REGISTRATION IS CLOSED Participation is free of charge, but registration is required for presenting authors and attendees.
Personal Data First name Last name Email Affiliation and Address Institution/Department Organisation/University Street ZIP Code City Country Terms and Conditions Recording permission I agree that my talk will be recorded and made available for the participants of the conference until September 30, 2020 (The discussion after the talk will not be recorded). I disagree that my talk will be recorded and made available for the participants of the conference until September 30, 2020. I will not present a talk. With my registration I confirm that I am aware that questions asked during the talks might be recorded. If I will make a contribution during a talk, I agree that this will be part of the recorded talk and thus will be available for the participants of the conference until September 30, 2020. I have read and accept the data protection policy. Spam protection: What is the square root of 16?