Smart cities can be regarded as the latest administrative reform and digital innovation in most metropolitan cities globally. Smart cities have a strong focus on sustainability. In smart cities as well as in former urban New Public Management modernization and Post Weberian reforms, the important role of the citizens in planning as well as monitoring has been highlighted. Online and offline participation can reinvigorate town planning and policymaking as well as policy monitoring processes at the local level. Here innovation in different policy fields such as energy, mobility and health as well as administrative context are analyzed.

The international seminar focuses on open data, open innovation, online participation, smart energy, smart mobility, smart architecture etc. as components of a smart city. International best and bad practices will be analyzed.

The seminar encompasses 2-3 preparing seminar where the research and posters will be prepared. At a final workshop German and Brazilian as well as Phd students will present their research. At this event students will present and discuss their in a final results in a poster-show. The first meeting will be held at Thursday 11.4.  - 16.00. The final workshop with the poster-show is scheduled for Thursday 27.7./28.7.

Open government data and Open government create chances and possibilities for Open innovation and inclusion of the citizen. Here Cities are crucial but under researched. In particular the implementation by the cities is often reluctant. Brazil is a founding member of the Open government partnership (OGP) and hosted the first OGP conference. Germany became a member in 2018.

Brazil is regarded as a frontrunner in local deliberative democratic innovation. Participatory budgeting was implemented since the 1990s in a number of cities and the city of Porto Alegre is regarded as a the frontrunner globally. In Germany, deliberative participatory reforms (re-)started in the 1990s but Participatory budgeting processes were implemented as an administrative instrument in the 2010s. In both countries in recent years digitalization changed the form and structure of participatory instruments. 

What are goals, structurers and institutions of smart cities? What contextual factors are helpful? How can successful smart cities be evaluated (Indicators)? What will be the future of smart cities?

The international seminar encompasses teaching staff of Münster University and Brasilian Universities (Universidade de São Paulo (USP), allied partners are Universidad Federal Rio Grande do Sur, UFRGS (Porto Alegere). The interdisciplinary network includes faculties of Law and Institutes of Sociology and Political Science. Besides this professors, doctoral students from the different disciplines will be included in the network.

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: ST 2019