Future Battery Systems: The Path to Application Leads Through Labs
Alternative materials and components for lithium/air batteries – this is the focus of the scientists in the cooperation project “AMaLiS” having started with the kick-off meeting last Tuesday, March 27, 2018. The research consortium, consisting of IoLiTec Ionic Liquids Technologies GmbH from Heilbronn, the Fraunhofer IFAM from Oldenburg and the MEET Battery Research Center of the Münster University (WWU), met at MEET, to launch the three-year research project.
The project is embedded in the program “Batterie 2020” of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, fostering material and process advances along the whole value chain of batteries in different applications with the aim to design suitable technologies covering the future demand for mobile and stationary energy storage. In this context high energy batteries of the next generation are of big interest, such as lithium/air systems, which are focused by “AMaLiS”.
„We see a high potential in this technology, because we can achieve an impressive energy density. But it still is a far way until the battery system will channel its way into application. Within the next three years, we want to make a significant contribution for this”, said Dr. Thomas Schubert of the company IoLiTec, where the project coordination is located. The scientists concentrate on the (further) development of materials with the electrochemical stability needed for commercial application.