Introduction to EFL I (Group 2) 

The course presents a comprehensive introduction to the complex field of English as a foreign/second language education in schools, with a particular focus on the German school context, while at the same time taking account of the findings of international research. It covers a number of topics, including the theories of language acquisition, learning and teaching vocabulary items and grammar. It also considers general aspects of teaching communicative competences.

Please note that the two courses (groups 1 & 2), taught respectively on Wednesdays between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. by Dr. Daniel Becker and Thursdays between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. by Prof. Frauke Matz, share identical content and are based on a common learnwebspace, which you will be invited to access in the first week. Classes commence in the first week of the term. It is  important to ensure that you read and understand the texts provided, and to be fully prepared for each session.   

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: WiSe 2024/25