Schlagwort-Archive: E-Book

Neues Online-Buch: The Limits of Dream


The Limits of Dream: A Scientific Exploration of the Mind/Brain Interface

Author(s): J.F. Pagel, ISBN: 978-0-12-374215-5
Elsevier 2008. Edited by: T.W.J. Gadella.
ISBN: 9780080549583. 534 Seiten

The Limits of Dream focuses on what we currently know of the human central nervous system (CNS), examining the basic sciences of neurochemisty, neuroanatomy, and CNS electrophysiology as these sciences apply to dream, then reaching beyond basic science to examine the cognitive science of dreaming including the processes of memory, the perceptual interface, and visual imagery. Building on what is known of intrapersonal CNS processing, the book steps outside the physical body to explore artificially created dreams and their use in filmmaking, art and story, as well as the role of dreaming in creative process and creative ?madness.? The limits of our scientific knowledge of dream frame this window that can be used to explore the border between body and mind. What is known scientifically of the cognitive process of dreaming will lead the neuroscientist, the student of cognitive science, and the general reader down different paths than expected into an exploration of the fuzzy and complex horizon between mind and brain.

Neues Online-Buch: Fret and Flim Techniques


Laboratory Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Volume 33: Fret and Flim Techniques

Elsevier 2009. Edited by: T.W.J. Gadella. ISBN: 9780080549583. 534 Seiten

The books in this well established series LABORATORY TECHNIQUES IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY cover all aspects of laboratory work in biochemistry and molecular biology. Each volume provides sufficient information for laboratory workers to apply a new technique without having seen it in practice or having any prior knowledge of it. The series is published in hardbound and paperback versions. In those cases where a volume consists of more than one part, a hardbound edition combines the parts for reference purposes.As topical as its subject, the Laboratory Techniques series provides an up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of biochemical and molecular biological research techniques, and is specifically designed for use by researchers and laboratory technicians. Each book in the series provides a clear, concise, and easy-to-follow layout, which is ideal for use as a reference source, on-the-bench, or as a student tutorial.

Neues Online-Buch: Kidnapping


Kidnapping: An Investigator’s Guide to Profiling

2008 Elsevier Inc. Author(s): Diana M. Concannon, Bruce Fain, Dianna Fain, Alan B. Honeycutt, Jana Price-Sharps and Matthew Sharps. ISBN: 978-0-12-374031-1

Kidnapping: An Investigator’s Guide to Profiling is based on a three-part analysis of 100 randomly selected kidnapping cases prosecuted in the United States that have survived Supreme Court appeal. The results of the analysis are incorporated into each chapter as part of the exploration of the inductive profile of each kidnapping subtype, thereby offering a statistically based tool that can inform investigative strategies and the allocation of limited resources. The analysis includes standardized input from four levels of professional law enforcement including a forensic psychologist, a crime analyst, a detective, and a city prosecutor. In addition to chapters pertaining to the kidnapping subtypes, an introductory chapter is dedicated to the evolution of U.S. kidnapping law and intervention strategies, including a review of relevant case law (Megan’s Law, Amber Alert). Appendices include a concise summary of all the subtypes and Tabletop Drills that law enforcement can use to support potential kidnapping victims prepare and better respond to a kidnapping threat.

Neues Online-Buch: Juvenile Osteology


Juvenile Osteology: A Laboratory and Field Manual

2009 Elsevier Inc. Author(s): Maureen Schaefer, Sue Black and Louise Scheuer. ISBN: 978-0-12-374635-1

The need for a laboratory and field manual to assist with the evaluation of juvenile skeletal material is long overdue. This resource is essential for the practising osteoarchaeologist and forensic anthropologist who requires a quick, reliable and easy-to-use reference to aid in the identification, siding and aging of juvenile osseous material. While excellent reference books on juvenile osteology are currently available, no pre-existing source adequately fills this particular niche in the market. This field manual is designed with practicality as its primary directive. Descriptions of each bone contain 1) morphological characteristics useful for identification, 2) other elements with which the bone may be confused, 2) tips for siding, 3) illustrations of varying developmental phases, 4) data useful for ageing, and 5) a summary of developmental timings. Concise, bullet-style descriptions assist with quick retrieval of information. Unique to this manual is the presentation of data collected from a variety of populations, utilizing a range of observational methods, as an alternative to providing one overall aging summary that is derived from a compilation of many individual sources. This manual provides a host of data on a variety of populations to enable the user to select the reference most applicable to their needs. The final chapter combines information from each bone to provide a summary of developmental changes occurring at different life stages to act as an immediate ‚ready reckoner‘ for the knowledgeable practitioner. It also provides forms useful for documenting juvenile material and diagrams to help with the recognition of commingled juvenile remains. The manual is a must for anyone responsible for the evaluation of juvenile osseous material through dry bone assessment, radiographs, sonograms, and or CT scans.

Bilddatenbank der Anatomie


Die Anatomical Plates from the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library enthalten etwa 4.500 Seiten historischer Anatomiedarstellungen von knapp 100 Büchern der Jason A. Hannah and Academy of Medicine collections in the history of medicine (Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto). Die Illustrationen wurden möglichst vollständig erschlossen (MeSH-Schlagwörter, Zeichentechnik, Künstler, Quelle usw.).

Neues Online-Buch: Introduction to Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback

Introduction to Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback (Second Edition): Advanced Theory and Applications

2009 Elsevier Inc., Author(s): Thomas H. Budzynski, PhD, Helen Kogan Budzynski, PhD, RN, James R. Evans, PhD, and Andrew Abarbanel, MD. ISBN: 978-0-12-374534-7

The study of Quantitative EEGs and Neurofeedback offer a window into brain physiology and function via computer and statistical analyses, suggesting innovative approaches to the improvement of attention, anxiety, mood and behavior. Resources for understanding what QEEG and Neurofeedback is, how they are used, and to what disorders and patients they can be applied are scarce, and this volume serves as an ideal tool for clinical researchers and practicing clinicians, providing a broad overview of the most interesting topics relating to the techniques. The revised coverage of advancements, new applications (e.g. Aspberger’s, music therapy, LORETA, etc.), and combinations of prior approaches make the second edition a necessary companion to the first. The top scholars in the field have been enlisted and contributions will offer both the breadth needed for an introductory scholar and the depth desired by a clinical professional.

Neues Online-Buch: International Encyclopedia of Human Geography


International Encyclopedia of Human Geography

2009 Elsevier Ltd., Editors-in-Chief: Rob Kitchin and Nigel Thrift. ISBN: 978-0-08-044910-4

Including a detailled chapter on „Health and Medical Geography“.

The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography provides an authoritative and comprehensive source of information on the discipline of human geography and its constituent, and related, subject areas. The encyclopedia includes over 1,000 detailed entries on philosophy and theory, key concepts, methods and practices, biographies of notable geographers, and geographical thought and praxis in different parts of the world. This groundbreaking project covers every field of human geography and the discipline’s relationships to other disciplines, and is global in scope, involving an international set of contributors. Given its broad, inclusive scope and unique online accessibility, it is anticipated that the International Encyclopedia of Human Geography will become the major reference work for the discipline over the coming decades. The Encyclopedia will be available in both limited edition print and online via ScienceDirect – featuring extensive browsing, searching, and internal cross-referencing between articles in the work, plus dynamic linking to journal articles and abstract databases, making navigation flexible and easy.

Neues Online-Buch: Information Resources in Toxicology


Information Resources in Toxicology (Fourth Edition)

2009 Elsevier Inc. Edited by: Philip Wexler, Associate Editors and Steve G. Gilbert. ISBN: 978-0-12-373593-5

This latest version of Information Resources in Toxicology (IRT) continues a tradition established in 1982 with the publication of the first edition in presenting an extensive itemization, review, and commentary on the information infrastructure of the field. This book is a unique wide-ranging, international, annotated bibliography and compendium of major resources in toxicology and allied fields such as environmental and occupational health, chemical safety, and risk assessment. Thoroughly updated, the current edition analyzes technological changes and is rife with online tools and links to Web sites. IRT-IV is highly structured, providing easy access to its information. Among the „hot topics“ covered are Disaster Preparedness and Management, Nanotechnology, Omics, the Precautionary Principle, Risk Assessment, and Biological, Chemical and Radioactive Terrorism and Warfare are among the designated. . International in scope, with contributions from over 30 countries
. Numerous key references and relevant Web links
. Concise narratives about toxicologic sub-disciplines
. Valuable appendices such as the IUPAC Glossary of Terms in Toxicology
. Authored by experts in their respective sub-disciplines within toxicology

Neue Nationallizenz: 409 Karger E-Books

k1 k2 k4 k3

Von der DFG wurde nun auch eine Nationallizenz über eine Kollektion von 409 englischsprachigen eBooks der Erscheinungsjahre 1997 bis 2009 des Karger-Verlags gekauft. Es handelt sich um 48 Buchserien von „A“ wie Advances In Cardiology, Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine, Antibiotics and Chemotherapy bis zu „W“ wie World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics. Diese Titel sind ab sofort an der Universität Münster zugänglich.

PubMed enthält nun erstmals auch Bücher


PubMed enthält seit kurzem auch Buchkapitel. Während andere fachwissenschaftliche Datenbanken wie PsycInfo oder Biosis von Anfang an Verweise auf Konferenzreports und Bücher enthielten, war PubMed bzw. Medline in der Vergangenheit hier absolut puritanisch vorgegangen und hatte nur Zeitschriftenartikel indexiert.

Damit ist nun Schluß. PubMed öffnet sich nun auch für Bücher, allerdings nicht irgendwelche, sondern (erstmal?) nur diejenigen knapp 100 frei verfügbaren Titel, die im NCBI Bookshelf nachgewiesen sind. Die ersten beiden zu PubMed hinzugefügten Bücher sind GeneReviews und Essentials of Glycobiology. Sowohl das Buch selber als auch jedes Kapitel wird einen Datensatz in PubMed bekommen und dort zu finden sein, wie z.B. eine Recherche nach Feingold Syndrome zeigt. Die Zitate werden mit „Books & Documents“ gekennzeichnet und immer einen Link zum (frei verfügbaren) Volltext enthalten.


Weitere Informationen der National Library of Medicine:

In order to accommodate the book and book chapter citations, the PubMed Summary display will also be modified. PubMed citations may include one of the set of labels and links outlined below. The Related articles link will also be renamed to Related citations. New copper-colored labels (Books & Documents, Free PMC Article, and Free Article) provide users with a quick and easy way to scan the Summary display to find text that is freely available. The blue Free text links display for PubMed Central articles and Bookshelf items (see Figure 1) and, when clicked, open a new browser page with full text. When Free Article is displayed, use the title link to the Abstract format to find a publisher icon link to full text.

P.S.: Buchkapitel können natürlich – wie auch alle anderen frei verfügbaren Online-Artikel – nicht über RAPIDOC bestellt werden.

Neues Online-Buch: Genetic Diseases of the Kidney


Genetic Diseases of the Kidney
Edited by: Richard P. Lifton, Stefan Somlo, Gerhard H. Giebisch and Donald W. Seldin
2009 Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-449851-8

Genetic Diseases of the Kidney identifies and analyzes genetic abnormalities causing renal diseases in human subjects. Although in a sense the genome contains all the instructions required for the formation of a phenotype, the information is encoded in an extremely complicated fashion. In primary genetic diseases, the genetic instruction specifies a phenotype clearly linked with a discreet lesion confined to the kidney. However, the genetic disturbance may be imbedded in a complicated physiologic ensemble, so that the nexus between the genetic disturbance and the phenotype may be obscured; in consequence, the causal sequence is extremely difficult to unravel. In many instances the renal disease is one component of a complicated systemic hereditary disease, either monogenic or polygenic. Indeed, renal disease may arise as the sum of minor inputs from many different, seemingly unrelated genes, so that the genetic contributions may be difficult to identify. Confounding the problem further are environmental influences, originating either in the chromosomal environment from modifier genes, or in the extra-chromosomal environmental from intrauterine or postnatal influences. These considerations have determined both the organization of the text as well as the detailed description of the genetic disorders and the physiologic derangements that emerge.

Neues Online-Buch: Hayes‘ Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology


Hayes‘ Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology (Third Edition)
Edited by: Robert Krieger, 2342 Seiten
2010 Elsevier , ISBN: 978-0-12-374367-1

Hayes‘ Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology (Third Edition) is a comprehensive, two-volume reference guide to the properties, effects, and regulation of pesticides that provides the latest and most complete information to researchers investigating the environmental, agricultural, veterinary, and human-health impacts of pesticide use. Written by international experts from academia, government, and the private sector, the Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology is an in-depth examination of critical issues related to the need for, use of, and nature of chemicals used in modern pest management. This updated third edition carries on the book’s tradition of serving as the definitive reference on pesticide toxicology and recognizies the seminal contribution of Wayland J. Hayes, Jr., co-Editor of the first edition.