Battery Researchers from the USA Visit MEET and HI MS
On Thursday (February 22, 2018) two experts in the field of battery research from the University of California San Diego (UCSD) and the US Army Research Lab in Maryland visited MEET Battery Research Center and Helmholtz-Institute Münster (HI MS, Forschungszentrum Jülich, IEK-12) to give talks, discuss with students and visit the labs at MEET and HI MS.
Prof. Shirley Meng from the Sustainable Power and Energy Center, Laboratory for Energy Storage & Conversion (UCSD) gave a lecture on “Enabling High Energy Long Life Rechargeable Batteries by Advanced Materials Diagnosis and Operando Characterization”. She offered the audience exciting insights into novel diagnostic tools developed for probing and understanding energy storage materials in operando. The discussion afterwards revealed the great interest of the audience that consisted of young researchers of electrochemical storage systems.
The second talk was just as stimulating, as Dr. Kang Xu from the Electrochemistry Branch, US Army Research Lab talked about the history of the efforts of forming interphases on electrode that operate far from equilibria of electrolytes. At HI MS many research projects focus on developing and characterizing the new electrolyte system, thus, the talk of Dr. Xu was of enormous interest to the HI MS students and fellows.