Poster Award for MEET-PhD Student Mengyi Zhang
The MEET PhD student Mengyi Zhang received the 2nd Poster Award at the conference "16th Ulm Electrochemical Talks" (UECT 2018, 13-14 November 2018). The lectures and posters in this year focused on the topic "Batteries and fuel cells - from raw materials to recycling".
Zhang’s poster with the title “Electrochemical investigations of in situ alloyed Li-metal surfaces by using a LiTFSI/MgTFSI2-containing Polymer Electrolyte” presents results from the use of electrolyte additives in solid electrolytes used in battery cells with lithium metal electrodes. Lithium metal is considered one of the most important anode materials for the next generation of high energy density battery cells. They are often used in solid-state batteries. In his award-winning poster, Zhang presented a process for adapting the interface properties between anode and electrolyte by adding magnesium salts to the solid polymer electrolyte.
Mengyi Zhang studied biomedical engineering at Southeast University (China) and the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (China), and then materials science and electrochemistry at the University of Ulm and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.