Whether the nineteenth century revolutionized the book publishing industry or merely saw a logical continuation of the impulse set off by Gutenberg’s printing press in the 1450s, the decades after 1830 are intriguing because all stages of the life cycle of the book – production, distribution and consumption – have been affected radically by the so-called Industrial Revolution. This seminar will look at the Victorian Age from the perspective of book studies, a discipline that will also be introduced, so newcomers are welcome too. Selected case studies including authors (e.g. Oscar Wilde), publishers, but also readers and other agents that influence the life-cycle of the book will reveal how the social, technical and political developments of the Victorian Age affected the book market. They will also make clear why book studies is such a complex, yet fascinating, discipline.

Date of first meeting: 17 October 2018

Kurs im HIS-LSF

Semester: WiSe 2018/19