- Fellow Desk, Centre of Advanced Stuy „Access to Cultural Goods in Digital Change“ (KFG 33), University of Münster
- Coordinator, Collaborative Research Centre „Breaking Barriers – Immune cells and pathogens at cell / matrix barriers“ (SFB 1009), University of Münster
- Executive Assistant of the Centre for Advanced Study in Bioethics (FOR 1209), University of Münster
- Employee at the Office of the CDU group of the Westphalia-Lippe Regional Assembly (Landschaftsversammlung Westfalen-Lippe)
- Coordinator and Asisstant for four model-projects of the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL), Department of Health
- Employee of the Centre for Marginalised Culture/Documentation Centre for Literature and Psychiatry/Documentation Centre for Prison Literature, Institute for German Language and Literature and its Didactics, University of Münster
- Senior Care Assistant, Rosebury House (Residential Home for the Elderly), Addlestone, Surrey (England)
- Foreign language correspondent/export clerk, Heinrich Kuper GmbH & Co. KG, Rietberg
- Continuation (part-time) of the studies in English/German Studies/Educational Science/Psychology (completion of the main study programme, admission to the 1st state examination for secondary level II), University of Münster
- Training as a foreign language correspondent in English/French (IHK exam), inlingua language school Gütersloh
- Studies in English/German Studies/Educational Science, University of Münster
- Abitur, Ratsgymnasium Rheda-Wiedenbrück
- Project assistance with the BAMF federal model project „SeM – Sekundäre Suchtprävention bei spätausgesiedelten jungen Menschen in Münster“
- Organisation of the third cooperation day „Sucht und Drogen NRW“
- Project assistance for the EU project „SEARCH II – Suchtprävention für Flüchtlinge, Asylbewerber und illegale Migranten“
- Project coordination for the EU project „Spaces to Live/Nähe – Weite – Lebenswelten“ (Art and Psychiatry)
- Project assistance for the EU project „SEARCH – Suchtprävention für Flüchtlinge und Asylbewerber“
- Organisation of the culture festival: „Grenzgänge – normal verRückt – verRückt normal“ (jointly with Prof. Dr. Helmut H. Koch), Münster
- Choir of the University of Münster (since 2016: board member)