The seminar begins on April 14th, 2022!


For something to become part of the political agenda, for politicians to envision it or for citizens to demand it, it has to be thinkable. Accordingly, narratives of utopian or dystopian ecological futures matter. From a political science perspective, moreover, it is interesting to see what these narratives say about democracy, citizenship, or social justice. This seminar, therefore, introduces students to utopian and dystopian examples of ecofiction. We will read, watch and discuss a number of these over the course of the term. We will also explore different ways of creating such visions ourselves.


Studienleistung: short reviews of assigned readings or films

Prüfungsleistung: Hausarbeit (details will be announced in class)

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: SoSe 2022