Schlagwort-Archive: E-Book

Neues Online-Buch: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder


Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Scientific and Professional Dimensions
Author(s): Julian D. Ford
Elsevier 2009, ISBN: 978-0-12-374462-3

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder will be the first comprehensive text in the rapidly growing field of psychological trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder. According to the NIMH, approximately 5.2 million American adults already suffer from post traumatic stress disorder. Caused by everything from combat experience to violent personal assaults to natural disasters and accidents, the incidence of PTSD has already reached epidemic proportions. The profound impact of psychological trauma and the need for proactive and scientifically-based approaches to timely prevention and evidence based treatment is unarguable and mental health programs are seeing a significant rise in the number of PTSD courses offered and services required. As a result, scholars, researchers, educators, clinicians, and trainees in the health care and human and social services need a concise and comprehensive source of authoritative information on psychological trauma and posttraumatic stress. This volume will offer a foundational understanding of the field as well cover key controversies, the influence of culture and gender, and describe state-of-the-art research and clinical methodologies in down-to-earth terms. Clinical case studies will be used liberally.

Das obige Buch gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Büchern des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre 1995-2008 und 2009, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.

Neues Online-Buch: Physiology and Pathology of Chloride Transporters and Channels in the Nervous System


Physiology and Pathology of Chloride Transporters and Channels in the Nervous System: From Molecules to Diseases
Author(s): F. Javier Alvarez-Leefmans and Eric Delpire
Elsevier 2009, ISBN: 978-0-12-374373-2

The importance of chloride ions in cell physiology has not been fully recognized until recently, in spite of the fact that chloride (Cl-), together with bicarbonate, is the most abundant free anion in animal cells, and performs or determines fundamental biological functions in all tissues. For many years it was thought that Cl- was distributed in thermodynamic equilibrium across the plasma membrane of most cells. Research carried out during the last couple of decades has led to a dramatic change in this simplistic view. We now know that most animal cells, neurons included, exhibit a non-equilibrium distribution of Cl- across their plasma membranes. Over the last 10 to 15 years, with the growth of molecular biology and the advent of new optical methods, an enormous amount of exciting new information has become available on the molecular structure and function of Cl- channels and carriers. In nerve cells, Cl- channels and carriers play key functional roles in GABA- and glycine-mediated synaptic inhibition, neuronal growth and development, extracellular potassium scavenging, sensory-transduction, neurotransmitter uptake and cell volume control. Disruption of Cl- homeostasis in neurons underlies pathological conditions such as epilepsy, deafness, imbalance, brain edema and ischemia, pain and neurogenic inflammation. Physiology and Pathology of Chloride Transporters and Channels in the Nervous System is about how chloride ions are regulated and how they cross the plasma membrane of neurons. It spans from molecular structure and function of carriers and channels involved in Cl- transport to their role in various diseases.

Das obige Buch gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Büchern des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre
1995-2008 und 2009, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.

Reduzierung des Portfolio von Online-Büchern

Durch den Wegfall von Studienbeiträgen ist die Zweigbibliothek gezwungen, das Angebot an Online-Büchern des Thieme-Verlags zu reduzieren*. Die aktuelle Liste der lizenzierten Lehrbücher finden Sie hier: Thieme-Onlinebibliothek. Folgende 76 Titel werden ab dem 1.1.2011 nicht mehr zur Verfügung stehen:

  • Allgemeine Mikrobiologie von Fuchs, G.
  • Allgemeine und molekulare Botanik von Weiler, E. et al.
  • Atmen von Oczenski, W. et al.
  • Biologie – Biochemie Zellbiologie von Munk, K.
  • Biologie – Mikrobiologie von Munk, K.
  • Checkliste Anamnese und klinische Untersuchung von Neurath, M. et al.
  • Checkliste Augenheilkunde von Burk, A. et al.
  • Checkliste Chirurgie von Largiadèr, F. et al.
  • Checkliste Dermatologie von Sterry, W. et al.
  • Checkliste Ernährung von Suter, P.
  • Checkliste Gynäkologie von Kirschbaum, M. et al.
  • Checkliste Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde von Arnold, W. et al.
  • Checkliste Interdisziplinäre Intensivmedizin von Leuwer, M. et al.
  • Checkliste Nephrologie von Grabensee , B.
  • Checkliste Neurologie von Grehl, H. et al.
  • Checkliste Notfallmedizin von Ziegenfuß, T.
  • Checkliste Onkologie von Senn, H.-J. et al.
  • Checkliste Orthopädie von Imhoff, A. et al.
  • Checkliste Pädiatrie von Kurz, R. et al.
  • Checkliste Physiotherapie in der Neurologie von Schimpf, O.
  • Checkliste Pneumologie von Lorenz, J.
  • Checkliste Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie von Payk, Th. R.
  • Checkliste Rheumatologie von Manger, B.
  • Checkliste Schmerztherapie von Huber, H. et al.
  • Checkliste Sonographie von Schmidt, G.
  • Checkliste Sonographie in Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe von Sohn, C. et al.
  • Checkliste Traumatologie von Bühren, V. et al.
  • Chirurgie essentials von Reutter, K.-H.
  • Der EKG-Trainer von Horacek, T.
  • Diabetologie kompakt von Schatz, H.
  • Duale Reihe Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin von Kochen, M. M.
  • Fallbuch Kardiologie und Angiologie von Sattler, A.
  • Fallbuch Neurologie von Gerlach, R. et al.
  • Fallbuch Pädiatrie von Kreckmann, M.
  • Fallbuch Pharmakologie von Luippold, G.
  • Fallbuch Physiologie von Walter, K.
  • Fallbuch Psychiatrie von Becker-Pfaff, J. et al.
  • Grenzen des Normalen und Anfänge des Pathologischen in der Radiologie des kindlichen und erwachsenen Skeletts von Brossmann, J. et al.
  • Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe compact von Uhl, B.
  • Innere Medizin essentials
  • Intensivmedizin von Van Aken, H. et al.
  • Kurzlehrbuch Biologie von Poeggel, G.
  • Kurzlehrbuch Medizinische Psychologie von Schüler, J. et al.
  • Kurzlehrbuch Neurologie von Mumenthaler, M. et al.
  • Kurzlehrbuch Physiologie von Huppelsberg, J. et al.
  • Lehrbuch Augenheilkunde von Lang, G. K.
  • Lehrbuch Chirurgie-Schnitt für Schnitt von Hirner, A. et al.
  • Lehrbuch Klinische Pharmakologie von Wehling, M.
  • Lexikon der Krankheitsbilder von Diverse
  • Medical English von Gross, P. et al.
  • Medizinethik – Für die neue AO von Wiesemann, C. et al.
  • Memorix Neurologie von Berlit, P.
  • Neurologie von Delank, H.-W. et al.
  • Nutzpflanzenkunde von Lieberei, R. et al.
  • Operationsberichte von Hagen, M.
  • Orthopädie compact von Niethard, F. U. et al.
  • Orthopädie und Orthopädische Chirurgie: Becken von Wirth, C. J. et al.
  • Orthopädie und Orthopädische Chirurgie: Ellenbogen von Wirth, C. J. et al.
  • Orthopädie und Orthopädische Chirurgie: Knie von Wirth, C. J. et al.
  • Pareto Radiologie-Kinderradiologie von Staatz, G. et al.
  • Pareto/ Gehirn von Sartor, K. et al.
  • Pareto/ Herz von Claussen, C. D. et al.
  • Pareto/ Kopf und Hals von Mödder, U. et al.
  • Pareto/ Wirbelsäule von Imhof, H. et al.
  • POL – Leitsymptome – Gastrointestinaltrakt von Block, B.
  • POL – Leitsymptome – Herz-Kreislauf-System von Block, B.
  • POL – Leitsymptome – Respiratorisches System von Block, B.
  • Prüfungswissen Physikum
  • Röntgennormalbefunde von Möller, T.
  • Spanisch für Mediziner von Stegemann, T. et al.
  • Stoffwechselphysiologie der Pflanzen von Richter, G.
  • Taschenatlas Augenheilkunde von Schlote, T. et al.
  • Taschenatlas der Toxikologie von Reichl, F.-X.
  • Taschenlehrbuch Biologie – Botanik von Munk, K.
  • Taschenlehrbuch Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie von Wülker, N.
  • Tropenmedizin in Klinik und Praxis von Lang, W. et al.

* Abbestellt wurden diejenigen Online-Bücher, auf die weniger als 1.200-mal seit 2009 zugegriffen wurde.

Neues Online-Buch: The Practice of Medicinal Chemistry


The Practice of Medicinal Chemistry (Third Edition)

Edited by: Camille Georges Wermuth
ISBN: 978-0-12-374194-3
982 Seiten, Elsevier 2008

Now in its third edition, The Practice of Medicinal Chemistry is the one-stop-shop for information on the foundations of medicinal chemistry for pharmaceutical researchers who are involved in drug development & discovery but who do not have a background in medicinal chemistry. Wermuth aids pharmaceutical researchers and chemists in making faster, more accurate identifications of the active substances that could potentially treat the disorder they are researching. New chapters on Drug Absorption & Transport give pharmaceutical scientists information on how potential drugs can move through the drug discovery/development phases more quickly. This third edition still stands as the only source for practical aspects of medicinal chemistry by focusing on the daily problems met by the medicinal chemist in drug discovery.

Das obige Buch gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Büchern des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre 1995-2008 und 2009, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.

Neues Online-Buch: A Pharmacology Primer


A Pharmacology Primer (Third Edition): Theory, Applications, and Methods
Author(s): Terry P. Kenakin, Ph.D.
416 Seiten, Elsevier 2009, ISBN: 978-0-12-374585-9

This successful Guide assists scientists trained in molecular biology and related fields who now need to know the basic theories, principles and practical applications of pharmacology. This latest edition continues the tradition of better preparing researchers in the basics of pharmacology. With expanded hands-on exercises and the addition of Pharmacokinetics coverage, new human interest material including historical facts in pharmacology and a new section on therapeutics that will help readers identify with diseases and drug treatments. The ideal book for researchers in drug discovery who have seen their role shift from „individual“ to „team player“ where that team includes chemists, biologists, and others with strong, but varied, science backgrounds who must now work together toward their common pharmacology goal. At GlaxoSmithKline, a pharmaceuticals world-leader, Terry Kenakin regularly teaches a course for their research scientists and has drawn on his experience to create a pharmacology primer.

Das obige Buch gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Büchern des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre 1995-2008 und 2009, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.

Neues Online-Buch: Parkinson’s Disease – Molecular and Therapeutic Insights From Model Systems


Parkinson’s Disease: Molecular and Therapeutic Insights From Model Systems
Edited by: Richard Nass and Serge Przedborski
686 Seiten, Elsevier 2008, ISBN: 978-0-12-374028-1

Parkinson’s Disease is the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disease and is characterized by the irreversible loss of dopamine neurons. Despite its high prevalence in society and many decades of research, the origin of the pathogenesis and the molecular determinants involved in the disorder has remained elusive. Confounding this issue is the lack of experimental models that completely recapitulate the disease state. The identification of a number of genes thought to play a role in the cell death, and development of both toxin and genetic models to explore the function of the genes both in unaffected and diseased cells are now providing new insights into the molecular basis of the neurodegeneration, as well as therapeutic approaches. In this reference, we will describe the advances and the advantages that various invertebrates, cell culture, rodents, and mammals provide in the identification of the molecular components and mechanisms involved in the cell death, and outline the opportunities that these systems provide in drug discovery.

Das obige Buch gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Büchern des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre 1995-2008 und 2009, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.

Neues Online-Buch: Osteoporosis (Third Edition)


Osteoporosis (Third Edition)
Edited by: Robert Marcus, David Feldman, Dorothy A. Nelson and Clifford J. Rosen
2016 Seiten, Elsevier 2008, ISBN: 978-0-12-370544-0

Now in its third edition, Osteoporosis, is the most comprehensive, authoritative reference on this disease. Written by renowned experts in the field, this two-volume reference is a must-have for academic and medical libraries, physicians, researchers, and any company involved in osteoporosis research and development. Worldwide, 200 million women between 60-80 suffer from osteoporosis and have a lifetime risk of fracture between 30 and 40 percent continuing to make osteoporosis a hot topic in medicine. This newest edition covers everything from basic anatomy and physiology to diagnosis, management and treatment in a field where direct care costs for osteoporitic fractures in the U.S. reach up to $18 billion each year.

Das obige Buch gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Büchern des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre 1995-2008 und 2009, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.

Neues Online-Buch: Origin and Evolution of Viruses


Origin and Evolution of Viruses (Second Edition)
Edited by: Esteban Domingo, Colin R. Parrish and John J. Holland
560 Seiten, 2008 Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-374153-0

New viral diseases are emerging continuously. Viruses adapt to new environments at astounding rates. Genetic variability of viruses jeopardizes vaccine efficacy. For many viruses mutants resistant to antiviral agents or host immune responses arise readily, for example, with HIV and influenza.These variations are all of utmost importance for human and animal health as they have prevented us from controlling these epidemic pathogens. Origin and Evolution of Viruses focuses on the mechanisms that viruses use to evolve, survive and cause disease in their hosts. Covering human, animal, plant and bacterial viruses, it provides both the basic foundations for the evolutionary dynamics of viruses and specific examples of emerging diseases explained by the evolutionary flexibility of the viral agents that circulate in a continuously changing earth environment.

Das obige Buch gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Büchern des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre 1995-2008 und 2009, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.

Neues Online-Buch: Ocular Therapeutics – Eye on New Discoveries


Ocular Therapeutics:
Eye on New Discoveries

Edited by: Thomas Yorio, Abbot F. Clark and Martin B. Wax
Elsevier 2008, ISBN: 978-0-12-370585-3

Ocular Therapeutics:
Eye on New Discoveries
focuses on emerging areas in ocular research, from new approaches to dry eye to gene therapy in the management of retinal diseases. This comprehensive book features more than 25 chapters of information that will be vital for ocular investigators and ophthalmologists bringing them new information on promising therapeutics. It is the intent of this book to provide not only information on current approaches to treatment, but also in giving the reader a greater understanding as to what may become available for treating a number of important eye diseases. Each chapter features some new aspect of treatment that holds great promise for the future. The approach has been to concentrate on those areas of ocular diseases that are more prevalent. It also features new insight for drug delivery and for managing devasting diseases, such as macula edema and glaucoma, two of the leading causes of blindness in the United States. This book will serve as an important resource as it contains a number of relevant references highlighted for their importance to the field. New investigators will be able to obtain an historical perspective for each of the topics and to develop an understanding of the new research directions that are underway. Ocular Therapeutics: Eye on New Discovery is more than a reference book, as it also provides an important glimpse into the near future.

Das obige Buch gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Büchern des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre 1995-2008 und 2009, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.

Neues Online-Buch: The Neurology of Consciousness


The Neurology of Consciousness: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropathology

Edited by: Steven Laureys and Giulio Tononi
ISBN: 978-0-12-374168-4
Elsevier 2008, 440 Seiten

The Neurology of Consciousness is the major unsolved problem in biology. One increasingly important method of studying consciousness is to study disorders of consciousness, e.g. brain damage and disease states leading to vegetative states, coma, minimally conscious states, etc. Many of these studies are very much in the public eye because of their relationship to controversies about coma patients (e.g. Terry Schiavo case in the US recently), and the relationship to one of the major philosophical, sociological, political, and religious questions of humankind. This is the first book to summarize our current understanding of the neuroanatomical and functional underpinnings of human consciousness by emphasizing a lesional approach offered via the study of neurological patients. The selected contributors are all outstanding authors and undisputed leaders in their field.

Das obige Buch gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Büchern des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre 1995-2008 und 2009, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.

Neues Online-Buch: NeuroImmune Biology Book Series


NeuroImmune Biology Book Series

Volume 8 pp. 1-350 (2009) Neurogenic Inflammation in Health and Disease
Volume 7 pp. 1-394 (2007) The Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
Volume 6 pp. 1-575 (2008) Cytokines and the Brain
Volume 5 pp. 3-379 (2005) Natural Immunity
Volume 4 pp. 3-441 (2005) The Neuroendocrine Immune Network in Ageing
Volume 3 pp. 5-612 (2003) The Immune-Neuroendocrine Circuitry History and Progress
Volume 2 pp. 3-307 (2002) Growth and Lactogenic Hormones
Volume 1 pp. 1-494 (2001) New Foundation of Biology

NeuroImmune Biology Book Series (NIB) marks the beginning of a new scientific discipline, and is presented in a new book series. This series will collect, organise, co-ordinate, integrate and interpret the knowledge that is rapidly accumulating in biology regarding the physiology and pathophysiology of higher organisms. It is now apparent that the Nerves-, Endocrine-, and Immune systems form a regulatory network, which is fundamental for the entire life cycle of man and of higher animals, both in health and disease. The organisation and interpretation of knowledge concerning this regulatory system is important for a better understanding of higher organisms in their entire complexity. NIB holds the promise of developing better approaches for the prevention and cure of human and animal diseases and for the development of better methods for the management of biological systems.

Die obige Buchserie gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Büchern des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre 1995-2008 und 2009, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.

Neues Online-Buch: Neuroeconomics – Decision making and the brain


Neuroeconomics: Decision making and the brain

Edited by: Paul W. Glimcher, PhD, Colin F. Camerer, PhD,
Ernst Fehr, PhD, and Russell A. Poldrack, PhD
ISBN: 978-0-12-374176-9
Elsevier 2009, 556 Seiten

Neuroeconomics: Decision making and the brain is a new highly promising approach to understanding the neurobiology of decision making and how it affects cognitive social interactions between humans and societies/economies. This book is the first edited reference to examine the science behind neuroeconomics, including how it influences human behavior and societal decision making from a behavioral economics point of view. Presenting a truly interdisciplinary approach, Neuroeconomics presents research from neuroscience, psychology, and behavioral economics, and includes chapters by all the major figures in the field, including two Economics nobel laureates. Carefully edited for a cohesive presentation of the material, the book is also a great textbook to be used in the many newly emerging graduate courses on Neuroeconomics in Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics graduate schools. This groundbreaking work is sure to become the standard reference source for this growing area of research.

Das obige Buch gehört zu den gut 1.000 dauerhaft von der ZB Med gekauften Online-Bücher des Elsevier-Verlags der Jahre 1995-2008 und 2009, die in den folgenden Sachgebieten erschienen sind: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Forensics; Immunology and Microbiology; Medicine and Dentistry; Neuroscience; Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science; Psychology.