19.August : Welttag der humanitären Hilfe

Heute wird der „Welttag der humanitären Hilfe“ begangen. Dieser Tag wird jedes Jahr zum Gedenken an die Toten und Verletzten des Anschlages auf das UN-Hauptquartier in Bagdad am 19. August 2003 begangen. Damals wurden 22 UN-Mitarbeiter getötet und über 100 verletzt.

Da die humanitäre Hlfe im besten Fall interdisziplinär arbeitet, gibt es Bücher zu diesen Thema in verschiedenen Bibliotheken der WWU.

Die Zweigbibliothek Medizin hat u. a. dieses Ebook im Bestand

Dictionary of Disaster Medicine and Humanitarian Relief

Gunn, S. William :
Dictionary of Disaster Medicine and Humanitarian Relief
2nd ed.
231 Seiten
ISBN 978-1-461-44445-9

The 2nd edition of the Dictionary of Disaster Medicine and Humanitarian Relief is an essential and practical reference for all those who work in humanitarian relief. This new, expanded edition presents more than 3000 definitions and acronyms covering the entire multidisciplinary scope of disaster medicine and humanitarian relief, as well as new fields such as climate change and bioterrorism. As natural disasters, humanitarian emergencies, and infectious disease epidemics increase in frequency and seriousness, this book is an important reference to assist international relief workers communicate with each other and with the media.

The author has served as both the director of Emergency Humanitarian Operations of the World Health Organization, as well as the WHO’s chief of scientific terminology.

As the Director-General Emeritus of the World Health Organization says in the Foreword, „This new expanded edition comes as a timely essential aid against the growing threats of inhuman violence and destructive disasters.“
Foto und Text: Springer

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