Literatur zum Projekt und Referenzen der Projektleiter

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[19] F. Büther, M. Dawood, L. Stegger, F. Wübbeling, M. Schäfers, O. Schober, and K. P. Schäfers. List mode–driven cardiac and respiratory gating in PET. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 50(5):674–681, 2009.
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[26] E. Eikefjord, E. Andersen, E. Hodneland, et al. Use of 3d DCE-MRI for the estimation of renal perfusion and glomerular filtration rate: An intrasubject comparison of FLASH and KWIC with a comprehensive framework for evaluation. Am J Roentgenol, 204(3):W273–W281, 2015.
[27] R. Engbers, M. Benning, P. Heins, K. Schafers, and M. Burger. Sparse recovery in myocardial blood flow quantification via pet. In Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE, pages 3742–3744. IEEE, 2011.
[28] M. Fieseler, T. Kösters, F. Gigengack, H. Braun, H. H. Quick, K. P. Schäfers, and X. Jiang. Motion correction in pet-mri: a human torso phantom study. In Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE, pages 3586–3588. IEEE, 2011.
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[38] T. Kösters, K. P. Schäfers, and F. Wübbeling. Emrecon: An expectation maximization based image reconstruction framework for emission tomography data. In Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE, pages 4365–4368. IEEE, 2011.
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[49] K. Proksch, N. Bissantz, and H. Dette. Confidence bands for multivariate and time dependent inverse regression models. Bernoulli, 21:144–175, 2015.
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[51] L. Reips. Parameter Identification in Medical Imaging. PhD thesis, PhD thesis, University of Münster, Germany, 2013.
[52] L. Reips, M. Burger, and R. Engbers. Towards dynamic pet reconstruction under flow conditions: Parameter identification in a pde model. arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.5143, 2014. Submitted.
[53] L. Reips, R. Engbers, and M. Burger. Dynamic pet reconstruction based on a reaction-diffusion model. PAMM, 12(1):683–684, 2012.
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[58] A. Sawatzky, C. Brune, F. Wübbeling, T. Kosters, K. Schäfers, and M. Burger. Accurate em-tv algorithm in pet with low snr. In Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2008. NSS’08. IEEE, pages 5133–5137. IEEE, 2008.
[59] M. Schellmann, S. Gorlatch, D. Meiländer, T. Kösters, K. Schäfers, F. Wübbeling, and M. Burger. Parallel medical image reconstruction: from graphics processors to grids. In Parallel Computing Technologies, pages 457–473. Springer, 2009.
[60] S. P. Sourbron, H. J. Michaely, M. F. Reiser, et al. MRI-measurement of perfusion and glomerular filtration in the human kidney with a separable compartment model. Invest Radiol, 43(1):40–48, 2008.
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