Speeches – poster – a symposium – a booth: MEET is strongly represented at the AABC 2018
What are the key challenges for manufacturing large format cells? Is it possible to standardize test methods for battery performance? What are the market trends? These and many other research and development related questions on energy storage systems will be discussed between January 29 and February 1 on the Advanced Automotive Battery Conference (AABC) in Mainz.
When the world of battery comes together, MEET Battery Research Center is a major player. Beside the MEET info booth at the parallel exhibition, researchers of MEET present their posters and give speeches on exciting research questions and findings of Münsters laboratories. For example, Dr. Sascha Nowak talks about “Recycling of Graphite and Reutilization in Anode Material in Lithium Ion Battery Cells“. For MEET, the AABC is a fix date every year, commonly with a strong participation in the program. Since 2006, Prof. Martin Winter, scientific head of MEET, organizes and chairs a symposium on the conference.
Since 17 years the AABC stages events to foster communication and networking between eminent actors of research and development on energy storagy systems for autmotive applications. The visitors (about 800 in 2018) represent all levels of a battery’s value chain. At moderated round tables, for example on the topic “Performance Expectations and Applications for Alternative-to-LiB Technologies“ or „Silicon Anodes and Cells“, the experts discuss innovations, trends and potentials. Thereby, not only experienced “longtimers” of battery research attend the conference: Young scientists take the opportunity to present their research findings by poster presentations or speeches and by this gain experience on the parquet of the battery research scene.
We invite you to visit us at the AABC at booth #17 in Congress Centrum Mainz!