theater en face
The experimental theater en face with one or two productions per year works at the interface of theater and visual arts. Co-productions with musicians, visual artists and dancers work on the open borders between the arts, searching for new aesthetic forms between spoken theater, dance and performative art. Images and texts that converse with each other, sometimes even contradicting each other, are assembled into current issues. Each production deals with the possibilities that art has in the socio-political space.
Intensive body work and a strong visual language combine to create memorable performances. The stage actors (mostly trained at the Centrum für Rhetorik, Kommunikation und Theaterpraxis), inspired by their aesthetic training, often work with voice collages and chants.
The ensemble of theater en face consists of a permanent cast of freelance artists. It feels very attached to the Studiobühne as its place of training and plays there again and again between guest performances at other places.