Schlagwort-Archive: Elsevierbuchpaket

Neues Online-Buch: Handbook of Cognitive Science


Handbook of Cognitive Science An Embodied Approach
Edited by: Paco Calvo and Antoni Gomila
2009 Elsevier Ltd., ISBN: 978-0-08-046616-3

The Handbook of Cognitive Science An Embodied Approach provides an overview of recent developments in cognition research, relying upon non-classical approaches. Cognition is explained as the continuous interplay between brain, body, and environment, without relying on classical notions of computations and representation to explain cognition. The handbook serves as a valuable companion for readers interested in foundational aspects of cognitive science, and neuroscience and the philosophy of mind. The handbook begins with an introduction to embodied cognitive science, and then breaks up the chapters into separate sections on conceptual issues, formal approaches, embodiment in perception and action, embodiment from an artificial perspective, embodied meaning, and emotion and consciousness. Contributors to the book represent research overviews from around the globe including the US, UK, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, France, Sweden, and the Netherlands.

Alle neuen Online-Bücher von Elsevier in 2009


Im folgenden finden Sie die von der ZB Med dauerhaft gekauften 60 neuen Online-Bücher, die Elsevier 2009 in den Sachgebieten Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology herausgegeben hat. Zusammen mit den 942 Elsevier-Titeln der Jahre 1995-2008 verfügt die Bibliothek damit über ein Portfolio von über 1.000 Online-Büchern dieses Verlags.

Neues Online-Buch: Handbook of Clinical Neurology


Handbook of Clinical Neurology

Diverse Volumes:

pp. 1-1351 (2008) Stroke Part III: Investigation and Management
pp. 1-982 (2008) Stroke Part II: Clinical Manifestations and Pathogenesis
pp. 1-433 (2008) Stroke
pp. 1-451 (2008) Neuromuscular Junction Disorders
pp. 1-391 (2008) Disorders of Consciousness
pp. 1-913 (2008) Dementias
pp. 1-594 (2008) Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurology
pp. 1-644 (2007) Malformations of the Nervous System
pp. 1-414 (2007) Myopathies
pp. 1-367 (2007) HIV/AIDS and the Nervous System
pp. 1-570 (2007) Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders, Part II

The Handbook of Clinical Neurology series has an international reputation as the ultimate reference tool for neurologists involved in clinical research and for neuroscience research workers. It offers a comprehensive coverage of the whole field of neurology with the highest quality of scientific content.

Supervising the compilation of the series and choosing topics for future volumes is an internationally known team of series editors

* Dr Michael J. Aminoff, Department of Neurology, University of California, USA
* Dr Francois Boller, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA
* Dr Dick F. Swaab, Netherlands Unit for Brain Research, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The mission for the third series of HCN is to cover the entire field of neurology in approximately 30 volumes, and to become once again the world’s most comprehensive source of information in neurology. It will cover recent developments in clinical neurology, taking into account new information from the neurosciences, neurogenetics, neuropsychology and neuropsychiatry. There will be systematic inclusion of neurobiological aspects of the nervous system in health and disease, in order to clarify physiological and pathogenic mechanisms and to provide new therapeutic strategies. Each volume will include data on epidemiology, imaging, genetics and therapy.

Neues Online-Buch: Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience


Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience

Three Volumes:
Volume 18, Pages 1-634 (2008) Handbook of Episodic Memory. Edited by: Ekrem Dere, Alexander Easton, Lynn Nadel and Joseph P. Huston. ISBN: 9780444531742

Volume 17, Pages 1-517 (2008) Handbook of Anxiety and Fear. Robert J. Blanchard, D. Caroline Blanchard, Guy Griebel and David Nutt. ISBN: 9780444530653

Volume 16, Pages 1-697 (2006) Handbook of Microdialysis – Methods, Applications and Perspectives. Ben H.C. Westerink and Thomas I.F.H. Cremers. ISBN: 9780444522764

Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience, with chapters authored by the leading researchers, provides a comprehensive overview over the current research on episodic memory, the memory system in the brain dealing with the remembering of personal experiences as a significant part of awareness and consciousness.

Neues Online-Buch: Handbook for the Assessment of Driving Capacity


Handbook for the Assessment of Driving Capacity
Maria T. Schultheis, John DeLuca and Douglas L. Chute
Elsevier 2008, ISBN: 978-0-12-631255-3

Handbook for the Assessment of Driving Capacity is a resource for professionals involved in determining the driving capacity of individuals with neurological involvement and or trauma. While much work has been completed in this new and growing field, this is the first attempt to bring together clinical work on assessing driving capacity for different clinical populations and conditions. Specific topics include, traumatic brain injury, stroke, dementia, normal aging, medications, retraining, interventions, medical conditions, legal issues, practical issues, assessment instruments, simulators, research and epidemiology. Each chapter will address clinically relevant issues specific to the clinical population. This comprehensive compilation of driving assessment of cognitively compromised populations is the first of its kind and Dr. Schultheis is regarded as a leader in the field.

Neues Online-Buch: Genomic and Personalized Medicine


Genomic and Personalized Medicine

Huntington F. Willard, Ph.D., and Geoffrey S. Ginsburg, M.D., Ph.D.
Elsevier 2009, ISBN: 978-0-12-369420-1

The two-volume set Genomic and Personalized Medicine Volume I & II provides an in-depth look at one of the most promising avenues for advances in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of human disease. The inclusion of the latest information on diagnostic testing, population screening, predicting disease susceptibility, pharmacogenomics and more presents this book as an essential tool for both students and specialists across many biological and medical disciplines, including human genetics and genomics, oncology, neuroscience, cardiology, infectious disease, molecular medicine, and biomedical science, as well as health policy disciplines focusing on ethical, legal, regulatory and economic aspects of genomics and medicine. Volume One Includes:Principles, Methodology and Translational Approaches, takes readers on the journey from principles of human genomics to technology, informatic and computational platforms for genomic medicine, as well as strategies for translating genomic discoveries into advances in personalized clinical care. Volume Two Includes:Genome Discoveries and Clinical Applications presents the latest developments in disease-based genomic and personalized medicine. With chapters dedicated to cardiovascular disease, oncology, inflammatory disease, metabolic disease, neuropsychiatric disease, and infectious disease, this work provides the most comprehensive guide to the principles and practice of genomic and personalized medicine.

Neues Online-Buch: Genetic Diseases of the Kidney


Genetic Diseases of the Kidney

Richard P. Lifton, Stefan Somlo, Gerhard H. Giebisch and Donald W. Seldin
Elsevier 2009, ISBN: 978-0-12-449851-8

Genetic Diseases of the Kidney identifies and analyzes genetic abnormalities causing renal diseases in human subjects. Although in a sense the genome contains all the instructions required for the formation of a phenotype, the information is encoded in an extremely complicated fashion. In primary genetic diseases, the genetic instruction specifies a phenotype clearly linked with a discreet lesion confined to the kidney. However, the genetic disturbance may be imbedded in a complicated physiologic ensemble, so that the nexus between the genetic disturbance and the phenotype may be obscured; in consequence, the causal sequence is extremely difficult to unravel. In many instances the renal disease is one component of a complicated systemic hereditary disease, either monogenic or polygenic. Indeed, renal disease may arise as the sum of minor inputs from many different, seemingly unrelated genes, so that the genetic contributions may be difficult to identify. Confounding the problem further are environmental influences, originating either in the chromosomal environment from modifier genes, or in the extra-chromosomal environmental from intrauterine or postnatal influences. These considerations have determined both the organization of the text as well as the detailed description of the genetic disorders and the physiologic derangements that emerge.

Neues Online-Buch: Foundations of Comparative Genomics


Foundations of Comparative Genomics

Author(s): Arcady R. Mushegian, 2007 Elsevier
ISBN: 978-0-12-088794-1

Foundations of Comparative Genomics provides an overview of computational analysis of genes and genomes, and of some most notable findings that come out of this work. Foundations of Comparative Genomics presents a historical perspective, beginning with early analysis of individual gene sequences, to present day comparison of gene repertoires encoded by completely sequenced genomes. The author discusses the underlying scientific principles of comparative genomics, argues that completion of many genome sequences started a new era in biology, and provides a personal view on several state-of-the-art issues, such as systems biology and whole-genome phylogenetic reconstructions. This book is an essential reference for researchers and students in computational biology, evolutionary biology, and genetics.

Neues Online-Buch: Functional Analysis in Clinical Treatment


Functional Analysis in Clinical Treatment

Edited by: Peter Sturmey, 2007 Elsevier
ISBN: 978-0-12-372544-8

WIth the ongoing pressures for psychologists to practice evidence-based care, and the requirement insurance carriers have both for treatment goals, measurement of outcomes, and a focus on brief therapy, Functional Analysis in Clinical Treatment provides a framework for achieving all of the above. Having proven itself in treating behavioral problems in education, functional analysis is now being applied more broadly to behavioral and psychologial disorders. In his 1996 book (Functional Analysis in Clinical Psychology, Wiley UK), Sturmey applied the functional behavioral approach to case formulation across a wide range of psychological disorders and behaviors. Since the publication of his book, no other volume has taken an explicit behavioral approach to case formulation. The changes that have occurred over the last 10 years in behavioral case formulation have been significant and substantial. They include (a) a large expansion of the range of problems addressed, such as ADHD, (b) a range of new verbal behavior therapies such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapies, (c) increased area of activity in the area of autism spectrum disorders; (d) many publications in how to train professionals, staff and parents in behavioral technology, and (e) new assessment instruments and procedures.

Neues Online-Buch: Forensic Art Essentials


Forensic Art Essentials: A Manual for Law Enforcement Artists

Author(s): Lois Gibson, 2008 Elsevier
ISBN: 978-0-12-370898-4

The demand for forensic art usage in investigations is rapidly expanding due to media attention. Despite this fact, to date no book thoroughly explains how to sketch a suspect’s face from a witness? memory. Forensic Art Essentials teaches artists to extract information from a witness or victim about a face they have seen, and produce an image good enough to lead detectives to the criminal being described. After reading this book, anyone with adequate drawing skills will be able to learn the tools necessary to develop his or her skills as a forensic artist. Instruction focuses on an explanation of techniques for various scenarios and includes the use of case studies of special situations and how they should be handled. Additionally, Forensic Art Essentials covers skull reconstructions of unidentified murder victims and age progressions to aid in the apprehension of known fugitives. The book also provides step-by-step illustrations of how to reconstruct a face from a skull, and offers solutions to a multitude of common problems that occur in the field. With 500 full-color illustrations, this book is an essential tool for any forensic artist.

Neues Online-Buch: Electrochemical Sensors, Biosensors and their Biomedical Applications


Electrochemical Sensors, Biosensors and their Biomedical Applications

Author(s): Xueji Zhang, Huangxian Ju and Joseph Wang
Elsevier 2008, ISBN: 978-0-12-373738-0

Electrochemical Sensors, Biosensors and their Biomedical Applications compiles the expert knowledge of many specialists in the construction and use of chemical sensors and biosensors including nitric oxide sensors, glucose sensors, DNA sensors, hydrogen sulfide sensors, oxygen sensors, superoxide sensors, immuno sensors, lab on chip, implatable microsensors, et al. Emphasis is laid on practical problems, ranging from chemical application to biomedical monitoring and from in vitro to in vivo, from single cell to animal to human measurement. This provides the unique opportunity of exchanging and combining the expertise of otherwise apparently unrelated disciplines of chemistry, biological engineering, and electronic engineering, medical, physiological. The reader is not only provided with user-oriented guidelines for the proper choice and application of new chemical sensors and biosensors, but also with new methodological advancements related to and correlated with the measurement of interested species in biomedical samples. Many case studies are included to illustrate the range of application and importance of the chemical sensors and biosensors.(Amazon)

Encyclopedia of Ecology


Heute wollen wir Sie aufmerksam machen auf : Encyclopedia of Ecology, Elsevier 2008. 5 Volumes, 3120 Seiten. Eines der besten und umfangreichsten Referenzwerke auf diesen Fachgebiet.

– Behavioral Ecology
– Chemical Ecology
– Ecological Engineering
– Ecological Indicators
– Ecological Informatics
– Ecological Models
– Ecological Processes
– Ecological Stoichiometry
– Ecosystems
– Ecotoxicology
– Evolutionary Ecology
– General Ecology
– Global Ecology
– Human Ecology
– Philosophy of Ecology
– Population Dynamics
– Systems Ecology