Auf 35 Studierende begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl, Anmeldung erforderlich!

This seminar examines both the history of and recent developments in public memory in both the United States and Germany. Using examples from the current controversy over Confederate Monuments in the US as well as from local Holocaust and First World War memorials here in Münster, this course will explore both the cultural and educational aspects of public memory. In the German context, this course will visit the local Holocaust memorial and education site Villa ten Hompel in order to learn about the educational objectives and methods of the institution. Lastly, this seminar will also address recent German debates about Michael Rothberg’s concept of “multidirectional memory” and the remembrance of Germany’s colonial past.


This course will be conducted in English. All students seeking a grade will be expected to write a paper or sit for an exam on a historical topic.


Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: WiSe 2021/22