Scholarship for Equal Opportunities of the International Office

As part of the DAAD STIBET I programme, the International Office advertises Scholarships for Equal Opportunities funded by the Federal Foreign Office. The scholarship is a short-term scholarship for international students of the University of Münster (not included are: language courses, exchange programmmes, part-time programmes "Zertifikat"-programmes and doctoral studies) who find themselves in a financially difficult situation due to specific social challenges.

The current submission period closes on September 30, 2024.

  • Who can receive the scholarship?

    Educational foreigners (students who have obtained their university entrance qualification outside of Germany) and who do not have German citizenship and are enrolled at the University of Münster while facing specific social challenges. Monthly earnings during the funding period must not exceed €1,200 brutto.

  • What are the selection criteria?

    • specific social challenges during studies (at least one criterion must be met):
      • special care situation of children
      • relatives in need of special care
      • disability
      • chronic illness
      • refugee background
    • good academic performance
    • financial need
  • What does the scholarship include?

    The amount of the scholarship depends on the funds available and your individual situation. As a rule, you can receive financial support of up to € 750 for 1-5 months.

  • What documents do you need to submit?

    • Application form
    • Proof of special social challenges (e.g. birth certificate(s) of your child/children, documents from the care insurance fund, medical certificate or certificate of disability, recognition of refugee status, if this is not evident from the residence permit)
    • Current enrolment certificate
    • Current overview of grades or achievements
    • Copy of residence permit (for EU citizens: copy of identity card/passport)
    • Bank statements for the last three months of all your bank accounts (also blocked account, if available)
    • Letter of motivation (maximum 1 DIN A4 page)
    • Curriculum vitae
    • If you have already received scholarships from other organisations: Notification thereof
  • What is the procedure?

    1. Send your application documents in one PDF file by email to: at the latest of 30th of September 2024.
    2. The selection committee will review your application.       
    3. You are expected to be informed of the selection by October 15, 2024.
  • Contact

    Inga Schubert