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LaTeX course

The Student Council’s LaTeX course 2016

Preparation for lab courses

Hey there dear students, especially you in your (soon-to-be) third semester!

As every year, we have a special offer for those who will have to face their first laboratory courses (“Grundpraktikum” – 1FB, 2FB) next semester. This mostly applies to those who will start their third bachelor’s semester this October; in principle, everyone interested is invited, though!

As you may have already heard, writing the weekly reports for the lab courses takes a lot of effort and time. One of the reasons for this is that you’ll probably be confronted with new programs – office applications like Microsoft Word or Excel are unfortunately not suited for writing scientific texts and working with measured data in the long run. Those who were bold enough to have made this attempt can certainly tell of their battles ;-)

This is why we are offering a crash course on the document preparation system LaTeX, which is widely used in science, on (at the latest). To work on and discuss questions and exercises (“learning by doing”!) left over from the first day, we can also meet on a second day if there is some demand (e. g. Monday, ).

The course is explicitly designed to teach you everything you need to know to write lab reports (mostly) painlessly. We will also talk about a program for processing and visualizing data (gnuplot) as an example.

There are no fees for participation, of course! If you’re interested in participating (or if you have questions), please write us a quick message. We will meet on the in HS AP!

One more note: Please bring your own laptop (if you have one)! This makes things a lot easier because you can already install LaTeX on your machine for the lab courses and we can help with the installation if there are any problems!

Please install LaTeX on your laptop before the course as well! You can find a guide for this here (Linux users simply use their regular software manager): video tutorial.

For easier use, you will also need an editor; we reccommend TeXStudio for those who are unsure.