



The lecture notes and problem sheets accompanying the course will be made available on Learnweb (course GW-2022_2). Please sign up!


Credit points:


8 ECTS points for students who (i) attend the lectures, (ii) obtain at least 50% of all possible points on the problem sheets, and (iii) present at least twice at the blackboard in the tutorial. Solutions to the problem sheets can be handed in in groups of two. 4 ECTS points for students who only attend the lectures.




 Part I: Theory

- Geometrical approach to gravitational waves

- Field-theoretical approach to gravitational waves

- Generation of gravitational waves in linearized theory


Part II: Experiments

- Data analysis

- Gravitational-wave interferometers

- Pulsar timing arrays


Part III: Astrophysics

- Stellar collapse

- Neutron stars

- Black holes


Part IV: Cosmology

- Basics of FLRW cosmology

- Cosmological perturbation theory

- Cosmic inflation

- Cosmic microwave background

- Stochastic backgrounds

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: WiSe 2024/25