Auf 35 Studierende begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl, Anmeldung erforderlich!

Diese Veranstaltung wird voraussichtlich als Präsenzlehrveranstaltung angeboten – eine kontinuierliche digitale Begleitung ermöglicht auch den Studierenden, die nicht in Präsenz mitarbeiten können, die Teilnahme.

John Dewey was an American educational reformer, whose ideas have been greatly influential in the United States, in Europe, and around the world. He is recognized as the leading representative of the progressive movement in U.S. schooling during the first half of the 20th century. His greatest literary achievement is his book ”Democracy and Education. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education”. The book was published in 1916 – at a time when President Woodrow Wilson went to war against Germany in order that the world ”be made safe for democracy.” Trying to understand the historical context of Dewey’s book is important. On the other hand, Dewey’s masterpiece teaches us lessons that have not lost their relevance in the 21st century. In the seminar we will read and discuss the most important passages of that bulky book. We will also read texts by some of Dewey’s coevals such as Randolph Bourne or Horace Kallen.

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: WiSe 2020/21