Cal/3 |
Chambers | Electrons in Metals and Semiconductors | Db/Cha/5275 |
Chelikowsky | Quantum Theory of Real Materials | Db/Che/5481 |
Cohen | Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of Semiconductors | Db/Coh/5215 |
Coutts | Electrical Conduction in Thin Metal Films | Db/Cou/3532 |
Cox | Transition Metal Oxides | Db/Cox/5417 |
Cracknell | The Fermi Surface of Metals | Db/Cra/2832 |
Cracknell | The Fermi Surface | Db/Cra/3253 |
Cusack | Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Solids | Db/Cus/1072 |
Datta | Lessons from Nanoelectronics | Db/Dat/3071 |
Datta | Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems | Db/Dat/3091 |
Datta | Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems | Db/Dat/4283 |
Davydow | Theory of Molecular Excitons | Db/Dav/2675 |
Delrue | Nanostructures - Theory and Modelling | Db/Del/1973 |
Dobretsov | Emission Electronics | Db/Dob/2714 |
MacDonald | Themoelectricity: an introduction to the principles | Db/Don/918 |
Donath | Magnetism and Electronic Correlations in Local-Moment Systems | Db/Don/3680 |
Dressel | Electrodynamics of Solids: Optical Properties of Electrons in Matter | Db/Dre/3179 |
Dugdale | The Electrical Properties of Metals and Alloys | Db/Dug/4121 |
Edgar | Properties of Group III Nitrides | Db/Edg/5452 |
Ertil | Low Energy Electrons and Surfaces Chemistry | Db/Ert/3814 |
Eschrig | The Fundamentals of Density Functional Theory | Db/Esc/5490 |
Farge | Electronic and Vibrational Prop... | Db/Far/4597 |
Feuerbacher | Photoemission and the Electronic Properties | Db/Feu/3812 |
Feuerbacher | Photoemission and the Electronic Properties | Db/Feu/4228 |
Fischetti | Advanced Physics of Electron Transport in Semiconductors and Nanostructures | Db/Fis/3548 |
Fletcher | The Electron Band Theory of Solids | Db/Fle/2611 |
Fox | Optical Properties of solids | Db/Fox/1150 |
Fox | Optical Properties of Solids | Db/Fox/2799 |
Fridkin | Photoferroelectrics | Db/Fri/4429 |
Fröhlich | Elektronentheorie der Metalle | Db/Fro/2227 |
Fulde | Electron Correlations in Molecules and Solids | Db/Ful/3829 |
Fulde | Interatomic Potential and Structural Stability | Db/Ful/5314 |
Geiger | Elektronen und Festkörper | Db/Gei/1988 |
Gonis | Green Functions far ordered and disordered Systems | Db/Gon/5315 |
Greig | Elektronen in Metallen und Halbleitern | Db/Gre/2975 |
Grundmann | Nano-Optoelectronics | Db/Gru/1160 |
Gubanov | Quantum Electron Theory of ... | Db/Gub/114 |
Harter | A unitary Calculus for El. Orb. | Db/Har/3933 |
Harris | Properties of Silicon Carbide | Db/Har/5435 |
Harrison | Electronic Structure and the Properties of Solids | Db/Har/3831 |
Harrison | Electronic Structure and the Prop. Solids | Db/Har/4620 |
Harrison | Elementary Electronic Structure | Db/Har/858 |
Hautojärvi | Positrons in Solids | Db/Hau/4433 |
Haug | Quantum Theory of the Octical and Electronic Properties of Semiconducotrs | Db/Hau/5277 |
Haug | Quantum Theory of the Optical and Electronic Properties of Semiconductors | Db/Hau/2184 |
Haug | Quantum Kinetics in Transport and Optics of Semiconductors | Db/Hau/5488 |
Heng | Handbook of Self Assembled Semiconductor Nanostructures for Novel Devices in Photonics and Electronics | Db/Hen/3566 |
Hovel | Semiconductors and Semimetals, Vol. II | Db/Hov/3741 |
Hoyaux | Solid State Plasmas | Db/Hoy/2688 |
Hummel | Optische Eigenschaften von Metallen und Legierungen | Db/Hum/2665 |
Jaswon | Theory of Cohesion | Db/Jas/662 |
Jones | Soft condensed matter | Db/Jon/1158 |
Jones | Theory of Brillouin Zones... | Db/Jon/150 |
Jones | The Theory of Brillouin Zones and Elect. States in Cry. | Db/Jon/3662 |
Joubert | Density Functionals: Theory and Applications | Db/Jou/1081 |
Kalt | Optical Properties of III-V Semiconductors | Db/Kal/5485 |
Kaminskii | Springer Series in Optical Sciences, Vol. 14 | Db/Kam/4769 |
Kaner | Plasma Effects in Metals: Helican are Affven Waves | Db/Kan/2959 |
Kao | Electrical Transport in Solids Vol. 14 | Db/Kao/4774 |
Kaplan | Symmetry of Many-Electron Systems | Db/Kap/3703 |
Kaplan | Symmetry of Many-Electron-Systems | Db/Kap/3736 |
Kelly | Low Dimensional Semiconductorw | Db/Kel/5461 |
Lee | Optical and Electrical Properties | Db/Lee/3985 |
Lengyel | Intro to Laser Physics | Db/Len/948 |
Levine | Quantum Physics of Electronics | Db/Lev/88 |
Lifshits | Electron Theory of Metals | Db/Li/3242 |
Liebsch | Electronic Excitations at Metal Surfaces | Db/Lie/837 |
Lifschitz | Elektronentheorie der Metalle | Db/Lif/3740 |
Lomer | Progress in Materials Science, Vol. 14, No. 3 | Db/Lom/2906 |
Loucks | Agrement Plane Wave Method | Db/Lou/1625 |
Lundqvist | Theory of the inhomogeneous Electron gas | Db/Lun/5021 |
March | The Single-Particle Density in Physics and Chemistry | Db/Mar/5228 |
March | Electron Correlation in Molecules and Condensed Phases> | Db/Mar/5491 |
Martin | Electronic Structure | Db/Mar/1719 |
Martin | Interacting Electrons - Theory and Computational Approaches | Db/Mar/3448 |
Meaden | Electrical Resistance of Metals | Db/Mea/1511 |
Mercouroff | La Surface de Fermi des Métanse | Db/Mer/1871 |
Mollwo | Maser u. Laser | Db/Mol/1913 |
Mort | Photoconductivity and Related Phenom. | Db/Mor/3975 |
Moruzzi | Calculated Electronic Properties of Metals | Db/Mor/4292 |
Moruzzi | Calculated Electronic Properties of Metals | Db/Mor/4968 |
Mott | Electronic Processes in Non-Crystalline Materials | Db/Mot/2807 |
Mott | Electronic Processes in Non-cryst. Mat | Db/Mot/4621 |
NAG | Electron Transport in Compound Semicond. | Db/Nag/4629 |
Nakamura | The Blue Laser Diode | Db/Nak/5480 |
O'Dwyer | The Theory of Electric Conduction and Break down in Solid Dielectrics | Db/Odw/3483 |
Ohno | Computational Materials Science | Db/Ohn/1078 |
Olsen | Electron Transport in Metals | Db/Ols/1508 |
Papaconstantopoulus | Handbook of the Band Structure of Elemental Solids | Db/Pap/5287 |
Phariseau | Electrons in Disord. Met | Db/Pha/4623 |
Phillips | Bonds and Bands in Semiconductors | Db/Phi/4055 |
Pippard | Dynamics of Conductions Electrons | Db/Pip/1334 |
Raether | Excitation of Plasmons and Interband... | Db/Rae/4658 |
Raimes | The Wave Mechanics of Electrons... | Db/Rai/712 |
Rashba | Excitons | Db/Ras/5055 |
Ray | II-VI Compounds | Db/Ray/3728 |
Rose | Cencerts in Photoconductivity | Db/Ros/1389 |
Sakoda | Optical Properties of Photonic Crystals | Db/Sak/1159 |
Schulz | Elektron Vorgänge, Gase, Festkörper | Db/Sch/1793 |
Schaefer | Applications of Electronic Struct. Theory | Db/Sch/5168 |
Schulman-Compton | Color Centers in Solids | Db/Sch/600 |
Seraphin | Optical Properties of Solids | Db/Ser/3723 |
Siegmann | Microwave Solid-State Masers | Db/Sie/85 |
Silnish | Organic Molecular Crystals | Db/Sil/4699 |
Singleton | Band Theory and Electronic Properties of solids | Db/Sin/1148 |
Singh | Planewaves, Pseudopotentials and the LAPW Method | Db/Sin/5415 |
Skrever | The LMTO Method | Db/Skr/5192 |
Smith | Electronic Conduction in Solids | Db/Smi/1674 |
Sokolov | Optical Properties of Metals | Db/Sok/1584 |
Solymar | Electrical Properties of Materials | Db/Sol/2350 |
Sommerfeld | Elektronentheorie der Metalle | Db/Som/1503 |
Sommerfeld | Elektronentheorie der Metalle | Db/Som/1512 |
Springford | Electrons at the Fermi surface | Db/Spr/4807 |
Springborg | Density-Functional Methods In Chemistry And Mater | Db/Spr/661 |
Squires | Introduction to Microwave Spectroscopy | Db/Squ/41 |
Stolz | Vielelektronentheorie | Db/Sto/3625 |
Stone | The Theory of Intermolecular Forces | Db/Sto/838 |
Stringer | An Introduction to the Electron of Solids Theory | Db/Str/1691 |
Stumpf | Quantum Processes in polar semiconductors and insulators | Db/Stu/5158 |
Stumpf | Quantum Processes in Polar Semiconductors ... II | Db/Stu/5165 |
Sutton | Electric Structure of Materials | Db/Sut/3830 |
Thompson | Electrons in Liquid Ammonia | Db/Tho/3910 |
Tredgold | Space Charge Conduction in Solids | Db/Tre/1059 |
Troys | Masers and Lasers | Db/Tro/493 |
Wang | Introduction to solid state Electronics | Db/Wan/5250 |
Wieting | Electrons and Phonons in Lay... | Db/Wie/4622 |
Woggon | Optical Properties of Semiconductor Quantum Dots | Db/Wog/5487 |
Wooten | Optical Properties of Solids | Db/Woo/3132 |
WZ | Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig | Db/Wz/2942 |
WZ | Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig | Db/Wz/2943 |
Yastrebov | Foundations of one-electron theory of solids | Db/Yas/5266 |
Ziesche | Ergebnisse in der Elektronentheorie der Metalle | Db/Zie/5051 |
Ziman | Electrons and Phonons | Db/Zim/134 |
Ziman | Electrons in Metals | Db/Zim/1513 |
Ziman | Electrons and Phonons | Db/Zim/62 |
Ziman | Physics of Metals, 1. Electrons | Db/Zin/2182 |
Bartolo | Phonons and Resonances in Solids | Dc/Bar/3914 |
Bilz | Phonon Dispersion Relations in Insulators | Dc/Bil/4528 |
Bogolinbov | Some Aspects of Polaron Theory | Dc/Bog/5244 |
Born | yn. Theor. of Crystal lattices | Dc/Bor/192 |
Brüesch | Phonons: Theory and Experiments | Dc/Brü/4888 |
Brüesch | Springer Series in Solid State Sciences Vol. 65 | Dc/Brü/5398 |
Brüesch | Springer Series in Solid State Sciences Vol 66 | Dc/Brü/5399 |
Califano | Lattice Dynamics of Molecular Crystals | Dc/Cal/4823 |
Choquard | The Anharmonic Crystal | Dc/Cho/1816 |
Cleland | Foundations of Nanomechanics | Dc/Cle/3539 |
Decius | Molecular Vibrations in Crystals | Dc/Dec/4179 |
Dexter | Exitons | Dc/Dex/1402 |
Donovan | Lattice Vibrations | Dc/Don/2847 |
Dove | Introduction to Lattice Dynamics | Dc/Dov/5395 |
Eisenmenger | Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter | Dc/Eis/5189 |
Enns | Modern Solid State Physics, Vol. 2 | Dc/Enn/2371 |
Ghatak | Lattice Dynamics | Dc/Gha/3003 |
Gilat | Methods in Computational Physics | Dc/Gil/4108 |
Graff | Wave Motion in Elastic Solids | Dc/Gra/3542 |
Hardy | The Lattice Dynamics and Statics of Alkali-Halide Crystals | Dc/Har/4834 |
Hori | Spectral Properties of Disordered Chairs and Lattices | Dc/Hor/2117 |
Hori | Spectral Properties of Disordered Chains and Lattices | Dc/Hor/2543 |
Horton | Dynamical Properties of Solids, Vol. 1 | Dc/Hor/3511 |
Horton | Dynamical Properties of Solids, Vol. 2 | Dc/Hor/3715 |
Horton | Dynamical Properties of Solids, Vol. 3 | Dc/Hor/4721 |
Horton | Dynamical Properties of Solids, Vol. 4 | Dc/Hor/4722 |
Hunklinger | Phonons 98 Vol. 2 | Dc/Hun/3820 |
Hunklinger | Phonons 98 Vol. 1 | Dc/Hun/3821 |
Joannopoulos | Photonic Crystals | Dc/Joa/3822 |
Kress | Physik Daten | Dc/Kre/2667 |
Kress | Physik Daten | Dc/Kre/5222 |
Maradudin | Lattice Dynamics | Dc/Mar/2147 |
Maradudin | Lattice Dynamics | Dc/Mar/2316 |
Morgan | Surface Acoustic Wave Filters | Dc/Mor/3541 |
Nakajima | Springer Series in Solid State Sciences, Vol. 12 | Dc/Nak/4724 |
Nakajima | The Physics of Elementary Exitations | Dc/Nak/4899 |
Phillips | Amorphous Solids | Dc/Phi/4782 |
Pines | Elementary Excitations in Solids | Dc/Pin/546 |
Poulet | Spectres de vibrations of Symmetrie des cristoux | Dc/Pou/2561 |
Poulet | Vibration spectra and symmetry of ... | Dc/Pou/4332 |
Press | Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, Vol. 92 | Dc/Pre/4824 |
Reissland | The Physics of Phonons | Dc/Rei/3219 |
Ridley | Electrons and Phonons in Semiconductor Multilayers | Dc/Rid/773 |
Tucker | Microwave Ultrasonics in Solid State Physics | Dc/Tuc/3184 |
Wohlfarth | Thermophysical Properties of Materials | Dc/Woh/5178 |
Abragam | Nuclear Magnetism | Dd/Abr/707 |
Aleksandrov | Theory of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance | Dd/Ale/1245 |
Al'Tshuler | Electronparamagnetic resonaces | Dd/Alt/55 |
Andrew | Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy | Dd/And/2928 |
Andrew | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance | Dd/And/759 |
Benedek | Magnetic Resenance at High Pressure | Dd/Ben/1445 |
Bloembergen | Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation | Dd/Blo/1415 |
Brown | Magnetoelastic Interactions | Dd/Bro/1488 |
Caspers | Theory of Spin Relaxation | Dd/Cas/3394 |
Diehl | Basic Principles and Progress, Vol. 1 | Dd/Die/2654 |
Diehl | Basic Principles and Progress, Vol. 2 | Dd/Die/2655 |
Diehl | Basic Principles and Progress, Vol. 3 | Dd/Die/2656 |
Dixon | Theory and Interpretation of Magnetic Resonance Spectra | Dd/Dix/3024 |
Ebert | Kernresonanz im Festkörper | Dd/Ebe/1051 |
Engel | Density Functional Theory | Dd/Eng/4463 |
Frauenfelder | The Mössbauer Effect | Dd/Fra/18 |
Freeman | Hyperfine Interactions | Dd/Fre/1740 |
Goldmann | Spin Temperature and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Solids | Dd/Gol/3006 |
IAEA | The Mössbauer Effekt | Dd/IAE/686 |
Keller | Density Functional Theory | Dd/Kel/5015 |
Levitt | Spin Dynamics: Basics of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance | Dd/Lev/2193 |
Levitt | Spin Dynamics: Basics of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance | Dd/Lev/3399 |
Manenkov | Spin-Lattice Relaxation | Dd/Man/1726 |
Pake | Paramagnetic Resonance | Dd/Pak/811 |
Sillescu | Kernmagnetische Resonanz | Dd/Sil/1537 |
Slichter | Principles of Magnetic Resonance | Dd/Sli/2897 |
Slichter | Principles of Magnetic Resonance | Dd/Sli/4181 |
Slichter | Principles of Magnetic Resonance | Dd/Sli/880 |
Standley | Electron Spin Relaxation Phenomena in Solids | Dd/Sta/2449 |
Stevens | Mössbauer Effect (Data Index) | Dd/Ste/3921 |
Talpe | Theory of Experiments in Paramagnetic Resonance | Dd/Tal/2662 |
Vonsovskii | Ferro magnetic Resonance | Dd/Von/1217 |
Waugh | Advances in Magnetic Resonance, Vol. 7 | Dd/Wau/3520 |
Wegener | Der Mössbauer-Effekt und seine Anwendung in Physik und Chemie | Dd/Weg/1058 |
Wertheim | Mössbauer Effect | Dd/Wer/34 |
Winter | Magnetic Resonance in Metals | Dd/Win/2825 |
Agarwal | X-Ray Spectroscopy | Df/Aga/4413 |
Altmann | Induced Representations in Crystals and Molec ... | Df/Alt/4333 |
Bacon | X-ray and Neutron Diffraction | Df/Bac/1599 |
Bacon | Neutron Physics | Df/Bac/2989 |
Bacon | Neutron Diffraction | Df/Bac/708 |
Bienlein | Einführung in die Struktur der Materie | Df/Bie/3868 |
Brill | Fortschritte der Strukturforschung Bd. 1 | Df/Bri/1252 |
Brill | Fortschritte der Strukturforschung Bd. 2 | Df/Bri/1253 |
Brill | Advances in Structure Research | Df/Bri/2212 |
Cardona | Light Scattering in Solids, Topics in Ap. Phys. Vol. 8 | Df/Car/3714 |
Compton | X-Rays in Theory and Practice | Df/Com/287 |
Conway | Inelastic Scattering by Neutrons... | Df/Con/175 |
Cullity | Elements of x-Ray Diffraction | Df/Cul/972 |
Czanderna | Methods of Surface Analysis | Df/Cza/4187 |
Dachs | Neutron Diffraction | Df/Dac/4213 |
Davis | Electron Diffraction in Gases | Df/Dar/2794 |
Dorner | Springer Tracts in Modern Physcs, Vol. 93 | Df/Dor/4847 |
Dorner | Cohesent Inelatic Neutron Scattering in Lattice Dynamics | Df/Dor/4872 |
Egelstaff | Thermal Neutron Scattering | Df/Ege/592 |
Feder | Polarized Electrons in Surface Phys. | Df/Fed/5225 |
Furrer | Neutron Scattering in Condensed Matter Physics | Df/Fur/1896 |
Gay | Cours de Cristallographie III | Df/Gay/2267 |
Gay | Cours de Cristallographie II | Df/Gay/2268 |
Gomer | nteractions on Metal Surfaces | Df/Gom/3626 |
Guinier | X-Ray Studies of Materials | Df/Gui/1369 |
Gurevich | Low Energy Neutron Physics | Df/Gur/1954 |
Hoppe | Advances in Structure Research by Diffraction Methods | Df/Hop/2790 |
Hosemann | Direct Analysis of Diffraction by Matter | Df/Hos/638 |
Hosemann | Direct Analysis of Diffraction by Matter | Df/Hos/2285 |
Izyumov | Magnetic Neutron Diffraction | Df/Izy/2335 |
Jacob | The Solid State X-Ray Spectroscopy | Df/Jac/3581 |
James | X-Ray Crystallography | Df/Jam/488 |
James | The Optical Principals of Diffraction of X-Rays | Df/Jam/656 |
Jeffery | Methods in X-Ray Crystallography | Df/Jef/2888 |
Krivoglaz | Theory of X-Ray and Themo Neutron Scattering by Crystals | Df/Kri/2136 |
Laue | Röntgenstrahlinterferenzen | Df/Lau/237 |
Marshall | Theory of Thermal Neutron Scattering | Df/Mar/2830 |
Neff | Grundlagen und Anwendung der Röntgen-Feinstruktur-Analyse | Df/Nef/2274 |
Parks | Slow Neutron Scattering and Thermalization | Df/Par/2845 |
Pendry | Low Energy Electron Diffraction | Df/Pen/3508 |
Prasankumar | Optical Techniques For Solid-State Materials Characterization | Df/Pra/3962 |
Quinn | X-Rays, Electrons and Crystalline Materials | Df/Qui/2492 |
Ramachandran | Advanced Methods of Crystallography | Df/Ram/33 |
Ridley | Quantum Processes in Semiconductors | Df/Rid/4099 |
Sim-Sutton | Molecular Structure by Diffraction Methods, Vol. I | Df/Sim/3620 |
Sim-Sutton | Molecular Structure by Diffraction Methods, Vol. II | Df/Sim/3621 |
Sim | Molecular Structure by Diffraction Methods | Df/Sim/3711 |
Turchin | Slow Neutrons | Df/Tur/930 |
Vainshtein | Modern Crystallo graphy | Df/Vai/5110 |
Vainshtein | Structure Analysis by Electr. Diffr. | Df/Vai/677 |
Vainshtein | Diffraction of X-Rays by Chain-Molecules | Df/Vai/801 |
West | Positron Studies of Condensed Matter | Df/Wes/3476 |
Willis | Chemical Applications of Thermal Neutron Scattering | Df/Wil/3247 |
Wilson | X-Ray Optics | Df/Wil/507 |
Agranovich | Electronic Excitation energy Transfer in condensed Matter | Dg/Agr/5054 |
Alefeld | Hydrogen in Metals I (Basic Properties) | Dg/Ale/4290 |
Askerov | Electron Transport Phenomena in semiconductors | Dg/Ask/367 |
Bandyopadhyay | Introduction to Spintronics | Dg/Ban/4308 |
Bland | Ultrathin Magnetic Structures I | Dg/Bla/5379 |
Brulin | Continuum Models of Discrete Systems 4 | Dg/Bru/2339 |
Brümmer | Handbuch - Festkörperanalyse mit Elektronen, Ionen und Röntgenstrahlen | Dg/Brü/3761 |
Burgess | Fluctuation Phenomena in Solids | Dg/Bur/49 |
Carlos | Molecular Electronics | Dg/Car/2722 |
Challis | Electron-Phonon Interactions in Low-Dimensional Structures | Dg/Cha/3163 |
Cohen | First-principles calculations for ferroelectrics | Dg/Coh/853 |
Dalven | Introduction to Applied Solid State Physics | Dg/Dal/3683 |
Datta | Lessons from Nanoelectronics - A New Perspective on Transport - | Dg/Dat/3165 |
Dittrich | Quantum Transport And Dissipation | Dg/Dit/670 |
Economou | Green's Functions in Quantum Physics | Dg/Eco/4100 |
Field | The Properties of Diamond | Dg/Fie/4624 |
Flügge | Ergebnisse der exakten Naturwissenschaften, 27. Bd. | Dg/Flü/5324 |
Geller | Solid Electrolytes | Dg/Gel/4490 |
Gil | Orbitals in Chemistry - A Modern Guide for Students | Dg/Gil/4052 |
Giuliani | Quantum Theory of the Electron Liquid | Dg/Giu/1874 |
Grünbaum | Tilings and Patterns | Dg/Gru/5214 |
Haken | Quantenfeldtheorie des Festkörpers | Dg/Hak/4051 |
Hanmann | Ternare Legierung des Al | Dg/Han/5203 |
Harrison | Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots | Dg/Har/1807 |
Hüfner | Photoelectron Spectroscopy | Dg/Hue/5483 |
Hirose | Quantum Transport Calculations For Nanosystems | Dg/Hir/3176 |
Ihn | Semiconductor Nanostructures | Dg/Ihn/3513 |
Imry | Introduction to mesoscopic physics | Dg/Imr/1733 |
Israel | Convexity in the theory of lattice gases | Dg/Isr/4379 |
Janßen | Introduction to the Theory of the Integer Quantum Hall Effect | Dg/Jan/3763 |
Kadanoff | Quantum Statistical Mechanics | Dg/Kad/4054 |
Katsnelson | Graphene: Carbon in Two Dimensions | Dg/Kat/3526 |
Kenkre | Exciton Dynamics in Molecular Crystals and Aggregats | Dg/Ken/4920 |
Kessler | Polarized Electrons | Dg/Kes/3879 |
Klein | Rare Gas Solids, Vol. 1 | Dg/Kle/3779 |
Klimov | Nanoplasmonics | Dg/Kli/4557 |
Kramer | Advances in Solid State Physics | Dg/Kra/3889 |
Liang | Quantum Tunneling and Field Electron Emission Theories | Dg/Lia/3307 |
Lovesey | Condensed Matter Physics - Dynamic Correlations | Dg/Lov/3874 |
Luikow | Theory of Heat and Mass Transfer | Dg/Lui/942 |
Maekawa | Spin Current | Dg/Mae/4287 |
Maier | Plasmonics Fundamentals and Applications | Dg/Mai/1028 |
Malic | Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes | Dg/Mal/3177 |
Nowick | Diffusion in Solids | Dg/Now/4138 |
Parrott | Thermal Conductivity of Solids | Dg/Par/3713 |
Reich | Carbon Nanotubes | Dg/Rei/2724 |
Salamon | Physics of Superionic Conductors | Dg/Sal/4489 |
Sen | Many-Body Physics, Topology and Geometry | Dg/Sen/1981 |
Shafraniuk | Graphene: Fundamentals, Devices, and Applications | Dg/Sha/4558 |
Shahbazyan | Plasmonics: Theory and Applications | Dg/Sha/2518 |
Sild | Zero-Phonon Lines | Dg/Sil/5269 |
Sirota | Solid State Transformations | Dg/Sir/1331 |
Steinhardt | The Physics of Quasicrystals | Dg/Ste/5224 |
Strukov | Ferroelectric Phenomena in Crystals | Dg/Str/842 |
Subbaroa | Solid Electrolytes and ... | Dg/Sub/4702 |
Svet | Thermal Radiation | Dg/Sve/755 |
Sze | Physics of Semiconductor Devices | Dg/Sze/3834 |
Szunerits | Introduction to Plasmonics | Dg/Szu/4208 |
Taylor | A Quantum Approach to the Solid State | Dg/Tay/4068 |
Toropov | Plasmonic Effects in Metal-Semiconductor Nanostructures | Dg/Tor/3506 |
Vasileska | Computational Electronics | Dg/Vas/2811 |
Waser | Nanoelectronics and Informations Technology | Dg/Was/2488 |
Allen | Computer Simulation of Liquids | Dh/All/4267 |
Allen | Computer Simulation of Liquids | Dh/All/5380 |
ASM | Liquid Metals and Solidification | Dh/Asm/627 |
Barker | Lattice Theories of the Liquid State | Dh/Bar/198 |
Chorin | A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics | Dh/Cho/4491 |
Cole | An Introduction to the Statistical Theory of Classical Simple Dense Fluids | Dh/Col/2998 |
Egelstaff | Micr. Transp. Phonomena in Liquids | Dh/Ege/1327 |
Egelstaff | Intro to the Liquid State | Dh/Ege/2014 |
Eyring | Significant Liquid Structures | Dh/Eyr/2256 |
Fischer | Theory of Liquids | Dh/Fis/1220 |
Frenkel | Kinetic Theory of Liquids | Dh/Fre/215 |
Frisch | The Equilibrium Theory of Clas. Fl. | Dh/Fri/1510 |
Frisch | Simple Dense Fluids | Dh/Fri/1953 |
Frisch | The Equilibrium Theory of Classical Fluids | Dh/Fri/654 |
Gray | Molecular Structure of Liquid Crystals | Dh/Gra/274 |
Green | Molecular Theory of Fluids | Dh/Gre/1627 |
Guyon | Hydrodynamik | Dh/Guy/1171 |
Hansen | Theory of Simple Liquids | Dh/Han/3912 |
Harrison | The Dynamic Properties of Supercoled Liq. | Dh/Har/3802 |
Hirschfelder | Intermolecular Forces | Dh/Hir/2065 |
Hirschfelder | Molecular Theory of Gases and Liquids | Dh/Hir/657 |
Kirkwood | Theory of Liquids | Dh/Kir/2363 |
Lepoutre | Solutions Metal-Anuroniac | Dh/Lep/1559 |
Lodge | Elastic Liquids | Dh/Lod/1568 |
Lumsden | The Thermodynamics of Molten-Salt ... | Dh/Lum/1565 |
March | Liquid Metals | Dh/Mar/1830 |
March | Coulomb Liquids | Dh/Mar/5139 |
Montroll | The Liquid State of Matter | Dh/Mon/4897 |
Prigogine | Advances in Chemmical Physics | Dh/Pri/2346 |
Pryde | The Liquid State | Dh/Pry/2365 |
Résibois | Classical Kinetic Theory of Fluids | Dh/Res/4153 |
Rice | The Stat. Mech. of Simple Liquids | Dh/Ric/1276 |
Ross | Liqid Metals and Vepours Under Pressure | Dh/Ros/2331 |
Rowlinson | The Theory of Liquids at Equilibrium | Dh/Row/2586 |
Rowlinson | Liquids and Liquid Mixtures | Dh/Row/624 |
Schuster | Structure of Liquids | Dh/Sch/3716 |
Shimoji | Liquid Metals | Dh/Shi/4116 |
Singer | Statistical Mechanics, Vol. 1 | Dh/Sin/3465 |
Singer | Statistical Mechanics, Vol. 2 | Dh/Sin/3724 |
Tefft | A Theory of the Condnefivity of Liquid Metals | Dh/Tef/174 |
Tempeley | Physics of Simple Liquids | Dh/Tem/2092 |
Ubbelohde | Metting and Crystal Structure | Dh/Ubb/538 |
Zierep | Grundzüge der Strömungslehre | Dh/Zie/4535 |
Burfoot | Ferroelectrics | Di/Bur/1598 |
Fröhlich | Theory of Dielectrics | Di/Fro/709 |
Jona | Ferroelectric Crystals | Di/Jon/602 |
Keldysh | The Dielectric Function of Condensed Systems | Di/Kil/5284 |
Mahan | Local density theory of polarizability | Di/Mah/5370 |
Zheludev | Crystalline Dielectrics, Vol. 1 | Di/Zhe/2695 |
Zheludev | Crystalline Dielectrics, Vol. 2 | Di/Zhe/2719 |
Adachi | GaAs and related materials | Dj/Ada/346 |
Adler | Amorphous Semiconductors | Dj/Adl/3234 |
Awschalom | Semiconductor Spintronics and Quantum Comutation | Dj/Aws/1670 |
Balkanski | Semiconductor Physics and Applications | Dj/Bal/1152 |
Bányai | Semiconductor Quantum Dots | Dj/Ban/4307 |
Bányai | Semiconductor Quantum dots | Dj/Ban/5442 |
Bastard | Wave mechanics applied to semiconductor | Dj/Bas/5441 |
Bir | Symmetry and Strein-Indenced Effects... | Dj/Bir/3595 |
Blakemore | Semiconductor Statistics | Dj/Bla/3416 |
Blakemore | Gallium Arsenide | Dj/Bla/5207 |
Blood | Quantum Confined Laser Devices | Dj/Blo/3367 |
Bonch | The electronic Theory of heavily doped Sem. | Dj/Bon/1487 |
Bontsch | Aufgabensammlung zur Halbleiterphysik | Dj/Bon/2694 |
Brodsky | Amorphous Semiconductors | Dj/Bro/4570 |
Carter | The Physics of Semimetals and Narrow-Gap Semiconductor | Dj/Car/2889 |
Cardona | Fundamentals of Semiconductor | Dj/Car/5413 |
Chow | Semiconductor-Laser Physics | Dj/Cho/5429 |
Citrin | Radiative Processes and Dephasing in Semiconductors | Dj/Cit/841 |
Cohen | Introduction to the Quatum Field Theory of Semiconductors | Dj/Coh/2947 |
Cutler | Liquid Semiconductors | Dj/Cut/4210 |
Davies | Physics of Low-dimensional Semiconductors: An Introduction | Dj/Dav/2601 |
Dutta | Advances in Semiconductor Lasers and Applications to Optoelectronics | Dj/Dut/1784 |
Ebeling | Integrierte Optoelektronik | Dj/Ebe/5425 |
Ferreira | Capture and Relaxation in Self-Assembled Semiconductor Quantum Dots | Dj/Fer/3370 |
Ferry | Semiconductor Transport | Dj/Fer/1080 |
Ferry | Quantum Transport in Ultrasmall Devices | Dj/Fer/5436 |
Ferry | Quantum Transport in Semiconductors | Dj/Fer/5438 |
Fridkin | Ferroelectric Semiconductors | Dj/Fri/4793 |
Glutsch | Excitons in Low-Dimensional Semiconductors | Dj/Glu/4599 |
Gooch | Gallium Arsenide Lasers | Dj/Goo/3185 |
Gossick | Potential Barriers in Semiconductors | Dj/Gos/965 |
Grubin | The Physics of Submicron Semiconductor Devices | Dj/Gru/5437 |
Gywat | Spins in Optically Active Quantum Dots - Concepts and Methods | Dj/Gyw/2600 |
Hamaguchi | Basic Semiconductor Physics | Dj/Ham/1470 |
Hamaguchi | Basic Semiconductor Physics | Dj/Ham/2618 |
Hartnagel | Gunn-Effect Logic Devices | Dj/Har/3419 |
Haug | Quantum Theory of the Optical and Electronic Properties of Semiconductors | Dj/Hau/1893 |
Hennenberger | Semiconductor Quantum Bits | Dj/Hen/1027 |
Hennenberger | Optics of Semiconductor Nanostructures | Dj/Hen/5424 |
Hesse | Halbleiter I | Dj/Hes/4451 |
Ioffé | Semiconductor Thermoelements and Thermoelectric Cooling | Dj/Iof/1060 |
Jacak | Quantum Dots | Dj/Jac/1082 |
Jacoboni | Theory of Electron Transport in Semiconductors | Dj/Jac/2603 |
Jacoboni | The Monte Carlo Method of Semiconductor ... | Dj/Jac/5431 |
Jüngel | Transport Equations for Semiconductors | Dj/Jün/2604 |
Kalt | Optics of Semiconductors and Their Nanostructures | Dj/Kal/1852 |
Kira | Semiconductor Quantum Dots | Dj/Kir/3263 |
Kirejew | Physik der Halbleiter | Dj/Kir/3553 |
Kiréev | La Physique des Semiconducteurs | Dj/Kir/3811 |
Klingshirn | Semiconductor Optics | Dj/Kli/5428 |
Kossut | Introduction to the Physics of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors | Dj/Kos/3018 |
Kuhn | Ladungsträgerdynamik in Halbleitersystemen... | Dj/Kuh/5421 |
Lanno | Point Defects in Semiconductors | Dj/Lan/4808 |
Lei | Balance for equation approach to electron transport in semiconductors | Dj/Lei/1393 |
Lewerenz | Photovoltaik | Dj/Lew/5439 |
Lovett | Semimetals & Narrow-Bandgap Sem. | Dj/Lov/3991 |
Lundstrom | Fundamentals of Carrier transport | Dj/Lun/1099 |
Madelung | Grundlagen der Halbleiterphysik | Dj/Mad/2310 |
Markowich | Semiconductor Equiations | Dj/Mar/5426 |
Mataré | Defect Electronics in Semiconductors | Dj/Mat/2805 |
Meier | Coherent Semiconductor Optics | Dj/Mei/2564 |
Michler | Single Semiconductor Quantum Dots | Dj/Mic/2671 |
Morkoc | Nitride Semiconductors and Devices | Dj/Mor/1079 |
Moss | Semiconductor Opto-Electronics | Dj/Mos/3136 |
Nasledov | Soriet research in New Semiconductors | Dj/Nas/115 |
Nichols | Transistor Physics | Dj/Nic/3440 |
Ono | Electroluminescent Displays | Dj/Ono/1091 |
Pantelides | Deep Centers in Semiconductors | Dj/Pan/5157 |
Paushkin | Organic Semiconductors | Dj/Pau/3608 |
Pelant | Luminescence Spectroscopy of Semiconductors | Dj/Pel/3516 |
Phillips | Bands and Bonds in Semiconductors | Dj/Phi/4350 |
Phys. Ges. DDR | Physikalische Abhandlungen aus der Sowjetunion | Dj/Phy/1043 |
Phys. Ges. DDR | Physikalische Abhandlungen aus der Sowjetunion | Dj/Phy/1044 |
Rexer | Organische Halbleiter | Dj/Res/1538 |
Rieck | Halbleiter-Laser | Dj/Rie/3058 |
Rossi | Semiconductor Macroatoms | Dj/Ros/1872 |
Rossi | Theory of Semiconductor Quantum Devices: Microscopic Modeling and Simulation Strategies | Dj/Ros/2777 |
Runyan | Silicon Semiconductor Technology | Dj/Run/132 |
Sapoval | Physics of Semiconductors | Dj/Sap/823 |
Schöll | Nonlinear Spatio-Temporal Dynamics and Chaos in Semiconductors | Dj/Sch/1111 |
Schäfer | Semiconductor Optics and Transport Phenomena | Dj/Sch/1147 |
Schöll | Theory of Transport Properties of Semiconductor Nanostructures | Dj/Sch/693 |
Schöll | Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Semiconductors | Dj/Sch/779 |
Seeger | Semiconductor Physics | Dj/See/3395 |
Seeger | Semiconductor Physics | Dj/See/5193 |
Seeger | Semiconductor Physics | Dj/See/5486 |
Selberherr | Analysis and Simulation of Semiconductor Devices | Dj/Sel/848 |
Shah | Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Semiconductors and Semiconductor Nonostructures | Dj/Sha/1119 |
Shay | Ternary Chalcopyrite Semiconductors | Dj/Sha/3661 |
Sha | Hot Carriers in Semiconductor Nanostructures | Dj/Sha/5433 |
Shah | Ultrafast spectroscopy of Semiconductors and Semiconductor Nanostructures | Dj/Sha/5446 |
Singh | Semiconductor Optoelectronics | Dj/Sin/5434 |
Slavcheva | Optical Generation and Control of Quantum Coherence in Semiconductor Nanostructures | Dj/Sla/2495 |
Smith | Semi-Conductors | Dj/Smi/924 |
Snowden | Introduction to Semiconductor Device Modelling | Dj/Sno/1104 |
Spenke | Elektronische Halbleiter | Dj/Spe/753 |
Stolz | Time-Resolved Light scattering from Excitions | Dj/Sto/5430 |
Strutt | Semiconductor Devises | Dj/Str/1380 |
Sze | Physics of Semiconductor Devices | Dj/Sze/2506 |
Sze | Physics of Semiconductor Devices | Dj/Sze/5453 |
Tartakovskii | Quantum Dots | Dj/Tar/2552 |
Tauc | Amerphons and Liquid Semiconductors | Dj/Tau/3489 |
Tauc | Photo and Thermoelectric Effects in Semicond. | Dj/Tau/606 |
Tsen | Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors | Dj/Tse/1468 |
Weisbuch | Quantum Semiconductor Structures | Dj/Wei/5432 |
Willardson | Semiconductors and Semimetals Vol. II | Dj/Wil/1205 |
Willardson | Semiconductors and Semimetals Vol. I | Dj/Wil/1714 |
Willardson | Semiconductors and Semimetals | Dj/Wil/1775 |
Willardson | Semiconductors and Semimetals | Dj/Wil/3624 |
Winkler | Spin-Orbit Coupling Effects in Two-Dimensional Electron and Hole Systems | Dj/Win/1592 |
Wolf | Semiconductors | Dj/Wol/2789 |
Wright | Semi-Conductors | Dj/Wri/886 |
Yamada | Theory of Semiconductor Lasers | Dj/Yam/3460 |
Zhang | Optical Properties and Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials | Dj/Zha/2721 |
Bollmann | Crystal Defects and Crystalline Interfaces | Dk/Bol/2582 |
Bourgoin | Point Defects in Semiconductors II | Dk/Bou/4954 |
Bueren | Imperfections in Crystal | Dk/Bue/142 |
Chadderton | Radiation Iamage in Crystals | Dk/Cha/503 |
Crawford | Point Defects and Molecular Crystals, Vol. 1 | Dk/Cra/3744 |
Crawford | Point Defects and Molecular Crystals, Vol. 2 | Dk/Cra/3745 |
Dienes | Studies in Radiation Effects in Solids, Vol. III | Dk/Die/2375 |
Fitzgerald | Particle Waves and Deformation in Cryst. | Dk/Fit/1348 |
Friedel | Dislocations | Dk/Fri/601 |
Friedel | Dislocations | Dk/Fri/2354 |
Jaeger | Elasticity, Fracture and Flow | Dk/Jae/510 |
Kovacs | Dislocations and Plastic Deformations | Dk/Kov/3432 |
Leibfried | Bestrahlungseffekte in Festkörpern | Dk/Lei/67 |
Newman | Infrared Studies in Crystal Defects | Dk/New/3464 |
Seeger | Vacancies and Interstitials in Metals | Dk/See/2275 |
Stoneham | Theory of Defects in Solids | Dk/Sto/3617 |
Tolédano | Physical Basis of Plasticity in Solids | Dk/Tol/3027 |
Watts | Point Defects in Crystals | Dk/Wat/3989 |
Bradley | High Pressure Physics and Chemistry, Vol. I | Dl/Bra/639 |
Bradley | High Pressure Physics and Chemistry, Vol. II | Dl/Bra/640 |
Itterbeek | Physics of High Pressures etc. | Dl/Itt/75 |
Zel'dovich | Physics of Shock Waves | Dl/Zel/2058 |
Zel'dovich | Physics of Shock Waves | Dl/Zel/2059 |
Zharkov | Equations of State for Solids at High Pressures and Temperatures | Dl/Zha/2856 |
Brown | Advances in Liquid Crystals, Vol. 2 | Dm/Bro/4220 |
Chandrasekhar | Liquid Crystals | Dm/Cha/4021 |
Gennes | The Physics of Liquid Crystals | Dm/Gen/3501 |
Meier | Liquid Crystals Research + Applications | Dm/Mei/3690 |
Bernasconi | Physics in One Dimension | Dn/Ber/4778 |
Devreese | Highly Conducting One-Dim., Sol. | Dn/Dev/4414 |
Devreese | Linear and Nonlinear Electron Transport in Solids | Dn/Dev/5176 |
Baker | Chaotic Dynamics | Do/Bak/5449 |
Boiti | Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems | Do/Boi/4937 |
Bullough | Topics Solitons in Current Physics 17 | Do/Bul/4678 |
Butcher | The elements of Nonlinear Optics | Do/But/5291 |
Carroll | Mathematical Physics | Do/Car/5251 |
Dodd | Solitons and Nonlinear Wave Equations | Do/Dod/5084 |
Eckhaus | The Inverse Scattering Transformation and the Theory of Solitons | Do/Eck/4900 |
Eilenberger | Solid-State Sciences 19 | Do/Eil/4784 |
Ferry | Physics of Nonlinear Transport in Semiconductors | Do/Fer/5252 |
Gurel | Oscillations in Chemical Reactions | Do/Gur/5011 |
Infeld | Nonlinear Waves, solitons and chaos | Do/Inf/5290 |
Rasband | Chaotic Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems | Do/Ras/5293 |
Toda | Theory of Nonlinear Lattices (Second Enlarged Edition) | Do/Tod/3382 |
Toda | Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences Vol. 20 | Do/Tod/4798 |
West | Nonlinear Properties of Internal Waves | Do/Wes/4890 |
Wilhelmsson | Physica Scripta, Vol. 20, Nr. 3+4, 1979 | Do/Wil/4555 |
Bai-Lin | Chaos | Dp/Bai/5254 |
Güntherodt | Glassy Metals I | Dp/Gue/5013 |
Güntherodt | Glassy Metals II | Dp/Gue/5014 |
Gutzwiller | Chaos in Classical and Quantum Mechanics | Dp/Gut/5299 |
Lundqvist | Order and Chaos in Nonlinear, Lundquist: Physical Systems | Dp/Lun/5233 |
Mitra | Physics of Structurally Disordered Solids | Dp/Mit/3922 |
Moon | Chaotic Vibrations | Dp/Moo/5279 |
Pynn | Scaling Phenomena in Disordered Systems | Dp/Pyn/5169 |
Ruelle | Chaotic Evolution and Strange Attractors | Dp/Rue/5253 |
Stauffer | Introduction to percolation theory | Dp/Sta/5276 |
Yang | Surface Physics and Related Topics | Dp/Yan/5300 |
Agranovich | Surface Polaritons | Dq/Agr/4889 |
Agranovich | Surface Excitations, Vol. 9 | Dq/Agr/5138 |
Bass | Wave Scattering from Stat. Rough Sur | Dq/Bas/4625 |
Bechstedt | Principles of surface physics | Dq/Bec/1507 |
Bechstedt | Semiconductor Sufaces and Interfaces | Dq/Bec/3654 |
Boardman | Electromagnetic Surface Modes | Dq/Boa/5026 |
Bovensiepen | Dynamics at Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces, Volume 2: Fundamentals | Dq/Bov/3567 |
Chen | Introduction to Tunneling Scanning Microscopy | Dq/Che/5381 |
Cottam | Introduction to Surface and Superlattice Excitations | Dq/Cot/1086 |
Davison | Basic Theory of Surface States | Dq/Dav/854 |
Davison | Progress in Surface Science | Dq/Dav/3647 |
Davison | Progress in Surface Science | Dq/Dav/3648 |
Davison | Basic Theory of Surface States | Dq/Dav/3651 |
Devreese | The Physics of the two-Dimensional Electron Gas | Dq/Dev/5234 |
de Wette | Sobay Conference on Surface Science/Springer Series 14 | Dq/Dew/5249 |
Dobrzynski | Handbook of Surfaces and Interfaces I | Dq/Dob/2355 |
Dobrzynski | Handbook of Surfaces and Interfaces II | Dq/Dob/2356 |
Dobrzynski | Handbook of Surfaces and Interfaces I | Dq/Dob/2358 |
Duke | Frontiers in Surfaces and Interfaces Science | Dq/Duk/3649 |
Ertl | Low Energy Electrons and Surface Chemistry | Dq/Ert/5204 |
Garcia-Moliner | Introduction to the Theory of Solid Surfaces | Dq/Gar/3813 |
Garcia | Introduction to the Theory of Solid Surfaces | Dq/Gar/4591 |
Gomer | Interactions on Metal Surfaces | Dq/Gom/3653 |
Groß | Theoretical Surface Science | Dq/Gro/2700 |
Grütter | Properties of Single Organic Molecules on Crystal Surfaces | Dq/Grü/1957 |
Heinz | Structural Studies of Surfaces | Dq/Hei/4828 |
Henrich | The Surface Science of Metal Oxides | Dq/Hen/5394 |
Henzler | Oberflächenphysik des Festkörpers | Dq/Hen/3642 |
Horn | Electronic Structure | Dq/Hor/4289 |
Jaros | Physics and Applications of Semiconductor Microstructures | Dq/Jar/3646 |
Katok | Lectures on Surfaces | Dq/Kat/1646 |
Langreth | Many-Body Phenomena at Surfaces | Dq/Lan/5227 |
Lannoo | Atomic and Electronic Structure of Surfaces | Dq/Lan/5296 |
Lengeler | Formation of Semiconductor Interface | Dq/Len/5388 |
Liebsch | Electronic Excitations at Metal Surfaces | Dq/Lie/4 |
Lüth | Surfaces and Interfaces of Solids | Dq/Lüt/3643 |
Mönch | Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces | Dq/Mön/3655 |
Okiji | Elementary Processes in Excitations and Reactions on Solid Surfaces | Dq/Oki/5484 |
Oura | Surface Science | Dq/Our/1582 |
Ponath | Nonlinear Surface Electromagnetic Phenomena | Dq/Pon/5304 |
Prutton | Electronic Properties of Surfaces | Dq/Pru/5205 |
Prutton | Surface physics | Dq/Pru/5206 |
Rubahn | Nanophysik und Nanotechnologie | Dq/Rub/1163 |
Rubahn | Nanophysik und Nanotechnologie | Dq/Rub/3644 |
Venables | Introduction to Surfaces and Thin Film Processes | Dq/Ven/3656 |
Woodruff | Modern Techniques of Surface Science | Dq/Woo/3650 |
Woodruff | Modern Techniques of Surface Science | Dq/Woo/5223 |
Zangwill | Physics at Surfaces | Dq/Zan/3789 |
Zangwill | Physics at Surfaces | Dq/Zan/5226 |
Abelés | Optical Properties and Electronic Structure... | Ds/Abe/1004 |
Abélès | The Eighth International Vacuum Congress Vol. I | Ds/Abé/2910 |
Adams | The Properties of Liquid Metals | Ds/Ada/1671 |
Aguilera | Condensed Matter Theories | Ds/Agu/5288 |
AIP | Thermaol Expanison 1971 | Ds/Aip/3069 |
AIP | Semiconducting Compounds | Ds/Aip/818 |
AIP | Chemical Physics of Nonmetallic Crystals | Ds/Aip/819 |
Albany | International Conference on Phonon Scattering | DS/Alb/3195 |
Allen | Magnetic Resonance and related Phenomena, Vol. 1 | Ds/All/3691 |
Allen | Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena, Vol. 2 | Ds/All/3978 |
Anastassakis | The Physics of Semiconductors Vol. I | Ds/Ana/2882 |
Anastassakis | The Physics of Semiconductors Vol. II | Ds/Ana/2883 |
Anastassakis | The Physics of Semiconductors Vol. III | Ds/Ana/2884 |
André | Recent Advances in the Quantum Theory of Polymers | Ds/And/4975 |
Academy of sciences of the USSR | IX International Conference of the Physics of Semiconductors Proceedings | Ds/Aos/5326 |
Academy of sciences of the USSR | IX International Conference of the Physics of Semiconductors Proceedings | Ds/Aos/5327 |
ASM | Atomic and Electronic Structure of Metals | Ds/Asm/1720 |
ASM | Resonance and Relaxation in Metals | Ds/Asm/820 |
Averous | Physics of Semiconductors Part I | Ds/Ave/2865 |
Averous | Physics of Semiconductors Part II | Ds/Ave/2869 |
Bak | Phonons and Phonon Interactions | Ds/Bak/817 |
Balian | La Matière Mal Condensée ILL-Condensed Matter | Ds/Bal/4594 |
Barisic | Quasi One-Dim. Cond. I, Proc. Dubrovnik 1978 | Ds/Bar/4420 |
Barisic | Quasi One-Dim. Cond. II, Proc. Dubrovnik 1978 | Ds/Bar/4421 |
Bassani | Theory of Condensed Matter | Ds/Bas/2011 |
Bassani | Theory of Condensed Matter | Ds/Bas/2035 |
Benninghoven | Vacuum: Technology Applications & Ion Physics Nr. 1-3 | Ds/Ben/2872 |
Benninghoven | Vacuum: Technology Applications & Ion Physics Nr. 4-6 | Ds/Ben/2873 |
Benninghoven | Vacuum: Technology Applications & Ion Physics Nr. 7-9 | Ds/Ben/2874 |
Billinton | Proceedings of the International School of Physics | Ds/Bil/531 |
Bishop | Solitons and Condensed Matter Physics | Ds/Bis/4375 |
Blinc | Magnetic Resonance Relaxation | Ds/Bli/1791 |
Boiti | Nonlinear Evolution Equation and Dynamical Systems | Ds/Boi/4660 |
Brandon | Quantitative Relations between Properties and Microstructure | Ds/Bra/2536 |
Brown | Liquid Crystals | Ds/Bro/2029 |
Brown | Liquid Crystals, Vol. 2, Part 1 | Ds/Bro/2531 |
Brooks | Advances in Materials Research ... | Ds/Bro/3984 |
Brooks | Advances in Semiconductor Sciences | Ds/Bro/599 |
Burstein | Proceedings of the Int. School of Phys. | Ds/Bur/3590 |
Burstein | Polarissations (Proc. of the first Taormina Res. Conf...) | Ds/Bur/3705 |
Califano | Lattice Dynamics and Intern. Forces | Ds/Cal/3751 |
Carter | Silicon Carbide and Related Materials Part 1 | Ds/Car/2949 |
Carter | Silicon Carbide and Related Materials Part 2 | Ds/Car/2950 |
Caudano | Vibrations at Surface | Ds/Cau/5148 |
Chambers | Physik der kondensierten Materie | Ds/Cha/2231 |
Challis | Phonon Scattering in Solids | Ds/Cha/3855 |
CNRS | Journal de Physique "3rd Conf. on the electr. structure ... | Ds/Cnr/4442 |
CNRS | Journal de Physique "Physics of Metallic Rare Earths" | Ds/Cnr/4443 |
Cohen | Local Atomic Arrangements, Studied by X-Ray Diffraction | Ds/Coh/2733 |
Compton | The Mössbauer Effect | Ds/Com/184 |
Coppens | Electron Distributions and the Chemical Bond | Ds/Cop/5150 |
Cotterill | Lattice Defects in Quantum metals | Ds/Cot/57 |
Crowder | Ion Implantation in Semiconductors and other Materials | Ds/Cro/3428 |
Croxton | Progress in Liquid Physics | Ds/Cro/4163 |
Crow | Crystalliue... | Ds/Cro/4703 |
Czaja | 3rd General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the EPS | Ds/Cza/2879 |
Czechoslovak Academy of Science | Proceedings International Conference on Semiconductor Physics, Prague 1960 | Ds/Cze/1763 |
Dash | Phase Transitions... | Ds/Das/4679 |
Degras | The Fourth International Conference on Solid Surfaces Vol. I | Ds/Deg/2922 |
Degras | The Fourth International Conference on Solid Surfaces Vol. II | Ds/Deg/2935 |
Devreese | Polarens in Ionic Crystals and Polar Semiconductors | Ds/Dev/3161 |
Devreese | Condensed Matter Physics, Vol. 1 | Ds/Dev/4839 |
Devreese | Condensed Matter Physics, Vol. 2 | Ds/Dev/4840 |
Devreese | Condensed Matter Physics, Vol. 3 | Ds/Dev/4841 |
Devreese | Condensed Matter Physics, Vol. 4 | Ds/Dev/4842 |
Devreese | Ab Initio Calculation of Phonon Spectra | Ds/Dev/4955 |
Devreese | Electron Correlations in Solids, Molecules and Atoms | Ds/Dev/4956 |
Devreese | Electronic Structure, Dynamics and Quantum Structural Properties of Condensed Matter | Ds/Dev/5149 |
Dobrozemsky | Proc.of the Seventh Intern. Vacuum Congress, Wien, Vol. I | Ds/Dob/4104 |
Dobrozemsky | Proc.of the Seventh Intern. Vacuum Congress, Wien, Vol. II | Ds/Dob/4105 |
Dobrozemsky | Proc.of the Seventh Intern. Vacuum Congress, Wien, Vol. III | Ds/Dob/4106 |
Doremus | Proceedings of the Symposium on Semiconductor Effects in Amorphons Solids | Ds/Dor/3377 |
Dorda | Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Supt. | Ds/Dor/4353 |
Dupuy | Microscopic Structure and Dynam... | Ds/Dup/4616 |
Dvorák | Proceedings of the International Meeting o. Ferro | Ds/Dvo/1631 |
Dvoràk | Proceedings of the International Meeting o. Ferro | Ds/Dvo/1632 |
Engström | The Physics of Semiconductors Vol. I | Ds/Eng/2908 |
Engström | The Physics of Semiconductors Vol. II | Ds/Eng/2909 |
Falicov | Valence Fluctuations in Solids | Ds/Fal/4822 |
Friedel | Metallic Solid Solutions | Ds/Fri/658 |
Fumi | Physics of Semiconductors | Ds/Fum/2864 |
Gehlen | Interatomic Potentials and Simulation of Lattice Defects | Ds/Geh/2987 |
Gerven | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance | Ds/Ger/932 |
Goldring | Hyperfine Interactions in Excited Nuclei | Ds/Gol/2674 |
Goldring | Hyperfine Interactions in Excited Nuclei, Vol. 2 | Ds/Gol/2712 |
Goldring | Hyperfine Interactions in Excited Nuclei, Vol. 3 | Ds/Gol/2713 |
Goldschvartz | Conduction and breakdown in dielectric liquids | Ds/Gol/3701 |
Gruverman | Mössbauer Effect Methodology, Vol. 8 | Ds/Gru/3388 |
Haar | Fluctuation, Relexation and Resonance... | Ds/Haa/398 |
Haidemenakis | Optical Properties of Solids | Ds/Hai/2642 |
Haidemenakis | Physics of Solids in Intense Magnetic Fields | Ds/Hai/2954 |
Halley | Correlation Functions and Quasiparticle Interactions in Condensed Matter | Ds/Hal/4833 |
Harrison | The Fermi-Surface | Ds/Har/244 |
Hasiguti | Defects and Radiation Effects in Semiconductors, 1980 | Ds/Has/2941 |
Henderson | Defects and their structures | Ds/Hen/4027 |
Herman | Computational Solid State Physics | Ds/Her/2965 |
Herman | Computional Solid State Phys. | Ds/Her/4539 |
Hermann | Comp. Meth. f. Large Molecules | Ds/Her/4615 |
Holt | Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. VIII | Ds/Hol/2657 |
Hovi | Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena | Ds/Hov/3308 |
Hughel | Liquids, Structure, Properties, Solid Interactions | Ds/Hug/653 |
Hunklinger | Phonons 89, Vol. 1 | Ds/Hun/5267 |
Hunklinger | Phonons 89, Vol. 2 | Ds/Hun/5268 |
IAEA | Applications of the Mößbauer Effect | Ds/Iae/1307 |
IAEA | Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons, Vol. 1 | Ds/Iae/181 |
IAEA | Pushed Neutron Research Vol. II | Ds/Iae/2005 |
IAEA | Pushed Neutron Research Vol. I | Ds/Iae/2006 |
IAEA | Neutron Inelastic Scattering, Vol. I | Ds/Iae/2086 |
IAEA | Neutron Inelastic Scattering, Vol. II | Ds/Iae/2087 |
IAEA | Fifth Symposium on Neutron Inelastic Scattering | Ds/Iae/2891 |
IAEA | In elastic Scattering of Newtons in Solids and liquids | Ds/Iae/37 |
IAEA | Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons, Vol. II | Ds/Iae/374 |
IAEA | In elastic Scattering of Newtons in Solids and liquids Vol. I | Ds/Iae/38 |
IAEA | In elastic Scattering of Newtons in Solids and liquids Vol. II | Ds/Iae/39 |
IAEA | Surface Science, Vol. I | Ds/IAE/3956 |
IAEA | Surface Science, Vol. II | Ds/IAE/3957 |
IAEA | Neutron Inelastic Scattering 1977, Vol. I | Ds/IAE/4206 |
IAEA | Neutron Inelastic Scattering 1977, Vol. II | Ds/IAE/4207 |
IAEA | Theory of Imperfect Crystalline Solids, Trieste Lectures 1970 | Ds/Int/2915 |
IAEA | Electrons in Crystalline Solids | Ds/Int/3523 |
IAEA | Interaction of Radiation with Condensed Matter, Vol. I | Ds/Int/4113 |
IAEA | Interaction of Radiation with Condensed Matter, Vol. II | Ds/Int/4114 |
IAEA | Int. Atom Energy: Physics of Modern ...I | Ds/Int/4681 |
IAEA | Int. Atom Energy: Physics of Modern ...II | Ds/Int/4682 |
IFF-Ferienkurs | Festkörperforschung für die Informationstechnik | Ds/IFF/2871 |
IFF-Ferienkurs | Magnetismus von Festkörpern und Grenzflächen | Ds/IFF/2881 |
Jain | Nonmetallic Crystals | Ds/Jai/2691 |
Janot | Propriétés Electroniques des Metaux et Alliages | Ds/Jan/3321 |
Johnson | Liquid Crystals and Ordered Fluids | Ds/Joh/4480 |
Kahn | Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces | Ds/Kah/2885 |
Keller | Chemistry and Physics of One-Dimensional Metals | Ds/Kel/4367 |
Kestens | Photoelastic Effect and Ib Appl. | Ds/Kes/3698 |
KFA | Synchrotronstrahlung in der Festkörperforschung | Ds/KFA/2326 |
KFA | Streumethoden zur Untersuchung kondensierter Materie | Ds/KFA/782 |
KFA | Dünne Schichten und Schichtsysteme | Ds/KFA/2293 |
KFA | Supraleitung und verwandte Quantenphänomene | Ds/KFA/2294 |
KFA | Ferienkurs 78 Röntgen- u. Neutronenstreuung | Ds/KFA/4169 |
KFA | Festkörperforschung f.d. Informationstechnik | Ds/KFA/5270 |
Kubo | Relaxation of Elementary Excit. | Ds/Kub/4656 |
Mort | Electronic and Structural Properties of Amorphons Semicond. | Ds/Lec/3381 |
Langeron | The Eighth International Vacuum Congress Vol. II | Ds/Lan/2911 |
Lay | Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces | Ds/Lay/2951 |
Lengeler | Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces | Ds/Len/3815 |
Lonngren | Solitons in Action | Ds/Lon/4397 |
Lovesey | Dynamics of Solids and Liquids... | Ds/Lov/4026 |
Lovesey | Condensed Matter Research... | Ds/Lov/5125 |
Ludeke | Interfaces and Contacts | Ds/Lud/2900 |
Lüscher | Liquid and Amorphous Metals | Ds/Lue/4893 |
Maradudin | Elementary Excitations in Solids | Ds/Mar/2222 |
Marcus | Computational Methods in Band Theory | Ds/Mar/2678 |
Maris | Phonon Scattering in Condensed... | Ds/Mar/4704 |
Marcus | Determination of Surface Structure by LEED | Ds/Mar/5147 |
Mark | 5th Annual Conference of the Physics of Compound Semiconductor Interfaces | Ds/Mar/2851 |
Mark | 6th Annual Conference of the Physics of Compound Semiconductor Interfaces | Ds/Mar/2852 |
Mark | 7th Annual Conference of the Physics of Compound Semiconductor Interfaces | Ds/Mar/2860 |
Mark | 8th Annual Conference of the Physics of Compound Semiconductor Interfaces | Ds/Mar/2861 |
Mark | 9th Annual Conference of the Physics of Compound Semiconductor Interfaces | Ds/Mar/2862 |
Mark | 14th Annual Conference of the Physics of Compound Semiconductor Interfaces | Ds/Mar/2863 |
Masuda | Energy and Charge Transfer in Organe Semicond. | Ds/Mas/3577 |
Mezei | Neutron Spin Echo | Ds/Mez/5099 |
Miasek | Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Bd. 1 | Ds/Mia/3258 |
Miasek | Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Bd. 2 | Ds/Mia/3259 |
Moriya | Electron Correlation | Ds/Mor/4794 |
Nagaaoka | Anderson Localization | Ds/Nag/4914 |
Newell | Nonlinear Wave Motion | Ds/New/4346 |
Nudelmann | Optical Properties of Solids | Ds/Nud/2082 |
Nusimovici | Phonons, Proceedings of the International Conference | Ds/Nus/3252 |
Oostrom | Solid-Vacuum Interface IV | Ds/Oos/4033 |
Pal | Organic Conductors and Semiconductors | Ds/Pal/4047 |
Pantelides | The Physics of SiO 2 and its Interfaces | Ds/Pan/2880 |
Pekalski | Modern Trends in the Theory of Condensed Matter | Ds/Pek/4647 |
Pell | Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Photoconductivity | Ds/Pel/2704 |
Perfetti | Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces Part II | Ds/Per/2886 |
Perfetti | Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces Part I | Ds/Per/2890 |
Phariseau | Electrons in Finite and Infinite Structures | Ds/Pha/4133 |
Physical Society of Japan | The Physics of Semiconductors, Kyoto 1966 | Ds/Phy/1528 |
Pietsonero | Physics of Intercalation Compounds | Ds/Pie/4856 |
Pilkuhn | Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Physics of Semicond. | Ds/Pil/3537 |
Prins | Physics of Non-Crystalline Solid | Ds/Pri/765 |
Proceeding of the 7th international conference, Paris 1964 | Physics of Semiconductors | Ds/Pro/1764 |
Quinn | Electronic Properties of Quasi-two-D. | Ds/Qui/3986 |
Rao | Modern Aspects of Solid State Chemistry | Ds/Rao/2606 |
Riste | Orderung in Strongly Fluctuating | Ds/Ris/4680 |
Roland | Propriétés physiques des solides sons pression | Ds/Rol/2470 |
Rudman | Phase Stability in Metals Alloys | Ds/Rud/2255 |
Ruvalds | Quantum Liquids | Ds/Ruv/4189 |
Scheffler | The Physics of Semiconductors Vol. I | Ds/Sch/2875 |
Scheffler | The Physics of Semiconductors Vol. II | Ds/Sch/2876 |
Scheffler | The Physics of Semiconductors Vol. III | Ds/Sch/2877 |
Scheffler | The Physics of Semiconductors Vol. IV | Ds/Sch/2878 |
Schmid | Proceedings of the Sixth International ...I | Ds/Sch/4708 |
Schmid | Proceedings of the Sixth International ...II | Ds/Sch/4709 |
Schuster | One-Dimensional Conductors | Ds/Sch/3603 |
Servant | Electron. Magn. Resonance... | Ds/Ser/298 |
Smidt | Magnetic and Electric Resonance... | Ds/Smi/183 |
Smith | Semiconducttori | Ds/Smi/987 |
Song | Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials XIV | Ds/Son/2980 |
Stevenson | Phonons in Perfect Lattices and in Lattices... | Ds/Ste/1579 |
Stewart | Position Annihilchion | Ds/Ste/2130 |
Stewart | Positron Annihilation | Ds/Ste/3406 |
Strumane | The Interaction of Radiation with Solids | Ds/Str/136 |
Stuke | Amerphons and Liquid Semiconductors, Vol. 1 | Ds/Stu/3503 |
Stuke | Amerphons and Liquid Semiconductors, Vol. 2 | Ds/Stu/3504 |
Takeuchi | The Properties of Liquid Metals | Ds/Tak/3224 |
Tanaka | 15th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors | Ds/Tan/2870 |
Tauc | The Optical Properties of Solids | Ds/Tau/1588 |
Tomizuka | Physics of Solids at High Pressures | Ds/Tom/622 |
Tsen | Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials XIII | Ds/Tse/2981 |
Tsen | Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials XV | Ds/Tse/2979 |
Vooren | Proc. Fifth Int. Conf. 1976 | Ds/Voo/3996 |
Wachter | Valence Instabilities | Ds/Wac/5042 |
Wallis | Localized Excitations | Ds/Wal/1999 |
Wallace | New Developments in Semiconductors | Ds/Wal/3189 |
Wallis | Lattice Dynamics | Ds/Wal/882 |
Weiß | Scientific Principles of Semiconductor Technology | Ds/Wei/3574 |
Wellner | Ferroelectricity | Ds/Wel/1698 |
Willis | Thermal Neutron Differaction | Ds/Wil/2232 |
Wilson | Physics of Semiconductors 1978 | Ds/Wil/2940 |
Wilson | Physics of Semiconductors, Edinburgh, 1978 | Ds/Wil/4617 |
Wright | Light Scattering Spectra of Solids | Ds/Wri/2368 |
Yonezawa | Fundament Physics of Amorphous Sem. | Ds/Yon/4780 |
Yonezawa | Topological Disorder in Cond. Matter | Ds/Yon/5004 |
Zacharias | Dynamics of Electron Transfer Processes at Surfaces | Ds/Zac/3645 |
Zahlan | Excitons, Magnons u. Phonons | Ds/Zah/2034 |
Zinn | Proc. of the 1975 Discussion Meeting on Magn. Semic. | Ds/Zin/3902 |