Deutscher Titel: Beschneidung und Unreinheit der Heiden bei Paulus und im lukanischen Doppelwerk (Lk-Apg)

Dieses Seminar wird im Ganzen zweisprachig angeboten, wobei einzelne Sitzungen überwiegend auf Englisch stattfinden werden. Die Literatur zur Vorbereitung ist deutsch- und englischsprachig. 

This seminar reviews the role of circumcision in the early Christian mission to the Gentiles, taking its cue from the question posed by the late British New Testament scholar, James Dunn: ”Why was circumcision so important? Why was it such a focal point of dispute, of apologetic and polemic? What was at issue? What was at stake in all this? ... something of a fresh look at the old question is necessary – especially a fresh look which sets the question firmly within the context of the Judaism (or Judaisms) of the period.”  

The seminar will examine relevant New Testament texts (from the letters of Paul and from Luke-Acts) as well as Jewish texts from the Second Temple period through the prism of three possible meanings attached to the act of circumcision in the late Second Temple period: Circumcision as a mark of Jewish ethnicity, as a rite of passage from death to life, and as a purification procedure involved in the removal of Gentile impurity. At the end of the course, students will have gained a fresh approach to the question of why circumcision was such an important issue, and will also have reflected on how they can approach this issue today.

Lecturer: Dr. Matan Orian, Prof. Dr. Lutz Doering

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: ST 2024