Neues Buch: Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span

Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span (Third Edition)

Donna Cech et al
Elsevier 2012
ISBN: 978-1-4160-4978-4

Providing a solid foundation in the normal development of functional movement, Functional Movement Development Across the Life Span, 3rd Edition helps you recognize and understand movement disorders and effectively manage patients with abnormal motor function. It begins with coverage of basic theory, motor development and motor control, and evaluation of function, then discusses the body systems contributing to functional movement, and defines functional movement outcomes in terms of age, vital functions, posture and balance, locomotion, prehension, and health and illness. This edition includes more clinical examples and applications, and updates data relating to typical performance on standardized tests of balance. Written by physical therapy experts Donna J. Cech and Suzanne „Tink“ Martin, this book provides evidence-based information and tools you need to understand functional movement and manage patients‘ functional skills throughout the life span.

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