This course is being carried out as a pilot project within the scope of the instructor's doctoral research. The course will mainly train students' spoken English, as well as dealing with listening comprehension. It is expected that students have access to a computer and a recording device (e.g. mobile telephone / computer microphone / dictation machine), as part of the assessment of the course depends on recorded answers and tasks on Moodle. As the doctoral research project is about the topic of creativity in spoken language, students will be rewarded for their use of creativity in their language and in their implementation of the course tasks.

Please note: some class sessions will be filmed in order to collect data for the dissertation project.

Semester: SoSe 2012

Auf dieser Plattform können alle Teilnehmer des Tandemprogramms Informationen zum Tandemlernen erhalten, sich untereinander austauschen und über interkulturelle Themen in der Muttersprache und Fremdsprache diskutieren.

Semester: Semesterunabhängig