Milestones Reached for Development of High Energy Lithium Cells
On Tuesday, March 15, 2018, the milestone meeting of the project “MEET Hi-End II“, an Excellent Battery Center of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) took place at the MEET Battery Research Center. Since 2016, a consortium of research institutions of the RWTH Aachen University, the Forschungszentrum Jülich and the University of Münster (WWU) work together on increasing the performance of high energy battery cells by characterizing and developing materials for metal-based anodes.
Supported by the project coordination at MEET, Prof. Hans-Dieter Wiemhöfer, Professor at the Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry at the WWU and Principal Investigator at the Helmholtz-Institute Münster, welcomed the research consortium in his function as project coordinator. The presented milestones pointed out the great advances, the scientists achieved on their way to high energy lithium cell systems with better performance; for example, the success in scaling up a solid-state cell to a size of 8 cm2 by using common production methods, an important step towards large scale production.
Dr.-Ing. Peter Weirich of the Project Management Jülich, responsible for mentoring research projects in the program “From Material to Innovation” by the BMBF was especially delighted about the presentation of the reached milestones. “The team set eager goals for the project and successfully pursues them by close collaboration. I am looking forward to the next stages and the milestones that are waiting for us”, said Weirich. Indeed, the second half of the project time promises to bring exciting findings for the implementation of high energy anode materials for the batteries of the future.