Prof. Dr. Eric Steinhauer
© Universität Münster | Stefan Klatt
  • Research Areas

    • Cultural memory and scientific working methods in the digital age
    • Cultural and information law
    • Morbid Library Studies
    • Rhetoric and didactics of law
    • Politics and ethics of cultural heritage institutions
    • Right of access
  • CV

    Academic career

    • Study of Law, Catholic Theology and Philosophy in Münster and Political Science and Education in Hagen

    • Student assistant to Prof. Dr. Hans Brox (Münster)

    • First state examination in law at the OLG Hamm

    • Proofreading assistant for public law and constitutional history of the modern era (Münster)

    • Assistant lecturer with Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Vormbaum (Hagen) and Prof. Dr. Janbernd Oebbecke (Münster)

    • Doctorate (Dr. jur.) under Prof. Dr. Bodo Pieroth (Münster) with a topic on constitutional (church) law

    • Honorary professor at the Institute for Library and Information Science at the Humboldt University of Berlin

    Librarian career

    • Library traineeship at the University Library in Freiburg/Brsg. and at the Bayerische Bibliotheksschule (today: Bibliotheksakademie Bayern) in Munich
    • Examination for the higher service at academic libraries
    • Librarian at the University Library Ilmenau/Thür.
    • Deputy Director of the University Library Magdeburg
    • Head of Media Processing at Hagen University Library
    • Deputy Director of Hagen University Library
    • Commissarial Director of Hagen University Library
  • Teaching

    • Lecturer in library law (in particular usage and university law) at the Bibliotheksakademie Bayern (formerly: Bayerische Bibliotheksschule) in Munich (since 2006)

    • Lecturer for Media Law – Legal Issues in Edition and Document Science at the University of Wuppertal (2011–2022)

    • Lecturer for Information Law at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (winter semester 2008/2009)

    • Lecturer for library and copyright law at the Institute for Library and Information Science at the Humboldt University of Berlin (summer semester 2009 to winter semester 2013/14)

    • Lecturer for media and copyright law at the Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig (SS 2012 and SS 2013)

    • Lecturer for library (administrative) law at the Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart (2008–2014)

  • Publications

    The list of publications can be found at

    Statements/hearings on library and copyright law issues – in particular on library laws and regulations on deposit copy law – before several state parliaments and the German Bundestag can be found at

    Eric Steinhauer is a co-editor of the journal “Recht und Zugang”:

  • Committees and associations

    • Member and spokesperson of the “Ombudsman for Science” committee

    • Member of the commission for the development of the position paper “Scientific publishing as the basis and field of science assessment – challenges and fields of action” at the German Research Foundation (DFG) (2021–2022)

    • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the journal “Bibliotheksdienst

    • As a representative of the German Research Foundation (DFG), member of the working group “Law for Science in the Digital Age” (formerly: “Legal Framework”) of the initiative “Digital Information” of the Alliance of German Science Organizations (2008–2021)

    • Member of the commission for the development of the “Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice – Codex” at the German Research Foundation (DFG); also head of the sub-commission “Data, Publications, Digital Change” (2018–2019)

    • Member of the expert commission for the evaluation of the cooperation network of Thuringian university libraries for the Thuringian Ministry of Economics, Science and Digital Society at the Scientific Commission of Lower Saxony (2018–2019)

    • Member of the “Scientific Collections” stakeholder committee of DARIAH-DE (until 2017)

    • Member of the legal working group of the Nestor competence network for digital long-term archiving (until 2017)

    • Member of the scientific advisory board of IUWIS (Infrastructure Copyright for Science and Education) (2009–2011)

    • Member of the working group “Library Law” at Bibliothek Information Deutschland (BID) (2005-2007)

    • Chairman of the Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thuringia regional association of the Association of German Librarians (VDB) (2004–2009)

    • Member of the Association Committee of the VDB (2004–2009)

    • Member of the Libraries Working Group of the Main Staff Council of the former Thuringian Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (2006–2008)

    • Trainee representative on the VDB Commission for Professional Qualifications (2001–2005)