Work group Operator algebras and non-commutative geometry

Our work group represents the fields of operator algebras and noncommutative geometry in teaching and research. The current focus of our research is

  • structure of C * algebras and more general non-commutative algebras, in particular their K-theory and cyclic homology, as well as cohomology, group C * algebras
  • representation theory of locally compact groups and the Baum-Connes conjecture
  • non-commutative dynamic systems such as crossed products and ring C * algebras
  • quantized spaces
  • quantum groups and quantum groupoids

We meet every Monday 14 - 16 in SRZ 216 for kleines seminar that is addressed mainly to MSc and PhD students, and to PostDocs.


During the lecture period, we meet for talks at Oberseminar C* algebras every Tuesday at 15:45 with coffee, cake and time for discussions in the seminar room SRZ 216 (Orléans-Ring 12).



Oberseminar C*-Algebras


Date Name Title Info
05.03.24 Xin Li (Glasgow) Ample groupoids, topological full groups, algebraic K-theory spectra and infinite loop spaces. Special lecture
09.04.24 Federico Vigolo (Göttingen) C*-rigidity for Roe-like algebras.

Change of room: SRZ 214

Coffee: Common Room

16.04.24 Fernando Lledó (Madrid) Amenability and paradoxicality in (inverse) semigroups and uniform Roe algebras.  
23.04.24 Aaron Tikuisis (z.Z. Oxford) Central sequences and topological dynamics.  
30.04.24 Siegfried Echterhoff Simple subquotients of group C*-algebras of connected groups—a theorem of Poguntke revisited.  
07.05.24 Wend Werner Embedding the enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra into an operator algebra.  
14.05.24 Hanfeng Li (SUNY) Combinatorics and local entropy theory for induced actions on probability measure spaces.  
21.05.24 --- --- Pentecost week
28.05.24 Victor Wu (Sydney) From directed graphs of groups to Kirchberg algebras.  
04.06.24 Diego Martinez Essential algebras and amenability of groupoids.  
11.06.24 Joan Claramunt (Madrid) A graph-theoretic characterization of a class of dynamical systems and its (C*)-algebras.  
18.06.24 --- ---  
25.06.24 Ebrahim Samei (Saskatoon) /
Dietmar Bisch (Vanderbilt)
Samei: Entropies and Poisson boundaries of probability measures on groups with rapid decay. /
Bisch: Graph planar algebra embeddings and new Temperley-Lieb-Jones subfactors.
02.07.24 --- ---  