“Digital Visual Journalism: Ethical Considerations in the Making. A Defining Photo from Ukraine”
© KWI, Foto: Kurbanov, eventfotograf.in

On 15 April 2024, Dr. Evelyn Runge gave a guest lecture entitled “Digital Visual Journalism: Ethical Considerations in the Making. A Defining Photo from Ukraine”, in which she introduced a critical insight into the discussion of ethical questions that are currently arising in relation to the changing field of (digital) visual journalism. The focus here was on ethical problems in the creation of photographs for war documentation, using the example of photographs taken during the war in Ukraine. Runge pointed out that in many cases journalistic codes have not yet been sufficiently modernized to adequately address the difficulties raised by digitalization. In contrast, she examined the ethical self-perception of war photographers and identified various central values such as respect for the dignity of those photographed or reflection on the impact on the environment. In the upfollowing discussion the question was raised whether a self-commitment by journalists is sufficient to regulate visual journalism in practice.

Dr. Evelyn Runge is Senior Researcher and Principal Investigator of the DFG-Project „Glokalisierung des digitalen Bildes: Ethik, Bildhandeln und innovative Methoden“ (DFG SPP 2172 „Das digitale Bild“) at the Institute of Media Culture and Theatre of the University of Cologne.