This course serves to develop the projects teacher trainees have to carry out during their school placement (‘Praxissemester’). Please note that this class focuses on videography (Eigenvideographie) as your project. You will be asked to videotape a lesson sequence and analyse the video according to specific aspects, which will be developed together in class. For organisational reasons, please note that Prüfungsleistungen in this class can only be realised in the form of videography projects. This does not affect the option to do a Studienleistung (without videography) in this class. More information on this will be given in our first session.

We will be meeting for two double sessions during the lecture period, namely on November 26th 2024 and December 10th 2024 (2-6pm, room tba)..

Work will continue during the lecture-free period and the following term, where an online platform (LearnWeb) will be used for e-learning and individual counselling as well as a means for disseminating materials.

Moreover, there will be two whole-day meetings ('Studientage'), which will take place on March 21st and on May 09th 2025,  respectively. A final session will be reserved for the final reflection of the work experience (date to be determined). 

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: WT 2024/25