Wie die ULB berichtet, wurden die Neuauflagen folgender vier Nachschlagewerke für den uniweiten Zugriff lizenziert:
Comprehensive Biotechnology
„Comprehensive Biotechnology, Third Edition unifies, in a single source, a huge amount of information in this growing field. The book covers scientific fundamentals, along with engineering considerations and applications in industry, agriculture, medicine, the environment and socio-economics, including the related government regulatory overviews. This new edition builds on the solid basis provided by previous editions, incorporating all recent advances in the field since the second edition was published in 2011.“ (Elsevier)
Encyclopedia of Analytical Science
„The third edition of the Encyclopedia of Analytical Science is a definitive collection of articles covering the latest technologies in application areas such as medicine, environmental science, food science and geology. Meticulously organized, clearly written and fully interdisciplinary, the Encyclopedia of Analytical Science provides foundational knowledge across the scope of modern analytical chemistry, linking fundamental topics with the latest methodologies. Articles will cover three broad areas: analytical techniques (e.g., mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography, atomic spectrometry); areas of application (e.g., forensic, environmental and clinical); and analytes (e.g., arsenic, nucleic acids and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), providing a one-stop resource for analytical scientists.“ (Elsevier)
Encyclopedia of Microbiology
„Encyclopedia of Microbiology, Fourth Edition gathers both basic and applied dimensions in this dynamic field that includes virtually all environments on Earth. This range attracts a growing number of cross-disciplinary studies, which the encyclopedia makes available to readers from diverse educational backgrounds. The new edition builds on the solid foundation established in earlier versions, adding new material that reflects recent advances in the field. New focus areas include `Animal and Plant Microbiomes’ and ‘Global Impact of Microbes`. The thematic organization of the work allows users to focus on specific areas, e.g., for didactical purposes, while also browsing for topics in different areas.“ (Elsevier)
Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior
„Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, Second Edition, the latest update since the 2010 release, builds upon the solid foundation established in the first edition. Updated sections include Host-parasite interactions, Vertebrate social behavior, and the introduction of ‘overview essays’ that boost the book’s comprehensive detail. The structure for the work is modified to accommodate a better grouping of subjects. Some chapters have been reshuffled, with section headings combined or modified.“ (Elsevier)