PhD Program of the Otto Creutzfeldt Center for Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience

The PhD program of the Otto Creutzfeldt Center offers multi-disciplinary training in cognitive and behavioral neuroscience. The program consists of obligatory and optional courses provided by members of the center and other university faculties. It is open to outstanding graduates from the fields of Medicine, Psychology, Biology, Sports Science, Physics, and related subjects from Germany and abroad.

For details of the program, download the OCC PhD Program as PDF

Doctoral agreement Psychology

Doctoral agreement Biology English version Promotionsvereinbarung Fb13 En German version Promotionsvereinbarung Fb13

Doctoral Annual Committee Meetings Protokollvorlage für die Jahresgespräche

Neuroscience Colloquia

OCC Lecture "Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience"

OCC Retreats

OCC Student Resources

The following documents provide information on available lab rotations and optional courses:

Method Courses and Lab Rotations

Optional Courses


Current Reading Groups

Computational Approaches in the Neuroscience of Consciousness Journal Club: Tuesday at 11 am, every fortnight, Institute of Medical Psychology and Systems Neuroscience (Von-Esmarch-Str. 52) Interested OCC students can contact Jana Harenbrock ( for further information.

Brain Oscillations and Beyond Journal Club: Mondays at 16:00 in the IBB rooms. Interested OCC students can contact Jana Fehring ( for further information.

Cognitive Science Journal Club: Thursdays at 14:00 in room 137 b, Institute of Psychology. Interested OCC students can contact Ala Ali Alsaleh ( for further information.

Machine Learning Journal Club: Discussing a variety of ML & Artificial neural network applications in neuroscience and movement science, for instance for EEG, EMG or fMRI measurements. Contact Myriam de Graaf ( if you would like to join.

Communication and Rhythms Journal Club: Time/Place: Fridays 16:30  / Seminar Room of Institute for Biomagnetism and Biosignal analysis (malmedyweg 15), contact person is Nikolas Chalas.

Journal Club Physiology: Monday, 4pm, Physiology I, Robert-Koch-Straße 27a, please contact Eleni Nikalexi if you are interested to join.

Journal Club Visual Perception: Friday, 3 pm, Institute of Psychology, Fliednerstraße 21, Room 139, contact Anna Hülemeier if you would like to join.

Journal Club BioPsychologie: Tuesday, 2 pm, Institute of Psychology, Fliednerstraße 21, Room 315, contact Marius Boeltzig ( if you would like to join.