Dr. Regine Ehleiter
© Universität Münster | Stefan Klatt

Dr. Regine Ehleiter has been a Senior Fellow with the Centre for Advanced Study “Access to Cultural Goods in Digital Change” since October 2024. She was previously a research associate at the Cluster of Excellence “Temporal Communities. Doing Literature in a Global Perspective” at the Free University of Berlin, the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig and the University of Hildesheim. Her work focusses on modern and contemporary art. Her research interests include transnational exhibition history, artistic writing and publication practices and ecological discourses.

Regine Ehleiter studied cultural studies, art history and journalism in Leipzig and London. Her dissertation on practises of exhibiting in publications, based on international archival research, traces the transformation of the publicising of art in the 1960s along the desideratum of participation and was published by Edition Metzel in 2024. In her habilitation project, she examines the concept of planetarity, which encourages a reconsideration of the history of global warming beyond the earth- and human-fixated guiding principle of globalisation, with regard to its potential for the discipline of art studies.

She has published numerous articles in art magazines and exhibition catalogues, is co-founder of the D21 Kunstraum Leipzig and has curated exhibitions on contemporary art since 2010, including for the Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden and the Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck. In 2024, she organised the first solo exhibition of Argentinian conceptual artist Mirtha Dermisache in Germany (“Mirtha Dermisache: To Be Read”, A-Z Berlin and oxfordberlin). As co-initiator and co-curator of the series “Reading Artists’ Books” (with Tabea Nixdorff), she is dedicated to the digital mediation of artistic publication practices.