Protection and assistance of displaced people is generally characterized by a humanitarian approach, which is ad hoc and short-term. The primary objective is to meet the immediate needs of all those affected and to provide the same services to them. However, individuals not only have diverse needs, but protracted situations frequently arise in which they have to endure life in displacement for years or even decades. This requires protection policies to incorporate sustainable and gender-sensitive strategies. How has this been pursued? In the seminar, we will explore this question and discuss global policy approaches that focus on the intersection of displacement, gender, and sustainability. Through case studies, policy analysis, and participatory discussions, the seminar aims to critically assess past and current practices of states, international organizations, NGOs, and displaced people.


The seminar uses interactive participatory teaching and learning methods to foster critical debates. Students prepare for all sessions by reading the literature to take active part. Besides introductory inputs by the lecturer, group works on cases, a guest lecture, a role play, and a documentary serve to stimulate debates.



Assignments and credits

2 CP: reading of literature; regular active attendance; participation in group work and presentation of results

8 CP: additionally either an oral exam or a term paper (7,500 words) about a specific topic in the course

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: WT 2024/25