• Curriculum vitae

    03-04 + 08-09/2014 Forschungsaufenthalt
    Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Niederlande
    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
    am Institut für Landschaftsökologie und in der Lehreinheit 1 des Fachbereichs Geowissenschaften der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU); Front Office Geographie/Landschaftsökologie
    2007-2012  Promotionsstudentin
    an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Anfertigung der Dissertation am Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei Berlin; Thema: Impacts of ship-induced waves on benthic macroinvertebrates; gefördert durch ein Promotionsstipendium der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt und der Stiftung Ursula Merz
    Herbst 2007 Forschungsaufenthalt
    Limnologisches Institut der Universität Konstanz
    2000-2006 Studium der Landschaftsökologie
    WWU Münster und Università Ca'Foscari (Venedig)


  • Teaching

    • Diverse Tagesexkursionen
    • Übung Einführung in die Landschaftsökologie / Physische Geographie 1
    • Seminar: Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehung an Gewässern
    • Seminar: Journalclub
    • Seminar: Biologische Invasionen und ihre Auswirkungen auf Ökosysteme
    • Praktikum: Erfassung und Bestimmung aquatischer Wirbelloser (Makrozoobenthos)
    • Große Exkursionen: Spree – von der Quelle bis zur Mündung, Rhein – von der Quelle bis zur Mündung, Berlin / Brandenburg
    • 3-Tages-Exkursionen (z.B. Nordhessen / Diemeltal, Nationalpark Hainich)
    • Koordination: Kolloquium des Instituts für Landschaftsökologie
    •  Betreuung diverser Studien- und Forschungsprojekte
  • Research interests

    • Aquatic invertebrates
    • Freshwater Ecology
    • Distribution and effects of microplastics in freshwater ecosystems
    • Biological invasions
    • Restoration ecology
    • Aquatic-terrestrial coupling
    • Multiple Stressors
    • Hydrodynamic disturbances (ship-induced waves)
    • Experimental ecology

    BMBF joint research project MikroPlaTaS [en]

    Team at ILÖK:

    •  Diana Michler-Kozma [en] (PhD student)
    •  Juliane Baltes (student assistent)
    •  Christian Lieske (student assistent)
    •   Nina Krumschmidt (student assistent)


  • Publications


    2024 Gabel F, Vosshage ATL, Meyer EI (2024): Non-native amphipods reach higher maximum swimming velocities than natives. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 948. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174794
    2023 Bakenhus I, Jongsma R, Michler-Kozma D, HölscherL, Gabel F, Holert J , Philipp B (2023):
    A domesticated photoautotrophic microbial community as a biofilm model system for analyzing the influence of plastic surfaces on invertebrate grazers in limnic environments.
    Front. Microbiol. 14:1238913. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1238913

    Eibes, P.M., F. Gabel (2022): Floating microplastic debris in a rural river in Germany: Distribution, types and potential sources and sinks. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 816 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151641.

    Michler-Kozma D.N., Neu T.R., Gabel  F. (2022): Environmental conditions affect the food quality of plastic associated biofilms for the benthic grazer Physa fontinalis. Science of the Total Environment https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151663

    Michler-Kozma, D.N., Kruckenfellner, L., Heitkamp, A. Ebke, K.P., Gabel, F. (2022): Uptake and Transfer of Polyamide Microplastics in a Freshwater Mesocosm Study. Water 14 (6): 2073-4441. DOI: 10.3390/w14060887

    2021 Setyorini, L., Michler-Kozma, D., Sures, B., Gabel, F. (2021): Transfer and effects of PET microfibers in Chironomus riparius. Science of the Total Environment, 757: 143735 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143735

    Hübner, M. K.; Michler-Kozma, D.N.; Gabel, F. (2020): Microplastic concentrations at the water surface are reduced by decreasing flow velocities caused by a reservoir. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 194: 49 - 56. doi: 10.1127/fal/2020/1307

    Wendt-Potthoff, K.; Gabel, F. (2020): Plastics in freshwater ecosystems. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 194: 33 - 35. doi: 10.1127/fal/2020/1350


    Verberk WCEP., Leuven RSEW., van der Velde G., Gabel F. (2018): Thermal limits in native and alien freshwater peracarid Crustacea: The role of habitat use and oxygen limitation. Functional Ecology 00:1–11. doi

    Vosshage, A.T.L.; Neu, T.R.; Gabel, F.; (2018): Plastic alters biofilm quality as food resource of the freshwater gastropod Radix balthica. Environmental Science and Technolology 52 (19): 11387 - 11393. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.8b02470

    2017 Gabel F., Lorenz S., Stoll S.: Effects of ship-induced waves on aquatic ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment 601-602: 926-939, doi
    2015 Porst G., Gabel F., Lorenz S., Miler O.: Implications of hydromorphological alterations to the littoral zone for freshwater ecosystem functioning. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 186: 279-282
    2013 Lorenz S., Gabel F., Dobra N., Pusch M.: Modelling the effects of recreational boating on self-purification activity provided by bivalve mollusks in a lowland river. Freshwater Science 32: 82-93
    2012 Gabel F., Garcia X.F., Schnauder I., Pusch M.: Effects of ship-induced waves on littoral benthic invertebrates. Freshwater Biology 57: 2425-2435
    2011 Gabel F., Pusch M.T., Breyer P., Burmester V., Walz N., Garcia X.-F.:Differential effect of wave stress on the physiology and behaviour of native versus non-native benthic invertebrates. Biological Invasions 13: 1843-1853
    2011 Gabel F., Stoll S., Fischer P., Pusch M.T., Garcia X.-F.: Waves affect predator-prey interactions between fish and benthic invertebrates. Oecologia 165: 101-109
    2008 Gabel F., Garcia X.-F., Brauns M., Sukhodolov A., Leszinski M., Pusch M.T.: Resistance to ship-induced waves of benthic invertebrates in various littoral habitats. Freshwater Biology 53: 1567-1578