In recent years, experiments have become increasingly important in political science. Therefore, this course approaches this topic and aims to deepen the understanding of experiment as a method. To this end, the basic ideas of the political science experiment will first be developed theoretically and methodologically. In the first phase of the course, practical examples will be given, including "classroom experiments". In the second phase, students develop and implement their own experiments in small groups. The course aims to familiarize students with systematic thinking about social science research processes.


Credit points for the course: In addition to attendance, a presentation must be given. An examination also requires the preparation of a "classroom experiment". The coursework and examinations should be carried out in small groups. The lecturer will explain exactly what this looks like at the beginning of the course and there will also be documents on the LearnWeb.


Notes: The course will NOT focus on discussing the results of experiments in detail, but rather on understanding the methodology used in more detail. In addition, basic knowledge about the development and implementation of research designs will be taught and applied in practice. The necessary documents for the course will be made available via the LearnWeb. There will be a wide range of supplementary literature that can provide incentives for in-depth reading. Political science is a reading discipline. Participation in the course requires a willingness to read the necessary texts for the course.

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: SoSe 2024