This course will concentrate on the acquisition and improvement of academic writing skills. The techniques employed by writers at university level will be analysed and put into practice. Various types of texts will be practised. The aim of this course is to help you improve your written English and develop a personal writing portfolio. To these ends class periods may containan instructional segment and workshop segment. The instructional segment will be used for teaching about style, form, grammar, and the writing process. The workshop segment will be used to review and edit your writing samples with peers and the instructor. If possible, please bring your own laptop computer to the course.Dieser Kurs wird für die Allgemeinen Studien anerkannt. Der Anteil des Präsenzstudiums beträgt insgesamt 24 Ustd. Außerdem ist eine Vor- und Nachbereitung der Kursstunden erforderlich.

Semester: SoSe 2024