Arno Robert Holl M.A.
© Uni Münster – Stefan Klatt
  • Dissertation Project

    Su Vivir es la Lengua del Agua: Being Kukama between de‑indigenization, re‑indigenization, and the river world (Working title)

    In this dissertation project, I seek to comprehend the reemergence of the Kukama people as an indigenous group in the border area of Peru, Colombia and Brazil, after a long period of rejecting the label “indigenous”.

    On the one hand, a once powerful nation, under pressure from colonial and later national actors (missionaries, slave traders, military, and the diseases brought by them), transformed into “simple river dwellers” (caboclos / ribereños), resulting in the often-claimed disappearance of the Kukama as a distinctive group. At the same time, accounts from the last 400+ years constantly mention a group called Kokama / Cocama in the region. Descendants of the ethnically heterogeneous populations of Jesuit missions maintained certain cultural elements of the historical Kukama people that were and are often kept well hidden from outsiders; only to then start a form of public “re-indigenization” from the 1980s on.

    My interest is how this shift in perspective, from denying any links to the indigenous Amazonian population to affirming them, works from an ontological inside perspective. Also, in this process history is (re‑)interpreted and constructed, but from a specific, non-Western point of view. To analyze this further, I want to investigate oral history applying the theories of Amerindian Perspectivism. The Kukama's own view on history and belonging is the main focus of this work.

    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sarah Albiez-Wieck

  • CV

    Academic Education

    10/2013 – 03/2016 M.A. in Cultural and Social Anthropology
    Philipps-Universität Marburg
    Thesis: „Pajé e Fé em Deus. Beziehungen zu andersweltlichen Wesenheiten in Heilpraktiken der Kokama in und um Jutaí, AM.“
    10/2010 – 10/2013
    B.A. in Comparative Cultural and Religious Studies 
    Philipps-Universität Marburg
    Thesis: „Funktion und Bedeutung der Körperbemalung bei den Canela.“
    Bernhard-Strigel-Gymnasium Memmingen


    Occupational History

    since 04/2023
    Research Associate
    Chair of Non-European History, University of Münster
    01/2021 – 03/2022
    Head of Cultural Programme
    Goethe-Institut Angola, Luanda
    04/2020 – 11/2020
    Assistant and co-curator of the exhibition "Green Sky, Blue Grass. Colours order worlds." 
    Weltkulturen Museum Frankfurt am Main
    07/2017 – 06/2019
    Scientific Volunteer 
    Department of the Americas, Weltkulturen Museum Frankfurt am Main
    01/2017 – 06/2017
    Assistant to the exhibition "Entre Terra e Mar. Between Earth and Sea. Transatlantic Art."
    Weltkulturen Museum Frankfurt am Main
    03/2016 – 01/2017
    Assistant Depot and Digitisation
    Weltkulturen Museum Frankfurt am Main
    10/2012 – 09/2013
    Student Assistant
    Institute for Cultural and Social Anthropology, Philipps-Universität Marburg