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People >> Prof. Elisabeth I. Meyer

Elisabeth I. Meyer
Name: Elisabeth Imgard Meyer
Status: Head of group
Email: meyereno spam

Office: Room # 100.9
Visiting time: Monday, 11:00-12:00h
Tel.: +49 251 83 23881
Fax: +49 251 83 24668

Professional milestones
Professional activities
Research interests
Current applied research projects
Finished applied research projects
Selected publications

Professional milestones:

  • Diplom: 1979, University Freiburg i. Br.
    Thesis: Untersuchungen zur Phänologie der Wassermilben (Hydracarina) des Mindelsees.
  • Promotion: 1984, University Freiburg i. Br.
    Doctoral thesis: Der Entwicklungszyklus von Hydrodroma despiciens (O.F.MÜLLER 1776) (Hydrachnellae, Acari)
  • Habilitation: 1993, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zürich), Switzerland. Venia legendi for 'Aquatic Biology and Ecology'.
    Post-doctoral thesis: Die benthischen Invertebraten in kleinen Fließgewässern am Beispiel eines Schwarzwaldbaches: Biozönotische Struktur, Populationsdynamik, Produktion und Stellung im trophischen Gefüge.

Current professional activities:

  • Teaching duties at the University of Münster (Faculty for Biology, Faculty for Geosciences/Landscape Ecology)
  • Treasurer of the German Limnological Society (DGL), 2008-2010, 2011-2013
  • National Representative, International Society of Limnology (SIL, 2004-2010, 2011- )
  • National Representative, European Federation for Freshwater Sciences (EFFS)
  • Member of the National Committee of the International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO and the Hydrology and Water Resources Programme of WMO (IHP/HWRP Germany)
  • Member of the Editorial Board of "Hydrology and Water Resources Management" ("Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung")
  • Member of the Advisory Board of "Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters"
  • Member of the German Standardization Panel DIN NAW I3/UA 5/AK 6 (Biological and ecological water examination methods)

Former professional activities:

  • President of the German Limnological Society (DGL), 2008-2010, 2011-2013
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin (IGB) (1996 - 2004)
  • Member of the Senate Committee for Water Research of the National German Science Foundation (DFG) (1996 - 2002)

Research interests:

  • Biodiversity and ecology of temporary running waters (karst ecology)
  • Biodiversity and ecology of sandy-bottomed lowland streams
  • Ecology of invasive species
  • Organic matter processing in low order streams
  • Stream metabolism, with special regard to the sediment

Current applied research projects:

  • Springs in the Baumberge Mountains (North-Western German lowlands): Geohydrology and ecology (info; in German)
  • Sediment investigations in potential pearl mussel rivers of the Eifel
  • Evaluation of the reproductive success of Atlantic salmon in stocking areas of rivers in Schleswig-Holstein, Northern Germany

Finished applied research projects:

  • Projects for the quality assessment of spawning grounds for diadromous fish (info; in German)
  • FLUMAGIS: Interdisciplinary development of methods and tools for the planning and control of river (catchment) management strategies.

Selected publications:

  • Datry, T., Larned, S.T., Fritz, K.M., Bogan, M.T., Wood, P.J., Meyer, E.I. & Santos, A.N. (2014): Broad-scale patterns of invertebrate richness and community composition in temporary rivers: effects of flow intermittence. Ecography 37: 97-104.
  • Göcke, C., Kaschek, N., Meyer, E.I. (2013): Diet of fishes in a detritus-based sandy lowland brook. Limnologica 43: 451-459.
  • Drees, M., Reusch, T., Meyer, E.I.: (2011): Isolation and characterization of the first eleven microsatellite loci in Echinogammarus berilloni (Crustacea, Amphipoda). - Molecular Ecology Resources 11 (1): 219-222.
  • Shatilina, Z.M., Riss, H.W., Protopopova, M.V., Trippe, M., Meyer, E.I., Pavlichenko, V.V., Bedulina, D.S., Axenov-Gribanov, D.V. & Timofeyev, M.A.: The role of heat the shock proteins (HSP70 and sHSP) for the thermotolerance of freshwater amphipods from contrasting habitats. - Journal of Thermal Biology 36: 142-149.
  • Meyer, E.I., Niepagenkemper, O., Molls, F.& Spänhoff, B. (2008): An experimental assessment of the effectiveness of gravel cleaning operations in improving hyporheic water quality in potential salmonid spawning areas - River Research and Applications 24: 119-131.
  • Schmidt, M.B., Gassner, H., Kühlmann, M. & Meyer, E.I. (2007): Short-term effects of trawling on distrubution and abundance of vendace ( Coregonus albula (Linneaus)) population monitored by hydroacoustics - Advanc. Limnol. 60: 385-395.
  • IMHOLT, C., YOUNGSON, A., MALCOLM, I.A. & MEYER, E.I. (2006): Variability of oxygen saturation in the interstitial of spawning habitats of the Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) in a near pristine river in the Scottish Highlands - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL) - (Karlsruhe) 2005, Werder 2006: 332-336.
  • KOCK, C., MEYER, A., SPÄNHOFF, B. & MEYER, E.I. (2006): Tufa deposition in karst streams can enhance the food supply of the grazing caddisfly Melampophylax mucoreus (Limnephilidae). - Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol. 91: 242-249.
  • MEYER, E.I., POTTHOFF, M. WIESMANN, O. & KASCHEK, N. (2006): Influence of sediment dynamics on substrate-associated parameters in sandy- bottomed streams. - Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 29: 1630-1634.
  • SPÄNHOFF, B., REUTER, C. & MEYER, E.I. (2006): Expixylic biofilm and invertebrate colonization on submerged pine branches in a regulated lowland stream. - Arch. Hydrobiol. 165: 515-536.
  • SPÄNHOFF, B. RISS, H.W., JÄKEL, P., DAKKAK, N. & MEYER, E.I. (2006): Effects of an experimental enrichment of instream habitat heterogeneity on the stream bed morphology and chironomid community of a straightened section in a sandy lowland stream. - Environmental Management 37: 247-257.
  • ALECKE, C., SPÄNHOFF, B. & MEYER, E. I. (2005): Avoidance behaviour in the gallery construction of Tinodes unicolor (Psychomyiidae, Trichoptera) to prevent intraspecific encounters. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 164: 335-343.
  • SPÄNHOFF, B. KOCK, C., MEYER, A. & MEYER, E.I. (2005): The effect of food supply and larval cannibalism on adult size and biomass of the grazing caddisfly Melampophylax mucoreus (Limnephilidae). - Ecological Entomology 30: 138-145.
  • MEYER, A., KASCHEK, N. & MEYER, E.I. (2004): The effect of low flow and stream drying on the distribution and relative abundance of the alien amphipod, Echinogammarus berilloni (Catta, 1878) in a karstic stream system (Westphalia, Germany). - Crustaceana 77: 909-922.
  • MEYER, E.I. (2004): Fließgewässer und Niedrigwasser - eine ökologische Perspektive. - Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 8: 176-183.
  • MEYER, E.I. & POEPPERL, R. (2004): Assessing food web structure, matter fluxes and system attributes of a Central European mountain stream by performing mass-balanced network analysis. - Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 61 (in press).
  • GENONI, G.P., MEYER; E.I. & ULRICH, A. (2003): Energy flow and elemental concentrations in the Steina River ecosystem (Black Forest, Germany). - Aquat. Sci. 65: 143-157.
  • MEYER, E.I. & POEPPERL, R. (2003): Secondary production of invertebrates in a Central European mountain stream (Steina, Black Forest, Germany). - Arch. Hydrobiol. 158:25-42.
  • MEYER, E.I. & POEPPERL, R. (2002): Vergleichende Nahrungsnetzanalysen an einem Tiefland- und Mittelgebirgsbach. - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL) - Tagungsbericht 2001 (Kiel), Tutzing 2002: 558-563.
  • KRISMANN, M. & MEYER, E.I. (2002): Einflussnahme des Kanusports auf die natürliche Driftdiurnalität eines Tieflandflusses. - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL) - Tagungsbericht 2001 (Kiel), Tutzing 2002: 891-896.
  • MEYER, E.I., SCHELLENBERG, E.T. & ZAH, R. (2002): Discontinuities in stream systems induced by low flow and drought. - Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27: 3727-3728.
  • NIEPAGENKEMPER, O. & MEYER, E.I. (2002): Messungen der Sauerstoffkonzentration in Flusssedimenten zur Beurteilung von potentiellen Laichplätzen von Lachs und Meerforelle. - In: Veröffentlichungen des Landesfischereiverbandes Westfalen und Lippe e.V. (Hrsg.) 2, 87pp. Bitter u. Loose.
  • SCHELLENBERG, E.T., HARTMANN, U., ZAH, R. & MEYER, E.I. (2002): Response of the epibenthic and hyporheic invertebrates to stream drying in a prealpine river. - Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27: 3733-3737.
  • SPÄNHOFF, B. & MEYER, E.I. (2001): Macroinvertebrate colonization of submerged wood of different states of decay. - Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27: 3058-3061.
  • HERING, D., KAIL, J. ECKERT, S., GERHARD, M., MEYER, E.I., MUTZ, M., REICH, M. & WEIß, I. (2000): Amounts and distribution of coarse woody debris along streams in Central Europe. - Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol. 85: 5-23.
  • MEYER, A. & MEYER, E.I. (2000): Discharge regime and the effect of drying on macroinvertebrate communities in a temporary karst stream in East Westphalia (Germany) - Aquat. sci. 62: 216-231.
  • SPÄNHOFF, B., ALECKE, C. & MEYER, E.I. (2000): Colonization of submerged twigs and branches of different wood genera by aquatic macroinvertebrates. - Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol. 85: 49-66.
  • EISENMANN, H., BURGHERR, P. & MEYER, E.I. (1999): Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of an epilithic streambed community in relation to the habitat templet. - Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci 56: 1452-1460.
  • EISENMANN H., TRAUNSPURGER W. & MEYER E. I. (1997): Community structure of selected micro and meiobenthic organisms in sediment chambers from a prealpine river (Necker, Switzerland), pp. 155-162, In: Bretschko, G. & Helesic J. (eds) Advances in River Bottom Ecology, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  • EISENMANN, H., TRAUNSPURGER, W. & MEYER, E.I.(1997): A new device to extract sediment cages colonized by microfauna from coarse gravel river sediments. - Arch. Hydrobiol.139: 547-561.
  • MATTHAEI, C.D., UEHLINGER, U., MEYER, E.I. AND FRUTIGER, A. (1996): Recolonization of benthic invertebrates after experimental disturbance in a Swiss prealpine river. - Freshwater Biology 35: 233-248.
  • ZAH, R., SCHELLENBERG, T. & MEYER, E.I. (1996): Einfluss von Austrocknung auf das Ökosystem der Töss. - EAWAG Forschungsschwerpunkt 1993-1997: "Nachhaltige Ressourcenbewirtschaftung - am Beispiel Gewässer und anthropogene Sedimente", 81 pp.
  • NAEGELI, M.W, HARTMANN, U., MEYER, E.I. & UEHLINGER, U. (1995): POM-dynamics and community respiration in the sediments of a floodprone prealpine river (Necker, Switzerland). Arch. Hydrobiol. 133: 339-347.


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