| | Elections

Elections summer 2016

Physics Department Council and Senate
Election poster for the Physics Department Council (summer semester 2016)
Download as PDF

Update (2016-07-10): The election results were published on !

Postal vote from until !

Vote letters can be handed in at the secretariats (internal mail). In that case, hand in a week in advance to be safe :-)

The Department Council is the most important committee at the department level. Here, students, professors and staff decide about the future of physics at Münster University. A high level of participation in the elections is important for us to be able to effectively represent your interests. Through a postal vote, you can decide who will sit in the Department Council for you. So: Go vote!

The group of students provides three full members in the Department Council; three more can be elected as deputies. The assignment of positions is decided according to the number of obtained votes. Further information on the elections can be found at the elections office’s website. Of course, you can always ask us about the elections if anything interests you. Below, you can see our candidates for these elections of the Physics Department Council.

In cooperation with the other student councils of the Mathematical-Scientific Faculty [de], we also have a candidate running for the Senate on the NaWi-FK (Scientific Student Council Conference) list. Here is the election poster and more info on the elections of the Senate.