The seminar
-takes place three to four days between June 4th and June 8th. (this is pentacost weekend and the days after where pentacost holidays are set)
- will be held in Nordhorn, Germany, about 80km away, 1.5h by train.
- we will stay and sleep there for two to three nights
- costs per person will be about 120€ each.
- content will be: learning the game handball actively, observing German Bundesliga Hanndball match and training sessions of team, interviews with team captain and co-trainer, discussion about performance analysis in handball with players and more.
- pre-meeting with all info will take place in April, date will be announced.
- pre-registration via Learnweb (subscribe for the course) until April 4th necessary for participation
- minimum of 14 participants, maximum 30
- questions via mail to Dennis (
- Lehrende/r: Dennis Dreiskämper
- Lehrende/r: Frank Scheele