
Ø Basic notions (enlargement, integration, deepening, association, effective multilateralism, frontier securitisation, Arab Spring, frozen conflicts, energy dependance, Eastern Partnership, Union for the Mediterranean, Putinisation, Neo-Ottomanism, Neo-Islamism, Weimarisation, “ring of friends/ring of fire”, “Euro-skepticism of prosperity”, New Cold War, Neo-Containment etc.)
Ø Analysis of ENP states and regional dynamics
Ø EU interests and priorities in its neighbourhoods
Ø Asymmetrical Risks and Threats to EU Security
Ø EU-NATO relationship and common border management
Ø Russian alternative scenarios of regional preeminence and fragmentation of its near abroad
Ø The War in Ukraine and its spillover effects
Ø EU enlargement perspectives and challenges


Key questions:

1. Is ENP a tool for either EU regional hegemony, or export of democracy and market economy?
2. Which are the limits of EU and NATO enlargement processes?
3. Which external risks and threats are affecting EU security?
4. How to contain Russian expansionism?
5. Are the EU smart power tools working in/for the neighbourhoods?


Selective Bibliography:

1. Stefan Gänzle, (2009) - ‘EU Governance and the European Neighbourhood Policy: A Framework for Analysis’, Europe-Asia Studies, 61(10), pp. 1715–1734. doi: 10.1080/09668130903278926
2. Richard G. Whitman, Stephan Wolff (eds.), 2012 - The European Neighbourhood Policy in Perspective, London: Palgrave
3. Hrant Kostanyan (ed.), 2017 – Assessing European Neighbourhood Policy. Perspectives from the Literature, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels, London: Roman and Littlefield International
4. Tobias Schumacher, Andreas Marchetti, Thomas Demmelhuber (eds.), 2018, The Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy, London: Routledge
5. Agnieszka K. Cianciara, 2020, The Politics of the European Neighbourhood Policy, London: Routledge
6. Helen Wallace, Mark A. Pollack, Christilla Roederer-Rynning, Alistair R. Young (eds.), 2020 – Policy Making in the European Union, 8th edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, Chapters 17 (Bastian Giegerich, Foreign and Security Policy) and 19 (Ulrich Sedelmeier, Enlargement)
7. George Anglitoiu, (2005-2022) – The Transdniestr Conflict, EUBAM, EU Security Strategy, EU Intelligence Service Dilemma, Putinisation and Neocontainment, Putinisation and the European Union of Insecurity, The Case of the Islamic State as a Renovative Totalist Movement, and other essays on Republic of Moldova, Turkey, EFTA, CFSP/FASP, terrorism and organised crime etc.
8. ENP Official Documents


Evaluation requirements:

Studienleistung = 50% active attendance + 1 participation in debate or 1 short paper of approx. 2,000 words (e.g. SWOT analysis)
Prufungsleistung = 50% active attendance + 1 participation in debate or 1 short paper of approx. 2,000 words (e.g. SWOT analysis) + 1 final paper of approx. 5,000 words

Deadline for submission of papers – 30 September 2023

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: SoSe 2023