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Student Council Day 2012

A peek behind the curtains

You believe that the Student Council only in charge of the Introduction Week and lending out transcripts?

Or that the Student Union (AStA) is responsible only for political revolutions at the university?

Then get ready to be convinced otherwise!

The Physics Student Council is hosting the “Student Council Day” for the first time this year. We invite you to get to know us better, look us over the shoulder and discuss current topics!

Would you have known that we got you the 4th try? Come by and let us explain how that worked!

On , we will meet to discuss the following topics:

  • 09:00–10:00: Studentischer Akkreditierungspool (info talk with discussion)
  • 10:15–12:00: Recruiting new Student Council members (discussion)
  • 12:00–13:30: Lunch break
  • 13:30–14:00: University politics for beginners (info talk with discussion)
  • 14:15–16:00: Introduction Week for new freshmen (discussion)
  • 16:00–17:00: Coffee and cake :-)
  • 17:00–18:00: Which exam regulations are there, anyway? (info talk with discussion)
  • 18:15–19:00: Assessing the Summer Festival (discussion)

Come by, whether you want to spend a nice day with us, take a look at individual topics or just want to get cookies for free ;-)

A short mail to helps us plan and is completely nonbinding.