InChangE Summer School 2023
© JICE – Tobias Zimmermann

InChangE Summer School 2023

Consequences of individualisation

Individualisation is studied in the humanities and social sciences as well as in natural sciences – but largely without exchange regarding methods, questions and generalisation of results. But it is precisely this collaborative discourse that is important to enable a comprehensive understanding of the causes and consequences, opportunities and risks, as well as the ethical evaluation of increasing individualisation.

The InChangE Summer School 2023 invited PhD students and postdocs to intensively engage with these aspects in an interdisciplinary discourse. Together with invited speakers, the participants explored the consequences of individualisation in keynote talks, group sessions and workshops from the perspective of different disciplines.

Date: 25–29 September 2023
Location: Landhaus Rothenberge
Rothenberge 83a
48493 Wettringen
Registration fee: Free of charge

Invited speakers

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gadau
Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, University of Münster

Prof. Dr. Laurent Lehmann
Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne

Prof. Dr. Michael Quante
Department of Philosophy, University of Münster

Dr. Christine Schmidt
SAFIR Research Funding Support, University of Münster

Silvio Suckow
WZB Berlin Social Science Center

Prof. Dr. Claudia Voelcker-Rehage
Department of Neuromotor Behavior and Exercise, University of Münster

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InChange Summer School 2023 - Programme


© JICE – Tobias Zimmermann
  • © JICE – Tobias Zimmermann
  • © JICE – Tobias Zimmermann
  • © JICE – Tobias Zimmermann
  • © JICE – Tobias Zimmermann
  • © JICE – Tobias Zimmermann
  • © JICE – Tobias Zimmermann
  • © JICE – Tobias Zimmermann
  • © JICE – Tobias Zimmermann
  • © JICE – Tobias Zimmermann
  • © JICE – Tobias Zimmermann
Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia