Aus raumtechnischen Gründen auf 30 Studierende begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl.

This discussion-based seminar compares the research field and practices of public history in both Germany and the US. Starting with the definitions of the field--and its educational goals, including its both governmental and radical origins in the US, as well as its connections with the ”spatial turn,” it will turn to contemporary debates about public history in both the US and Europe. The centerpieces of this course include walking tours of historical and memorial sites in Münster as well as visits to the Villa ten Hompel, a local Holocaust memorial and education center.

This seminar will be conducted in English and all assignments are expected to be conducted in English. International students are especially welcome! This is a reading-intensive and walking-intensive seminar and students are expected to participate in class discussion.


Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: WiSe 2024/25