Tea seminar
Homepage Tea seminar Organizer Prof. Dr. Kramer, S. Busch, R. Murat Garcia Venue Mon 14:00-16:00 / SR 1C Research Seminar Topology
Homepage Research Seminar Topology Organizer Prof. Dr. Bartels, Prof. Dr. Ebert, apl. Prof. Dr. Joachim, Prof. Dr. Nikolaus, Prof. Dr. Weiss Venue Mon 14-16 / SR 1B Small Seminar
Homepage small seminar Organizer Dr. Evington, Prof. Dr. Geffen, Prof. Dr. Kerr, Prof. Dr. Winter Venue Mon 14-16 / SRZ 216/217 Research Seminar: C*-Algebras
Homepage Research Seminar: C*-Algebras Organizer Dr. Evington, Prof. Dr. Geffen, Prof. Dr. Kerr, Prof. Dr. Winter Venue Tue 16-18 / SRZ 216/217 Research Seminar "p-adic arithmetic"
Homepage Research Seminar "p-adic arithmetic" Organizer Prof. Dr. Hartl, Prof. Dr. Hellmann, Prof. Dr. Viehmann Venue Mon 12-14 / SRZ 216/217 Lunch Seminar "Arithmetic"
Homepage Lunch Seminar "Arithmetic" Organizer Prof. Dr. Hartl, V. Shram Venue Tue 10-12 / SRZ 216/217 Semi-simple Lie algebras and their representations
Homepage Semi-simple Lie algebras and their representations Organizer Prof. Dr. Hellmann Venue Tue 14-16 / SR 1C Topological and measurable full groups
Homepage Topological and measurable full groups Organizer Prof. Dr. Geffen, Prof. Dr. Kerr, JProf. Dr. Kwiatkowska, Prof. Dr. Dr. Tent Venue Mon 10-12 / SR 1D