Great honor for Martin Winter
To recognize his eminent academic contributions in the field of electrochemical energy storage and conversion the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Taiwan Tech, appointed Martin Winter as Honorary Chair Professor. In the presence of Martin Eberts, Director General of the German Institute Taipei, the German’s representative office in Taiwan, the ceremoniously conferment was conducted by the president of NTUST Prof. Ching-Jong Liao.
Over the past 25 years Winter (co-)authored more than 400 articles. His research on new materials, components and cell designs for batteries and supercapacitors, in particular lithium ion batteries, receives much attention worldwide. Martin Winter is a highly cited author as recognized by ISI (Clarivate Analytics), The Shanghai Ranking, and Elsevier Scopus. Among more than 35 awards and recognitions he has been the recipient of the Research and Technology awards of both, the ECS and the International Battery Materials Association (IBA) and is a Fellow of the ECS and the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE). Also, he was recognized by the Carl Wagner Memorial Award of the ECS 2015 and the Braunschweiger Forschungspreis 2016.