Dr. Florian Schepers Postdoc E-Mail: f.schepers@uni-muenster.de Research Topic Nonlinear Waveguides Laser Developement
Publications ArticlesResearch Articles (Journals)2023Zwilich, Michael, Schepers, Florian, and Fallnich, Carsten. 2023. “Longitudinal to transversal conversion of mode-locked states in an empty optical resonator.” Optics Express, № 31 (16): 25943–25953. doi: 10.1364/OE.491697.2021Schepers, F, and Fallnich, C. 2021. “Modal conversion of transverse mode-locked laser beams.” Applied Physics B, № 127: 73. doi: 10.1007/s00340-021-07606-9.2020Schepers, F, Hellwig, T, and Fallnich, C. 2020. “Modal reconstruction of transverse mode-locked laser beams.” Applied Physics B, № 126: 168. doi: 10.1007/s00340-020-07513-5.2019Schepers, F, Bexter, T, Hellwig, T, and Fallnich, C. 2019. “Selective Hermite–Gaussian mode excitation in a laser cavity by external pump beam shaping.” Applied Physics B, № 125 (75): 1–8. doi: 10.1007/s00340-019-7186-z.2017Porcel, MAG, Schepers, F, Epping, JP, Hellwig, T, Hoekman, M, Heideman, RG, Slot, PJM, Lee, CJ, Schmidt, R, Bratschitsch, R, Fallnich, C, and Boller, K. 2017. “Two-octave spanning supercontinuum generation in stoichiometric silicon nitride waveguides pumped at telecom wavelengths.” Opt. Express, № 25 (2): 1542–1554. doi: 10.1364/OE.25.001542.Conference ContributionsResearch Articles in Edited Proceedings (Conferences)2024Zwilich, Michael, Schepers, Florian, and Fallnich, Carsten. 2024. “Rapid spatio-temporal beam oscillation by transverse mode-locking in an empty Pound-Drever-Hall stabilized resonator.” in Proceedings of SPIE Photonics West 12901 - Complex Light and Optical Forces XVIII, edited by David L. Andrews, Enrique J. Galvez and Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop. Bellingham, WA: SPIE. doi: 10.1117/12.2692276.2023Zwilich, Michael, Schepers, Florian, and Fallnich, Carsten. 2023. “Conversion of Mode-Locked States within an Empty Optical Resonator.” in 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), edited by IEEE. New York City: Wiley-IEEE Press. doi: 10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC57999.2023.10232551.2022Zwilich, Michael, Schepers, Florian, and Fallnich, Carsten. 2022. “Conversion of Mode-Locked States within an Optical Cavity.” in EPJ Web of Conferences, edited by Patricia Helfenstein. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences. doi: 10.1051/epjconf/202226701032.2020Schepers, F, Hellwig, T, and Fallnich, C. 2020. “Modal Reconstruction of Transverse Mode-Locked Laser Beams.” contribution to the Europhoton Virtual Conference (EPS-QEOD), Prague, Czech Republic 2016Schepers, F, Porcel, MAG, Epping, JP, Hellwig, T, Hoekman, M, Mateman, R, Leinse, A, Heideman, RG, Rees, A, Slot, PJM, Lee, CJ, Schmidt, R, Bratschitsch, R, Boller, K, and Fallnich, C. 2016. “Ultra-broadband Supercontinuum Generation at Telecommunication Wavelengths in Dispersion Engineered Stoichiometric Si3N4 Waveguides.” contribution to the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, USA doi: 10.1364/CLEO_AT.2016.AM3J.5.Abstracts in Digital Collections (Conferences)2022Zwilich, Michael, Schepers, Florian, and Fallnich, Carsten. 2022. “Longitudinal to Transversal Conversion of Mode-Locked States in an Empty Optical Cavity.” contribution to the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose 2019Schepers, F, Brüggenkamp, T, Hellwig, T, and Fallnich, C. 2019. “Beam Pointing Detection by Interference with a Frequency-Shifted Higher-Order Mode.” contribution to the CLEO/Europe-EQEC, München, Deutschland Schepers, F, Bexter, T, Hellwig, T, and Fallnich, C. 2019. “DMD-Based Excitation of Transverse Laser Modes by Spatial Pump Beam Shaping.” contribution to the CLEO/Europe-EQEC, München, Deutschland Schepers, F, Brüggenkamp, T, Hellwig, T, and Fallnich, C. 2019. “Beam Pointing Detection by Interference with a Frequency Shifted Higher-Order Mode.” contribution to the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose Schepers, F, Bexter, T, Hellwig, T, and Fallnich, C. 2019. “Cavity-External Spatial Gain Shaping for Selective Higher-Order Mode Excitation.” contribution to the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose 2017Porcel, MAG, Schepers, F, Epping, JP, Hellwig, T, Hoekman, M, Leinse, A, Heideman, R, van Rees, A, van der, Slot P JM, Lee, CJ, Schmidt, R, Bratschitsch, R, Fallnich, C, and Boller, KJ. 2017. “Visible to mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in dispersion engineered stoichiometric silicon nitride waveguides driven by 120-fs, 1560-nm laser pulses.” contribution to the Physics@FOM Veldhoven, Veldhoven, Netherlands 2016Porcel, MAG, Schepers, F, Epping, JP, Hellwig, T, Hoekman, M, Leinse, A, Heideman, R, van Rees, A, van der, Slot P JM, Lee, CJ, Schmidt, R, Bratschitsch, R, Fallnich, C, and Boller, KJ. 2016. “Two-octave spanning on-chip supercontinuum generation at telecom wavelengths using silicon nitride waveguides.” contribution to the 40th Annual Meeting NNV AMO Lunteren, Lunteren, Netherlands Porcel, MAG, Schepers, F, Epping, JP, Hellwig, T, Hoekman, M, Leinse, A, Heideman, R, van Rees, A, van der, Slot P JM, Lee, CJ, Schmidt, R, Bratschitsch, R, Fallnich, C, and Boller, KJ. 2016. “On-chip broadband supercontinuum generation at telecom wavelengths using silicon nitride waveguides.” contribution to the International MicroNanoConference (iMNC 2016), Amsterdam Research Articles in Digital CollectionsZwilich, Michael, Schepers, Florian, and Fallnich, Carsten. 2023. “Longitudinal to transversal conversion of mode-locked states in an empty optical resonator.” arxiv.org doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2304.05282.Scientific Talks 2020Schepers F, Hellwig T, Fallnich C 2020: “Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Transverse Mode-Locked Lasers”. ANP Retreat, Enschede, Jul 16, 2020.2018Schepers F, Bexter T, Fallnich C 2018: “Beyond the Fundamental Mode − Tailoring Light Within Lasers”. ANP Meeting, Enschede, Mar 1, 2018.2016Schepers F, Porcel MAG, Epping J, Hellwig T, Schmidt R, Bratschitsch R, Boller K, Fallnich C 2016: “Ultra-broadband Supercontinuum Generation in Dispersion Engineered Stoichiometric Si3N4 Waveguides”. SFB-Initiative: Aktuelle Fragen der Nanophysik , Münster, Apr 25, 2016.Schepers F, Porcel MAG, Epping JP, Hellwig T, Schmidt R, Bratschitsch R, Boller K, Fallnich C 2016: “Broadband supercontinuum generation in high-confinement Si3N4 integrated optical waveguides”. DPG-Springmeeting, Hannover, Mar 4, 2016.